Why isn't 4-ch more popular? (361)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-21 20:16 ID:6DRytsTJ

So, taking a look at the popularity of 2ch and how significant it is within Japanese internet culture, what exactly are the cultural/social differences that make 2ch so popular and 4-ch so dead (relatively)? Although one could claim it was Densha Otoko that really brought 2ch into the mainstream attention, the fact of the matter is that it was nearly ubiquitous previous to Densha.

Furthermore, what can be done to make 4-ch more popular? I would love to see the board become as strong as 2ch, and although that may not be possible, it would be nice to see a community develop.

236 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-07 15:08 ID:700nkMLa

um... but aren't ppl on the east coast of the us using facebook?
im just saying

237 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-07 15:33 ID:drS4H11A

because this site has a shitload of weeaboos and most americans don't want to have anything to do with weeaboos (who does?)

238 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-07 15:56 ID:N/U5Eo3/

Trueth. You cant talk with them about anything besides japan and anime.
"Dude, did you saw the soccermatch yesterday?"

"I have a strange story. I was driving in my car when suddenly..."
"Yo, the story of yours; is it about japan music?"
"No... ?!"
"GTFO of my face!"

Weeaboos can DIAF!

239 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-07 16:56 ID:Heaven

Also most people don't want to talk to americans who think anything on this planet depends on them. God, can't you just say that people don't want to talk to weeaboos?

Also, this site has not only a shitload of weeaboos, but also a shitload of trolls. Starting by >>237.

240 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-07 17:01 ID:N/U5Eo3/

أنت, أنتم, أنتن, ك, كم, كن, ضمير المخاطب, كما, أنتما

241 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 18:31 ID:Heaven

Is an angry european weeaboo

242 Name: SquigglySpooch : 2007-06-10 22:51 ID:HWwav79Q

>>227 Agreed. Everyone else is looking at the hentai on different image boards. Duh!

Only reason I'm not is I browsed most of them already. LOL!

243 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-11 01:43 ID:6BnfBrMe


GTFO Araboo

244 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-12 06:38 ID:w7kaefKH

anta , antom , antonna , ka , kom , kon , zamira almokhateb , koma , antoma

bet you thought only you can read that. Stop with the curverunes.

245 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-12 12:13 ID:QG8pSouI

I've moved here because 4chan is getting dull. This is my first post.

Just wait. 4-ch will grow, the same way that 2ch did.

246 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-12 20:05 ID:Heaven

>>245 in your dreams.

247 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-13 08:03 ID:QG8pSouI

Give me one good reason why that would never happen.

248 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-13 09:30 ID:Heaven

>>247 weaboos, bad design

249 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-13 14:03 ID:yAuq/JAe

What's bad about the design here?

250 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-13 15:20 ID:drS4H11A

It's not the design, it's the weeaboos and trolls.

251 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-14 20:56 ID:EimOVhtf

And the fag mods.

252 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-14 22:24 ID:Eo62+ipz

I'm Gonna Make A Change,
For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good,
Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Right . . .

As I, Turn Up The Collar On My
Favourite Winter Coat
This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind
I See The Kids In The Street,
With Not Enough To Eat
Who Am I, To Be Blind?
Pretending Not To See
Their Needs
A Summer's Disregard,
A Broken Bottle Top
And A One Man's Soul
They Follow Each Other On
The Wind Ya' Know
'Cause They Got Nowhere
To Go
That's Why I Want You To

I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change
(Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change)
(Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,
Na Nah)

I've Been A Victim Of A Selfish
Kind Of Love
It's Time That I Realize
That There Are Some With No
Home, Not A Nickel To Loan
Could It Be Really Me,
Pretending That They're Not

A Willow Deeply Scarred,
Somebody's Broken Heart
And A Washed-Out Dream
(Washed-Out Dream)
They Follow The Pattern Of
The Wind, Ya' See
Cause They Got No Place
To Be
That's Why I'm Starting With
(Starting With Me!)

I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make A Change
(Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make A Change)

I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His
(Change His Ways-Ooh!)
And No Message Could've
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make That . . .
(Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make That . . .)

