Introversion (34)

21 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-03 15:40 ID:Heaven

I'm an introverted female so let's not categorize this as only a male thing.
I was exactly like >>15 in high school, especially that everyone thought I was very strange, and still do, only because I don't think the way they think. I had zero social skills until a year ago, when I realized that if I don't care about a person's impression of me, then I am very outgoing. So now I am okay in public.

As far as guys go, I've met many who are attracted to me because they smell weakness. It's difficult to hold a conversation with them, all they know are videogames and television. I've met other guys too, though -- so I would have to say this is true for every guy under 40. If girls are evil, guys are dumb. Not worth your time!

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