College (14)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-21 16:51 ID:a43zcFkY


I'm mostly like you (Going to go to College soon, haven't had to work too much and still done well, no boy/girlfriend ever), though I do not lack self esteem at all.
If you are going to become a Programmer, try to look at things this way:

  • Someone worked to create a piece of BBS software that now allows a huge number of people (you an me, for example), to communicate.
  • Awesome software does cool things for a lot of people every day (Like, allowing them to call each other on the phone, without any bigger problems).
  • You, too, can help to create awesome software that helps people do awesome things.

... that's how I motivate myself, anyways. I also ocassionally contribute to open source projects - It can be a nice boost for your self esteem if something you created is used by hundereds or thousands of people worldwide (even if they don't have a clue who you are).

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