It's about 6:30 AM where I am, and I get off of work in 30 minutes.
Is anyone else up late? Or is usually up late?
The internet bares no timezone. Really.
At the moment its about 2:30am, Jan 1st 2006 localtime.
3:03 a night owl.
3:30 here.
tick tock goes the clock...up up up
it is now 16.22 i am still awake, having my first meal in twenty hours and am so drunk i can barely stand but i'm too hungry to pass out ;_;
When I'm not bound by school, I usually go to sleep at 5am on the average. In extreme cases, 7am.
stillllllllllll uppppppppp cant sleeeeeeeep.
It just seems right to go to sleep at late hours of the night, for me. Although it's a pain in the ass to re-adjust the schedule when school starts up again.
Sleep during the day to block out the eye-harming light? Maybe?
Sigh... another late night at work tonight OTL
yeah, its 3:40am where i am, i suppose the intarweb doesnt have a sense oftime does it =)
∧_∧ (´<_` ) Why are you still up...?
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I think it does, but in certain areas. Like 2ch is really busy during late night, Japan time. SomethingAwful is busy during USA peak hours, and Starcraft is insanly busy when Korean schoolkids get home from school.
I slept from 2:30 to 10:30 pm most of my senior year of high school. At the time I thought it was great being up at night like that, but later I regretted it since it meant I totally sacrificed the opportunity to socialize with real humans.
... it's 6:46AM. WHY am I still up? T______T
yeah I always find myself staying up late
Me too. I try to go to bed by 10, but it always ends up being after 11, sometimes even after midnight :(
I've been trying to go to bed at 12 midnight, but have been averaging 4 am. It's 4:28 now. Ugh.
I slept all day yesterday and now I will be awake all night.
Up late again to reset my sleep schedule; classes start tomorrow. (・∀・)
I'm going to bed about 3am and waking up about 12. It's 18:36 in here now...
bumping this thread at 4:30 am
yay yay
Going to bed, now. I´m going to be so fucking tired in the morning>_<
I can't believe it's 10:01 pm already. I'm already one minute late going to bed! And not only that, but it'll probably take at least 15 minutes for me to finish up here! Damnit!
2pm and i just woke up... was up till 4am yesterday watching some doramas... usual for me in weekends...
My attempt to get back onto a fairly normal sleeping schedule was going smoothly, until a few nights ago when I got sick to my stomach and couldn't go to sleep until that was....corrected. Which was around 4 a.m. Back to square one!
heh, I'm back to sleeping at at least 4 AM
I don't sleep at all....
so I shouldn't contribute? To bed at 7pm and up at 2am?
studying til 3am, up at 7am for exam. gotta love exam (hell) week
I HAVE A 20+ page RESEARCH PAPER DUE in 2 DAYS, its 10pm right now. I HAVENT STARTED. what am i gonna do?! AP US HISTORY test THIS FRIDAY, 3 SATIIs this Saturday, AP GOVERNMENT TEST NEXT TUESDAY, holy fucking shit, this shit is made up of fail and aids, and i just spent 16 hours playing the new guild wars factions and got to lv20 already. DAMN!
I spent today catching up on Fate Stay Night (1-17), although I have homework due tueday morning and an exam tuesday afternoon, although I have't really studied for it.
I guess I have 4 more hours (until 4 AM :p) and then whatever's left of tomorrow after I wake up.
Hi. I was up late tonight so I checked this thread. Also, I'm a japanese, from 2-ch. May I post here?
it's 1:45 am and i've got an hour of work to do! woo!
i'm not up late...since it's onnly 5:14 here (HK)...but will look forward to comin' here when I am up late!
"Promising them liberty, whereas they themselves are the slaves of corruption. For by whom a man is overcome, of the same also he is the slave." -- Peter, 2:19am
it's not too late right now.. 1:01am in UK
2:50 AM in Norway and I've had a splendid day :)
I just finished playing FFXI... It is now 3:49AM
I was up all night again :(
I woke up at 3am today
I dunno if that counts as early or late ;_;
>>44 That's usually the time we sleep right?
It's only 12 midnight over here, and I'm not going to be able to hold on any longer...\(O
0109 here orz
3:34, studying for my final exam at the last minute.
lol, students.
0309 here, not doing anything important, just happen to always be up at this time of night
I'll get to sleep sometime between 4 and 6 am hopefully
0548 here, and i'm about to go to sleep. I probably shouldn't've stayed up this late, as I have to go to my graduation (and subsequent parties) today, but habit is a strong thing...
