Post your dreams. (360)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-01 21:55 ID:5PO+RaZw

I just found this in my diary from last year.

September 2005
I guess this dream took place in 2010 or so, the library was "modern" (like a book store) but also old, run-down, and overflowing with unsorted books. It was snowing outside and I was glad to come in. I looked around in the Japan section, and next to the usual travel guides and history books there was a phone-book sized guide: "Hikikomori (Revised Edition)". I started flipping through it, it talked about how you should find your Hermes to set a good example for other otaku, and how Key fans had petitioned to build a statue commemorating Ayu in central Tokyo. The book was huge and overflowing with everything that had been written about otaku and hikikomori. I started reading from the first chapter...

2 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-01 22:01 ID:5PO+RaZw

Oh look, here's my old thread from General in the Google cache.

1 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-30 17:32 ID:nvaUjzEQ

Last night I dreamt that I was living near a lake.
Nevada-tan had got out of juvie, but her Japanese citizenship had been revoked.
She had been sold into slavery, and the mean landlord who owned the lake had put her in a cage just to show her off.
There was a racetrack around the lake being run by the landlord; I took it over and freed Nevada, and made her the judge of the race.
She was older, like 14 maybe, but she still had her Nevada sweatshirt, and she was very cute and sassy.
Some people might say I'm reading 4chan too much, but I'd love to dream of Nevada every night.

3 Name: 1 2004-12-01 15:04 ID:Dw3B31UA

I dreamt of Nevada-tan again last night.
I dreamt I was with my family in Japan at a high school soccer game. A Japanese girl recognized me from her American elementary school. She was only half-Japanese, and her father had donated ten million dollars to the Bush campaign.
I dreamt we went to a Disneyland which bordered Japan and Canada. (Dream logic.) My little brother was angry and broke one of the rides. We rode a creaky monorail to the Canada side. At the end of the monorail was a Canada-themed restaurant. The waiter there greeted us and said, "Hisashiburi", but we had brought no money to eat there.
It was raining, and the restaurant leaked. They collected the rain in buckets and cans.
While we drove home, we picked up a drenched hitchhiker. It was Nevada. She came home with us. As we walked up the steps to our house, she tripped and fell.
She went into the bathroom and stripped down. "Let me wash them," said my mom. "There's no blood!" said Nevada. "But didn't you trip and fall? Did it bleed a little?" asked my mom. "There's no blood!" cried Nevada, hysterical.
Suddenly, I was in the bathroom with her. I looked on the bathroom floor at the Nevada sweatshirt she had shed. Was there blood or wasn't there? Something invisible was wetting the shirt. Then it disappeared, and the shirt was clean and dry. Then it was both at the same time.
I woke up, and it was 7:00 AM. I was late for school.
In a hurry, I didn't remember my dream until first period.
Nevada-tan, how could I forget you? Is it true that you spilled blood again, or is it only a ghost of the past events that haunt you forever?

4 Name: Anonymous 2004-12-10 05:23 ID:wS01UGRg

your sick

5 Name: Anonymous 2004-12-11 18:57 ID:Heaven

I wish I would dream about nice things like Nevada-tan. Just right now, I had a crazy dream that was very unpleasant. There was some kind of bar in which the bartender spoke to another employee of the place. Then the employee foolishly mentioned something about ice cream over which the bartender flipped out and became very scared. Rightly so, because in the next second a giant, mad baboon was standing in the doorway.

He was mad because about something like the bartender having eaten his ice cream or some bullshit. Anyway, he preceeded to rape him, very violently. He intentionally did it so that it hurt the most. The baboon fucked him so forcefully, that he literally turned him inside out, the bartender screaming all the while.

The violence increased and increased until there weren't even bartender and baboon anymore but only body masses and piles of skin of which the one would force the other into all kinds of cruel, sadistic and torturous shapes, all with the means of rape, while it wasn't entirely too sure what the sexual part was and what the torture part was.

Then there was me, shocked by this, standing in a forest with my family and friends. We were all trees and looked like something out of Yoshi's island, very funky-weird and simplistically shaped. Everybody told me to accept it, that this was just another level of reality and that I couldn't overcome it without accepting it first.

Then I woke up. I didn't remember my dream at first, but I knew it was really scary to me and because I was curious, I closed my eyes and tried to get back to it, and thus I remembered. I wonder if me going back has anything to do with accepting this horrible reality.

6 Name: hk0!0khonVgaHI 04/12/13(Mon)22:21 ID:R4pp2NXf

I dreamt I had sex with Skuld.

