hes a stupid retarded highschool kid. Or college, whatever. let him suffer and be a total retard unless he approaches you, in which case you should say "leave me alone, faggot!" except nicely, of course.
There are many guys that will love you for who you are, and want YOU to be happy, not them to be happy because of you.
> The real reasons are he has anger issues, drinking issues
^he, apparently, is the latter. Teach him a lesson and end his retarded teenage angst. God I hate kids like this.
Also, I always see girls mention clinginess as a bad thing. I am very clingy to my girlfriend, and she says she never liked it before but it "suits" me. What's wrong with clinginess? Doesn't it just make for a more intimate relationship, where you're secure and with each other all the time because that's what makes you happy? You know, clinging and being with the one you love?