I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror,
(Man In The Mirror-Oh
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
(Better Change!)
No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
(Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make The Change)
(You Gotta Get It Right, While
You Got The Time)
('Cause When You Close Your
You Can't Close Your . . .Your
(Then You Close Your . . .
That Man, That Man, That
Man, That Man
With That Man In The Mirror
(Man In The Mirror, Oh Yeah!)
That Man, That Man, That Man
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
(Better Change!)
You Know . . .That Man
No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make A Change
(Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make A Change)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,
Na Nah
(Oh Yeah!)
Gonna Feel Real Good Now!
Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah!
Yeah Yeah!
Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,
Na Nah
(Ooooh . . .)
Oh No, No No . . .
I'm Gonna Make A Change
It's Gonna Feel Real Good!
Come On!
(Change . . .)
Just Lift Yourself
You Know
You've Got To Stop It.
(Yeah!-Make That Change!)
I've Got To Make That Change,
(Man In The Mirror)
You Got To
You Got To Not Let Yourself . . .
Brother . . .
(Yeah!-Make That Change!)
You Know-I've Got To Get
That Man, That Man . . .
(Man In The Mirror)
You've Got To
You've Got To Move! Come
On! Come On!
You Got To . . .
Stand Up! Stand Up!
Stand Up!
(Yeah-Make That Change)
Stand Up And Lift
Yourself, Now!
(Man In The Mirror)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
(Yeah-Make That Change)
Gonna Make That Change . . .
Come On!
(Man In The Mirror)
You Know It!
You Know It!
You Know It!
You Know . . .
(Change . . .)
Make That Change.

253 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-14 22:36 ID:drS4H11A

because the largest thread with the most discussion is the "why isn't 4-ch more popular OR gloating over 2-ch AKA DENSHA OTOKO.

254 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-14 23:50 ID:ukx5yOwY

late to the party...

Plain and simple, 2ch style boards don't offer profiles, avatars or friends lists.

255 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-14 23:55 ID:SAR1B0W2

I do think the simplicity in everything would appeal to inexperienced internet users though..

256 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-15 13:51 ID:QG8pSouI

You don't belong here, GTFO.

257 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-15 20:25 ID:mMk+gBP/


Than explain 4chan. Anonymous AND Popular. Popular with retards, but popular.

258 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-15 21:28 ID:qNmr5589

Just since porn has to be brought through some sort of ASCII / Shift-JIS program...

If a program like that'd be more easileh available, 4-ch's popyalarity'd skyrocket!


Maybe it's just not as well-known as 4chan. Blame it on furry pronz...

259 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-15 23:52 ID:xLFN8sDR


In the case of 4chan I deduce the "lawless" environment to be an important part of the attracting force. And the speed in the way you communicate.

And most likely the most important part: how YOU have the power to make 4chan 'yours'

260 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-16 18:18 ID:ukx5yOwY

>> 256

Hah! I didn't say that I don't like it because of the lack of bells and whistles.

261 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-16 21:26 ID:Heaven

>Why isn't 4-ch more popular

Just ready the boards, you'll understand.

262 Name: Some Gaiafag you never heard About : 2007-06-24 15:29 ID:gccidJB5

I'll answer this:
1.This is text only board (Think of WoW and random MUD text game)
2.This software is clumsy,primitive,and non-userfriendly
3.Moderation/Banning is overrated,since it anonymous.
too much moderation and you get a desert.
4.PhpBB type forums are superior.See 2.
5.People want to have indentity,Anonymous is for trolls/people who want to shock/express themself in way which will damage their reputation.
6.This site is actually pseudonymous ,because of random hashes in ID field.SO its Neither Anonymous/Neither Cool.

263 Name: Some Gaiafag you never heard About : 2007-06-24 16:09 ID:gccidJB5

* Registration keeps out good posters. Imagine someone with an involving job related to your forum comes across it. This person is an expert in her field, and therefore would be a great source of knowledge for your forum; but if a registration, complete with e-mail and password, is necessary before posting, she might just give up on posting and do something more important. People with lives will tend to ignore forums with a registration process.

Registration keeps out lazy assholes who don't bother to register.

* Registration lets in bad posters. On the other hand, people with no lives will thrive on your forum. Children and Internet addicts tend to have free time to go register an account and check their e-mail for the confirmation message. They will generally make your forum a waste of bandwidth.

If you are known as bad poster,you have 0 respect.

* Registration attracts trolls. If someone is interested in destroying a forum, a registration process only adds to the excitement of a challenge. One might argue that a lack of registration will just let "anyone" post, but in reality anyone can post on old-type forum software; registration is merely a useless hassle. Quoting a 4channeler:
      Trolls are not out to protect their own reputation. They seek to destroy other peoples' "reputation" ... Fora with only registered accounts are like a garden full of flowers of vanity a troll would just love to pick.

