What in the fuck? Why?
I opened up the UHS file for "cuddle parties" and found this:
Hint: They make you horny.
Hint: And everyone else.
Hint: They lead to orgies.
Hint: Go to them.
-- No more hints --
> Frequently Asked Questions
> ...
> This is really just an excuse to have an orgy, right?
> Short answer: No. A Cuddle Party is a non-sexual event.
> Sorry, no sex, folks!
BULLSHIT If you ain't having a fucking orgy at the "cuddle party", you'll certainly be having one at the after party, that's if you aren't furiously whackin' off in your car.
Heh, so people get together to cuddle?
It's probably very enjoyable to cuddle with people, but to go this far, to cuddle with strangers?
I went to a cuddle party but no one wanted to cuddle with me :(
enjoy your AIDS
I don't get aids because I always wear condoms when I cuddle.
...I have to say, this is a new concept for me.
Details, please?
Cuddle Party web site.
Seems like one of those phony "inner child" seminars to reach your maximum Anthony Robbins potential.
Those people are all fat and/or retarded.
In other words, for people who aren't capable of finding people to cuddle with, because they're lonely nerds.
Yes, I'm standing here right now outside in the 17 degree weather. What the hell do I do >>19?
Spoilers: None of us actually go outside. We just tell people to for some reason.
>>19 Yeah, as if outside there is a wonderful world, full of glittering sun, and multicolored flowers, and everfertile women.
I'm constantly outside... hasn't done anyhting for me. :(
"Outside" sucks. It's always either to hot or too cold, too bright or too dark. And everything is so fucking far apart that you have to drive a goddamn land speeder to get anywhere, nothing is designed for people who actually walk and all the buildings look like loading docks. I prefer the internet to Wal-Mart's parking lot, thanks.
Sounds nice, really...
It would seem nice if you could cuddle with people you knew... But complete strangers... I don't think I could go to one of those.
Only if it was in Vegas. ('Cuz what ever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.)
Personally, I don't see why anyone would ever go to these. I would only go if I was on the verge of suicide or something.
America is touch deprived. No man can hug another man without feeling and being considered a fag. It's just our way of keeping people out (of our AT fields.) It's sad, really. :(
America reminds me of the pervy old neighbor in Family Guy.
>>31 I can't believe you said "AT Fields" in a cuddle thread.
I just came in from the outside. It's highly overrated.
WTF DUDES! i just feel strange when i read about it..
but hey! let's all meet in basment and cuddle. ( vomiting )
"Cuddle Party" is abbreviated "CP".
After what seems to be the most sensuous, satisfying, fulfilling hug of your life, you discover that you are minus a wallet and a bus ticket home. :(