[emo] Presenting: the solution to all your problems (9)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-03 22:31 ID:xclcOUpX

Now, there's been a lot of 'wah wah bad relationship, rah rah, breakup' shit going on in general lately. And i'm not saying i haven't been part of it or anything, but it doesn't mean i want to listen to you guys whining. So, i present to you the, THE, solution:

"The best and largest dating site for gothic, goth , punk, vampire, metal, industrial, fetish, goth rock, occult, skulls, monsters, dark, darkwave, mysticism."


So, run forth my lonely depressed minions, hook up with goth chicks that cut themselves, have bad relationships that last the autumn and come back like migrating birds with new girl headaches, entertaining stories and spread depression around christmas or whatever, actually coming back around the winter solstice would be pretty fucking paganistic.


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