Registration does not "attract" trolls,its merely another step to logging in.

* Anonymity counters vanity. On a forum where registration is required, or even where people give themselves names, a clique is developed of the elite users, and posts deal as much with who you are as what you are posting. On an anonymous forum, if you can't tell who posts what, logic will overrule vanity. As Hiroyuki, the administrator of 2ch, writes:
      If there is a user ID attached to a user, a discussion tends to become a criticizing game. On the other hand, under the anonymous system, even though your opinion/information is criticized, you don't know with whom to be upset. Also with a user ID, those who participate in the site for a long time tend to have authority, and it becomes difficult for a user to disagree with them. Under a perfectly anonymous system, you can say, "it's boring," if it is actually boring. All information is treated equally; only an accurate argument will work.

Anonymity also counters any positive reward(its hard to explain,but people want to be cared for the posts).Not all are altruists.
Anonymous doesn't care about what he posts.

264 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-24 17:16 ID:9Y2XD6jp


That's true, I don't know how many stupid things I've posted on these boards. And usually I'm pretty careful about that sort of thing. On the upside, I post a whole lot more, so maybe quantity beats quality? Perhaps not.

265 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-24 18:03 ID:40/b3vFT

Japanese's actions are based on whether it is guilty or not.
But American's actions are based on whether it is virturous or not.
So Japanese can slander without hesitation unless it is not illegal,and can wreak their anger.
On the other hand,American,because of their ground,are forced to blame the poster slandering,and can't wreak their anger.
So anonymous is good for Japanese,not for American.

266 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-24 19:10 ID:JlMGKJjy

Do Japanese post to pursue "online coolness" or just to vent off?
what motivates them to start threads? Do they care about the thread they started?

267 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-24 20:58 ID:nLXSntzu

Most Americans don't give a fuck whether or not their actions are virtuous. WTF are you talking about? Isn't Japan the one with the Samurai code of honor?

268 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-25 00:29 ID:9Y2XD6jp


I think you must be referring to "shame-based" as opposed to "guilt-based" societies. In this model, Japan would be a "shame-based" society, while the traditional, Christianity-dominated Western world a "guilt-based" one. I don't really know how this model is supposed to apply to internet boards however.
I think this model is over-simplified.

269 Name: 265 : 2007-06-25 08:57 ID:40/b3vFT


I think nowadays Japanese "shame-based" is getting obsolete and Japanese think they're allowed to do whatever isn't forbiddened by the law,and Japanese may not be former Samurai through westernization and the war.This opinion will not be had only by me but by other many Japaneses.So I don't think my remarks about Japanese must be wrong.
But,reading responses,I learned my notion about Americans had not been right.So I take back my opinions about Americans.

270 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-25 14:52 ID:g0ZmYTQx

All this deep cultural divide mumbo jumbo bullshit was relevent a century ago.We have a global culture.
Get back on topic.Why this site sucks so much?

271 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-25 19:22 ID:Heaven

Registration keeps out intelligent, busy people who don't have time to waste registering/logging on.
Identities are the ONLY way trolls can tear a community apart.
With anonymous posting, a troll doesn't know how many people are posting, or what their personality/interests/pet peeves are.

The IDs are their to distinguish between different sources, not identify people. A new ID can easily be obtained if one needs it and the ID doesn't carry on from thread to thread.

On phpbb, respect is merited out based on Mod/Admin status, post count, early registration date, etc. Rarely is this based upon any kind of contribution these people make.

272 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-25 20:10 ID:Heaven

>>270 What world are you living in? Type 3 civilization??
Wake up to the facts of life.

273 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-25 22:26 ID:DIrZZvGt


>Registration keeps out lazy assholes who don't bother to register.

Do you want to go through the hassle going through a registration proccess somewhere, just to say one single thing? I certainly don't, I simply don't have the time to register at every goddamn board I drop by.

>If you are known as bad poster,you have 0 respect.

Point is, you don't keep the bad posters away by requiring registration.

>Registration does not "attract" trolls,its merely another step to logging in.

On an anonymous board, individuals can't be attacked, because we're all nameless. As the quote says, trolls are out to destroy other people's reputation, and that kind of thing only happens when using names.

>Anonymity also counters any positive reward(its hard to explain,but people want to be cared for the posts).Not all are http://4-ch.net/4chaltruists.
>Anonymous doesn't care about what he posts.