That's it.
7 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/04(Tue)14:28 ID:20o/bnBr

Hi, it's 1 again. I can't remember my New Year's dream, but last night I dreamt I went back to my old summer camp.
After being introduced to the shitty counselors, we went to lunch. The stupid cooks had made some delicious desserts but had covered them in ice as if they were soft drinks. I took a soggy brownie before it dissolved.
I found some of my old camp "friends" and sat down next to them. Suddenly they all broke out into a grotesque song, which I can't quite remember but went something like this:

Whenever I wake up, I see you, Jeeeesuuuus
Because I carved your name into my eyeballs
Oh, I love you Jeeeesuuus
I opened my heart up to you, Jeeesusss
And I opened up my intestines too
Oh, how I love you Jeeessuuuuus

I remembered the tune to this when I woke up, and I sang it all the way to school (it was pretty catchy), but now I've forgotten it. Oh, well.

8 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/12(Wed)22:20 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>7 You have very disturbing and scary dreams, I myself do not have many dreams but next time I do I will post them!

3 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-01 22:06 ID:Heaven

These are a lot better than the usual dream-logs. Where people just vomit out a huge paragraph of boring text.

4 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-02 02:51 ID:UXNPswGU

A few nigth ago i dreamt that i was in a town walking in a mall.
Then i walked out into a old industril town and there came some combines from Hl2 and walked besides me , i think i where on some sort of transportation think with wheels.
Then i took a rigth turn and came to a large dumpster with a old car and a strange blue little car.
Then a huge carrier or destoryer apeared in the air and the combine with murdoc from macgyver came running.
I got on the carrier that was now on the sea and climed up in a construction tower(the one that lifts stuff) and trew then driver out and got in.
Then i climed down and started trowing stuff at murdoc that was trying to get onboard the carrier and finally killed him with some TNT.
Then i went into the carrier and met some japanese nija types , and found some japanese books.
Then i sat down and ate bread and found a book in engrish that sayd that there where som aliens there.
Then the aliens that where like ghosts came but got eaten by large worms and then both turned into solid matter.
Then i walked to a door and saw a alien machine and the door got closed.

5 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-02 02:57 ID:pT/5cA7E

Anyone get this "WTF this is just a dream" in their dreams.
Next time i get that i will do everything i can possibly think about.

6 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-02 06:55 ID:sq0dxjYN

12:49 PM 3/26/2005

I was in some kind of Japanese airport with my dad, and it seemed like we were here to pick up a Japanese stuardess and then head out. There were 2 pilots, I don't think either was my dad, a navigator (probably my dad in this dream), and the stuardess or w/e who just happened to sit beside me in the cockpit.
We started to drive around town in a van, and it wasn't until we went up this big ramp to the sky that I realized it had turned into an airplane. Right before we went up the ramp, I saw our motel, and it was interesting because I recognized it from the dream at an earlier time. I figured it was the big type of airplane such as the Airbus, but when we started taking all these sharp turns, the Japanese stuardess was somewhat frightened, and everyone else was in disarray.
The pilots were swearing, and my dad was saying out orders/navigations who knows. We had as lot of close calls with death, and it was when the view zoomed out to 3rd person I saw we were in a fighter plane. We were dodging what the pilots were calling "fucking flies" - it was another airplane sent out by the airbase to test the pilots reactions by presenting emminent collision. It buzzed around and made all these erratic and impossible movements for an airplane, although it was shaped like one. The buzzing sounded just like a fly.
Long story short, we lived.

7 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-02 06:56 ID:sq0dxjYN

7:28 PM 4/2/2005

I had another airplane dream of some kind. I can only remember that it was odd. Is this a fear of airplanes; what does this recurrence mean?

8 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-02 06:57 ID:sq0dxjYN

2:10 PM 4/3/2005

Last night I was feverish and sick while dreaming, my dreams were especially clear.

I was in an amusement park that was shaped like the strip of a mall, in fact the entire thing may have been contained indoors. I was alone, and wandering around by myself through this park. I couldn't ride on any rides because I was sick. But I could however eat food.
In my dream, I visited many food vendors that were on the street. I ate my own hand-made sandwich, then I visited a Mr. Sub shop and ordered a meatball sub. I went with the flow and got them to put toppings on it other than cheese. But halfway through the process I told the teenage guy working there to remove the pickles, and then to remove the tomatoes. Yet through the overhead view I saw, he snuck individual tomatoes etc into my food.
I devoured the sub nonetheless, and then I remember saying to someone that "no matter how much I eat, I still am hungry" I think I had visited McDonald's earlier in the day too.
I then walked through someone's back yard and onto [CENSORED] Road. There was some nonsensical meandering around here, then I believe I went back to the amusement park.

