The effects of non-native accents on spoken language (16)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 01:50 ID:JYRhIsRc

English spoken in some accents sounds "better" in some ways. A British accent sounds cultured. A French or maybe Spanish accent, sexy. However, some accents could be said to sound "worse". A Chinese accent has a sing-song quality. A Hindu accent sounds like a person is standing on their tiptoes. A German accent sounds stern or angry.

When you turn the tables, I know from experience Spanish spoken in an English accent can sound like the person has down's syndrome or a stereotype gay lisp.

Since we have a fairly diverse population here, it would be interesting to find out how people think accents on their native language can improve or worsen the impression given by the speaker.

2 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 02:00 ID:GlKGIdgq

>>When you turn the tables, I know from experience Spanish spoken in an English accent can sound like the person has down's syndrome or a stereotype gay lisp.

Haha, I am an american learning spanish, but when people meet me they think I am from somewhere in eastern europe. Do you know what spanish spoken in a russian accent sounds like?

3 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 02:13 ID:Heaven

I posted a while ago about having a weird accent.

Most people who know me say it's probably because my family likes to travel so much. I've lived a Mexico for a few years when I was younger, and was raised hearing Arabic as well.

I guess it resulted in an interesting mix.

4 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 03:18 ID:tFXfEpEu

> English spoken in some accents sounds "better" in some ways.

Than what? It's impossible to speak without an accent!

5 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 04:23 ID:JYRhIsRc

>>2 Never heard it myself.

>>4 To be specific, North American "midwest standard" English.

6 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 18:06 ID:dP4vW591

i personally think English with a German accent is awesome

7 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 19:36 ID:Heaven

Can you unlearn an accent? Surely, if you try hard enough you can emulate the other language perfectly! Accents are for the lazy?

8 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 20:08 ID:+iwv7FeK

Ahaha I'm Italian, and Italian accent in English is totally awful... Owww >_<
I like a lot Japanese pronounciation of EngRish, I can understand it better than English native speakers' pronounciation... Funny ne!
Italian with English accent it totally awesome <3 yay

9 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 20:52 ID:Heaven

>>1 and >>8 are interesting to an english speaker because rarely are we told what our accents in other languages sound like. We all know that french and spanish people speaking english sound sexy, but do we know that english speakers speaking spanish sound retarded or gay?

requesting more info on this

10 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 23:01 ID:JYRhIsRc

>>8 >Italian with English accent it totally awesome <3 yay
Really? What qualities does it give to Italian?

11 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-22 07:58 ID:4QvVWc3g

>>9 Agreed; it's really interesting to hear how English accents are in other languages. Also, my English teacher in high school told me that once you've lived in a place for 4 years you start to pick up the accent; I've noticed my accent's changed a bit since I've been living in Utah so long. NOT a good accent, to be sure.

12 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-22 13:35 ID:5CpOG1nU

You can unlearn an accent. It's all a matter of who you speak with most frequently and how they speak. You may very well adapt to their inflections and language.

For example, I have moved from the US to the UK, and some of my vernacular and speech has changed.

13 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-22 18:08 ID:gATIl3LX

>>9 >>10
Uhm well... English accent in Italian sounds like... please don't laugh... like Macho!!! :D Or cultured... So different! Obviously it depends by the person who is speaking!

14 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-22 23:56 ID:XR9SLwt5

It sounds EUROBEAT!
キタ━━━( ゚∀゚ )━(∀゚ )━(゚  )━(  )━(  ゚)━( ゚∀)━( ゚∀゚ )━━━!

15 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-22 23:57 ID:Heaven

No, wait. That´s Italian accent in English. nm

16 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-23 01:33 ID:Heaven

The most prominent feature of a strong English accent in Spanish is a lack of properly rolled "r"s. This sounds a little light in the loafers, especially when combined with a higher pitched voice.

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