I can post good without requiring any credit for it. And seriously, if I, for instance, post a question on a technical discussion board, it doesn't matter if Larry, m00ndust, Steve65 or Anonymous replies, as long as the answer is good. I've been thinking of setting up some GNU/Linux or Free Software board running Kareha, but I'm guessing they wouldn't be popular. Unfortunately, most people seem so focused on being recognized, that they wouldn't do what they are doing if they had to post anonymously.

274 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-26 08:09 ID:78FVar30

Cuz it's gay.

275 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-26 19:59 ID:Heaven


276 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-27 00:34 ID:Heaven

>>274-275 leave then

277 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-27 17:46 ID:Heaven

You misunderstood. We like gay.

278 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-28 13:34 ID:qN8JQWW9

too much backloging(too lazy to catch up ._.")well i guess time could be 1 of the reason that 4-ch can't be as active as 2-ch

279 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 05:31 ID:Heaven

What if we just spammed GO TO 4-ch.net everywhere? At least people would look.

280 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 11:49 ID:Lx6JewfI

nice try lol.well i dun think spaming is the way to solve this.i really think if 4-ch had a intresting thred that would bring ppl here just to look at it, that would be awesome

281 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 17:25 ID:Q9rGHocc

This is true. One way 2-ch gained so much popularity was media attention. We need an illegal carjacking thread, or a huge beach cleanup - anything that will make the news.

282 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 01:53 ID:zfMgGlE8

If we go around trying to get people to come here we might attract people who are complete weeaboos, this being a Japanese based site and all. Keep in mind we are not about Japanese culture, it's a site for English speaking nations to discuss stuff anonymously.

283 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 01:57 ID:Heaven

>>282 , most people who go to anonymous boards are weeaboos. Either way, ANY activity would benefit the site. Even weeaboos do other things than watching anime/reading manga, I'm sure they would post in many boards rather then just one. As long as they are going to be respectful to others and not troll, they should be good.

284 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 02:43 ID:zfMgGlE8

I'm not talking about people who simply watch anime. I am talking about people who only post here because it makes them feel Japanese.

285 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 02:52 ID:Heaven

On that respect, I completely understand. When I look around, half the topics on ANY board are about Japan in some way, shape, or form. Either way, it is still people, and hopefully if more people come up to discuss different subjects, then there will be less of a Japanese orientation.

Although this site is modeled after 2ch, it is a site on it's own, not 2ch into English (which it basically is right now).

The problem still presists though, we need more people. I made the large post about creating topics, and although I believe that would bring more discussion and more people, it won't specifically attract anyone that hasn't come to this site by chance already. I wonder how many people go to 4-ch.net, or how many people just post from iichan? iichan is having people problems of its own except on /azu/.

We could always put links on a forum signature on in our websites/blogs. That would bring some people.

286 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 03:28 ID:rEnSzw46

Also, I think I've found our problem.

4-ch IS NOT 2ch.

You can't expect us to bring in all this mona densha stuff and expect more than .00000000001% of the population to get it. The only way for 4-ch to attract more people is to be its OWN site. Sure, we are based of 2ch, but that doesn't mean we ARE 2ch. English speakers and Japanese speakers are a lot different.

In example, look at any of our boards. You will most likely see that almost all of the topics are about something Japanese. Guys, let's all go make topics about stuff that us English speakers will understand. Do you all HONESTLY think that people are going to come in here and start talking about random 2ch memes? In fact, this place would be more active even to its core userbase if we just posted stuff that us English speakers could relate to.

We cannot relate to Japanese culture because we are not Japanese. We CAN relate to American, British, Australian, etc. culture because that is what we are. If we have topics about things that we know about, we are sure to post in them, along with any visitors we get.

If you really want to bring 4-ch up, do these two things.

  1. Start making topics that are about ENGLISH SPEAKING culture and not only Japanese culture.
  2. Remember that 4-ch is NOT 2ch.

Like I said, no average person is going to come in here and start talking about how bad they want to visit Japan and bump into a girl on a bus like in Densha. EX. Look at Film & TV. Where are topics about TV shows/movies that aren't Japanese? Go in there and post topics about something you like in your own country. I enjoy King of the Hill, so I'll go make a topic about that.

Another example is the Music board. Congratulations, you like [Insert J-Pop/Rock artist]. You and 100 other people! Why not talk about some english bands you like. Once again, I like DragonForce (who doesn't olol), so I'll make a topic about that.