Don't go to your graduation. I'm not, it's a stupid ritual.
It is 6:35 AM, I haven't slept and I plan on staying up all day.
Wish me luck!
Dude go to your graduation. It's not for yourself, but it makes your parents happy. I think graduation sucked too, but there was a little part that felt really great: knowing that you're really done, and off to a new adventure. Cheesy, but that's how life sometimes is.
Definitely...go to graduation, if anything just to show yourself that with only a few hours sleep, you can still find the energy and courage to MOON your fellow classmates!
Graduation is a waste of valuable study time.
It's only 12:33 am, I want to do a lot of things but keep getting distracted..
Almost 10:00pm now.
Late enough for me.
3:30 here, was 3:00 second to the last time I looked.
Off to bed.
2:15am in HK...just finished a silly conversation over MSN (where a webcam was used).
Feeling...mixed...intentions...unknown...but left for another day.
1:10 am, should be asleep.
Here, check this out
2:34am, should be asleep...but can't...why, oh why?
12:35, I could stay up all night if I wanted to. No responsibilties!
[01:27] and bored
10:36 and i have to go and buy some stuff i don't want but i need it for living (food)
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01:48 and hot. 32C is no fun AT ALL.
And I need to dig the motorbike out tomorrow. Peeling my jacket off is going to be fun later..( ´Д`)
4:42 AM and bored out of my mind. It seems as though I've already visited my usual sites a few times, but I'm still not very tired.
0:27, planning to stay up until 3 in order to take advantage of BLAZING INTERNET SPEED.
i wake up at 5 a.m. for school. =(
If I have any college classes at 8:30 AM, I have to wake up around 4:30, leave to catch the bus at about 5:30, and get to school around 8:10.
it's 1am where i'm at now. i've stay up late eversince i became unemployed for the past month now. i guess i'm too depressed these days to even sleep.
worrying if i'm ever gonna get a job. nevertheless i'll keep searching. =_=
I've been sleeping from 2-6 both AM to PM in order to make an 8 AM class.
It's 1:36 AM now.
At this time, alone, 7:30 pm, always alone, Im always like this, in my room, but this time, I feeling really down, and I want to suicide. I'm thinking if it is worth living, which I don't think so. I want to kill myself. I have no one.. no one likes me, no girl and women loves me, it's been proven and proven again by experience that I can't get any love anywhere. I really want to die but I 'm such a coward to do it. It seems so hopeless. I really considering trying out the charcoal method of suicide. is there hope for me? it all seem so bleak and grim... I 'm so worthless now..... I can't get one anyone to like me. I want to DIE GOD DAMN IT!! *cries
It's 4:12, class starts at 7:20, and have several hours of work that I haven't done over the past two weeks and in all likelyhood won't due in the future. If I were in Japan I would probably be a hikkomori by now (I managed to miss months of school twice in the past.) As it is I'm considering leaving the country to become an acsetic/opium fiend. I'm going to listen to some music.
its 1:45pm and i am at work (well, kind off, is volunteering considered work?) going to the gym after, meeting friends and maybe ramen for dinner.
it's 11:30 almost, I'm waiting for 12:00 when my girlfriend and I are going to masturbate together over the phone.
it's 2:30am here, jsut got home affter serious drinking. Lots and lots of beer later I find myself very conscient to post at 4-ch and reply smoe e-mails and waita call of my gf... it's getting too late... gonna call her
12:16 PM here. Not late, but I didn't sleep last night so I guess it is.
11:52 pm here, about to go to work.
4:56 am here...and have an interview at Gamestop tomorrow...
new here. hope you don't mind my dropping in. bows
3:30 am. I plan to sleep for 2 hours in a few minutes, wake up and prepare for school, catch the bus at 7:15, and it to school just before class starts at 10:00.
Somewhere in there I have to get 4 hours of homework done.
8:15 am, just got home from work (about an hour earlier than usual).
i'll probably stay up until about noon, at which time i will have been awake for approximately 24 hours.
maybe someday i'll try to break my old record from when i was in high school (76 hours, 37 minutes).
76 hours? nice.
sleep deprivation isn't my friend...
1:54 pm and i'm still awake... i really need to get some sleep or i'm going to be dead at work tonight...
it was really nice when i was in high school and didn't have to think or anything...
I've done just about 76 hours before. Back in the days when I was young and inspired by having seen Pete & Pete years ealier.
7:50 AM.
Plan to stay up today.
skipping this sleep block, 3:41 AM today