Single Female Rant thread (58)

57 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-17 23:35 ID:OfjZGNt+

My boyfriend cries just as much as me at sad things. Yes, I'm a female, not some gay bloke.
I wouldn't be impressed, but it's definitely nice to see that he's human. He's not overly sensitive, nor overly unsensitive - pretty much the same level of sensitivity as me.
One (just one :-p) of my female friends hate it when guys cry in a nonmanly way (being silent, a few tears running down the cheeks). She knows it's unhuman and stereotype, but she can't help how she feels about it.

I need to get her to read the book about gender studies i have.
Damned interesting book.

Another female friend of mine finds crybabies of any gender annoying, and a third female friend is a sucker for "feminine" boys, including the whole crying often bit.

===The entire 4-ch is hereby commanded to read up on genderstudies. And i do mean serious scientific such, not radical militant "feminist" texts in disguise. Damned good stuff.[ as an intro ]===

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