9 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-02 06:57 ID:sq0dxjYN

2:55 PM 4/4/2005

Another weird dream, I'm still sick. Ninjas... Tons of them. The premise of the dream is unclear. Somehow, when a bunch of us gathered together, we could Mijin Gakure. With bubbles. Something weird like that. I kept waking up in the middle of the night and feeling my forehead, I supposed I did not want to go to school the next day. My crazy dreams somewhat related. There weren't real ninjas. There was some kind of fault line. A bunch of the ninjas lined up on the line, then my dreams became cloudy.

10 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-02 06:58 ID:sq0dxjYN

12:29 PM 4/7/2005

A jock called me fat today in my dream, although that is hardly true. I am the skinniest person IRL. I had like 4 layers of clothing on, it was a weird dream and very short. I showed him the layers...

11 Name: 6 2006-01-02 07:12 ID:sq0dxjYN

I also once had a dream that I was masturbating this rubber chicken; a hot girl told me to apply it to your hair like hair-gel, "it's the hottest new fad!", so I did. It was very disturbing.

In another case, I had a dream that a friend whom I suspect might be gay was making out with another friend. In real life, someone ELSE mentionned that they had a similar dream involving the same people, out of jest, it seemed like too big of a co-incidence. Since he is a joker, I couldn't tell the group that I had this dream at the risk of looking gay. It was a truly cosmic moment.

I do not want to question my sexuality >.> lol

12 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-02 08:32 ID:gI7c5giv

I keep having dreams about girls i hate, i wonder if thats a sign for something....dreams where, theyre nice to me. I think thats damn weird.

one dream i got married to this girl i know and we both lived alone together, and many hijinks ensued and such. im pretty sure thats a sign that i've been watching WAYYYYYYYYYY too much anime havent i lol

13 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-02 22:23 ID:Heaven

Everything turns light green and it feels good. I wake up.

14 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-05 18:33 ID:Z5afqeHk

I dreamt something and thought I should post it here.
Then I forgot it.

15 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-05 18:37 ID:OWEoDlTg

>>14 yeah that happens a lot

16 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-05 19:11 ID:Od7Lm6H7

It´s a big race. First price is the black car. It´s really fast, but I´m right behind it. When we break for lunch I run as fast as I can and when the door to the restaurant is locked I kick it open. People tell me to calm down.

17 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-05 19:47 ID:epFGyagT

Last night I had a dream that I was doing something in a place near my old high school, but down the hill a few blocks. It was fairly dark outside and must have been 6 or so in the afternoon. The thing I was doing had just ended, so I had to go home.

I thought about calling someone to pick me up, but I only had my keys in my left pocket, and not my cell phone. It appeared I would have to walk home, as long a walk as that was. I knew if my parents were aware I was walking this far alone in the dark, they would say it was dangerous and disapprove, but I kind of laughed off the risk.

Walking home was apparently going to require a most unusual route. To start, I walked up the hill, away from home. Along the way I passed by a McDonald's and was disgusted that people would order such atrocious food. I was on the sidewalk next to the McDonald's, and someone came out the door holding food, so I had to move to the side to avoid hitting them. I was careful to avoid moving my head away from the sidewalk area, in fear that a car might strike me if I stuck it out too far.

Farther up the hill, there was a large parking lot spanning several stories. I turned right and entered a grassy wild area, with a stream and some rocks. It was now bright like daylight. I decided I would have to climb the mountain, so I went to the end of the stream where there was a waterfall, and began climbing up the rocks.

I thought again about the supposed dangerousness of this journey. Would it be in the news how I died a terrible death trying to climb Mt. Clarendon? No way, right?

At the top of the waterfall was a dense forest. It was rather dark in here despite being daylight outside, due to the unceasing shade. I saw three dogs ahead of me on the path. One was a small, cute harmless puppy. The other two were tall upright dog beings, looking almost human.

Afraid of being attacked by the dog beings, I stayed back, but I couldn't even retrace my steps without being seen. Eventually I stepped out and started walking past them. I wouldn't die, right? Right?

The dog beings were startled. "You!" one of them said. "But you're dead!"

I tried to ignore this remark and make a joke of it so it wouldn't scare me. "Yeah," I said, "I'm from the past so right now I'm dead! Ha ha! I'm dead! Wheee!"

Then I woke up, thoroughly shaken. It was about 5 in the morning.

18 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-05 20:06 ID:Heaven

I had a dream I ate a giant chocolate covered pretzel that was really really yummy. It was one of the best dreams ever.

19 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-05 20:34 ID:EdoOabGq

I had a dream last night that I was swimming around in a lake when a bear appeared. I swam slowly away, trying to make grunting noises to scare the bear away. I think it might have been slowly swimming after me. Slowest chase scene ever~

20 Name: Blah 2006-01-08 00:53 ID:+EFlxucy

A teacher once told me that a person usually has 3-5 dreams a night but only remembers 1 or 2.

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