Hitchhiking Teenager (24)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-06 01:58 ID:NcgnWsuX

Let's say that you are a Junior in High School, you are taking out the trash. You're 20 feet away from your life, your home, and you suddenly get the need to leave. Just leave. You don't tell your parents, you don't tell your frieds, or your siblings, you just leave. You have 36 dollars in your pocket, it's around 6:30 in the evening and you start to walk. Your parents apparently don't notice that you left, they're watching a movie.
Where would you go? What would you do? And also, if you find yourself hitchhiking, and the person who picked you up, (who is, let's say, the father of a girl your age) asked what a teenager like you was doing hitchhiking, what would you say?

18 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-11 00:17 ID:5ExtPEAG

>>1-17 are living in Ghost World

19 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-11 00:43 ID:5ohvzaxS

I live on an island so i'd go sit on one of the cliffs listening to music on my BROKEN Zen micro. This is a fantasy though so my Zen wont be broken ;)

I'd walk, get a ferry to 'the mainland' (England, i live just under England) then just walk and walk. I'd get raped, mugged, beaten and shit so it wouldnt be that great but untill all that happens i'd be happy just walking.

Then comes the cold and wet nights.. i'd have to catch hypothermia while sleeping in a shop doorway.

20 Name: Notch : 2006-12-13 21:07 ID:OxjSun30

Growing up means taking other people into consideration as much as yourself. "running away" unless it is from physical or sexual assault is a selfish and immature response to a problem.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-22 09:13 ID:gd818y87

"I'm looking for a life, less ordinary! I'm sick of like a commoner,a plebian. If life is just about making money, putting a roof over your head and, in between, getting married, and having kids, then, I may as well slit my own throat. Living a mediocre life is suicide, anyway."

22 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-25 06:42 ID:oOQJ03Bd

More and more, I feel as though I'd like to become a drifter. I currently have no responsibilities of any sort, and I have no future prospects, so I wouldn't actually have to give up anything in order to do this.

It's either that or do something like join the Peace Corps.

23 Name: Oily Skin : 2006-12-28 14:16 ID:ifeTLuvL

>>1 "Where would you go?" -->well, she could go to one big city if she is livingm in a smaller town. could try to go out of country and on the way do a crime to seurvive, like get food or something.. and the you have a plot that you can take where ever you want.

"What would you do?" --> she should keep away from public areas to start with maybe or just wander aorund an look at things...

and the "hitchhiking", she could tell the man that her car broked down when she was on her way to pick up an old friend at the trainstation and that she started hitchhik to get there and meet her friend and that sha has called a tolltruck to get her car.

and when she get to the trainstation and have thanked the man whom gave her a ride she can with her 36 dollar get away from town :)

the faser she uses her money tha faster she has to get more and there you can make up alot of things to spice up your story plot.

If you want a more detailed story just tell me, and i'll start writeing. :) / Pierre

24 Name: Oily : 2006-12-28 14:23 ID:ifeTLuvL

sorry for my brutal spelling :)

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