Post your dreams. (360)

196 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-08 15:22 ID:dMdf5RST

Last night I had such a queer dream. I dreamt a short Chinese girl from my language class, let's call her Chen, and I were sitting nervously in a Victorian-style sitting room (I forget why) with a bunch of strangers. We're only acquaintances and we didn't know why we were there or who the strangers were. We were just chatting, trying to solve some sort of problem, and someone got all stiff, stood up jerkily, said something, and collapsed into his chair. It turned out that he had been possessed by the spirit of some friendly ghost who was sitting in on the conversation. Just then, Chen and I suddenly felt a tugging at our backs, and I lost control of my body. A ghost spoke through both of us at once and then sat us back down.

Then Chen confessed to me, saying "I love you," and I kissed her. Because apparently we were bonded in soul, or something. I wish this dream happened in real life.

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