Anyways, just to rephrase, 4-ch IS NOT 2ch!

287 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 11:52 ID:86fxO7C3


Speaks the truth. All this weeaboo shit is boring like watching grass grow. If I would have a postcounter here and you would remove all my trollposts I would have like 3-4 posts. In the timeframe I am here I had a few hundred posts on the bethesda boards.

288 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 15:25 ID:JDWKpIy+


While I agree that distancing ourselves from 2ch would increase our prospective audience, I can't help but feel that 4-ch remains a niche board for those people who are interested by Japanese net culture and 2ch specifically. I don't know if you can/should change that. As it is, we're like a very mini 2-ch, but somewhat geekier and stupider.

I have a hard time any non-troll who isn't in some degree interested in Japanese culture visiting this board.

I might imagine broadening our scope to include some Korean and Chinese cultural stuff, but it seems we've imported 2-ch xenophobia along with the other stuff. All the posts about Korea are just <丶`∀´>.

Still, I'm puzzled that more people don't post in the "News" thread. There are some interesting topics there, sometimes.

289 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 15:32 ID:JDWKpIy+

And let's face it, 4-ch is a Japanese friendly, international board from the start, like a kind of 2ch embassy. Why else would a string of Japanese text direct Japanese speakers to the 日本語 section?

290 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 15:40 ID:zfMgGlE8

You also have to remember anime isn't weeaboo as long as you're not completely obsessed with it. Just keep all that in the anime board. Basically I brought that up to avoid faggots who do that stupid weeaboo e-mote shit like ^____^ and use Japanese words like kawaii and neko. Don't want this place turning into what 4chan's /b/ is today.

291 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 16:24 ID:zfMgGlE8

True but this doesn't mean we are about Japanese culture. We are not 2ch although we are based off of 2ch. Like 2ch we talk about OUR culture. It's embarrassing to us when we have people who try to act like they're part of a different culture, and also Japs are embarrassed when those people base their vision of Japan off of animes. Also I'm not saying to distance ourselves from 2ch but focus on things in our culture to talk about.

292 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 17:16 ID:qcB22WxJ

You cannot defeat weeaboos with logic or sane talk. :/

293 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 17:26 ID:zfMgGlE8

True that you can't get rid of the weeaboos but we could try to make this place less weeabooish.

294 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 17:47 ID:rEnSzw46

You are correct, 4-ch is a niche board with many Japan lovers, and that's what we always will be. That doesn't mean every single post has to be about Japan stuff though. Seriously, we have AA, DQN, Anime, Manga, etc. People CAN talk about Japan, but none of us can relate to it except the Japanese.

295 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 19:09 ID:Heaven


gb2/some phpbb board. You'll be happier. We'll be happier.

296 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 19:21 ID:zfMgGlE8

Whine some more weeaboo

297 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 20:04 ID:P9vXUlXB


Your tears sustain me.

298 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 21:38 ID:Heaven


gb2/some phpbb board. You'll be happier. We'll be happier.

299 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 22:15 ID:zfMgGlE8

gb2/some phpbb board. You'll be happier. We'll be happier.
Also learn how to quote multiple post.

300 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 23:10 ID:Wj/j9eTB

If I post with a name or tripcode your... retort? No, retort it is not, it is more of a brainfart. So your brainfart would be valid if I had posted with a name or tripcode. Alas I did not.
Now go back to gaia and look for cyber.

301 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-01 00:28 ID:rEnSzw46

Listen guys, whining about how 4-ch could be more popular is great. We need a plan of action though.


302 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-01 01:49 ID:zfMgGlE8

I'm working on a band with my friends, but that will take a while. I guess we could advertise it when we get somewhere with the band.

303 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-01 02:50 ID:rEnSzw46

That would be nice, but it sounds like it WILL take awhile. I'm thinking some quicker solutions.


First and foremost, get your friends to go to this site. Friends attract friends attract friends.

Put a link in your signature in a phpbb, on your website, whatever. Let the word out about 4-ch.

If you go to any chatroom (irc, aim, java, whatever), tell everyone about 4-ch. Once again, friends attract friends attract friends.

Spam http://4-ch.net everywhere if all else fails (^o^)/. Heck, spam other chan sites. They are the people who would relate most to 4-ch.

304 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-01 03:52 ID:9JJzklwE


> Heck, spam other chan sites. They are the people who would relate most to 4-ch

err, no. I don't think that's wise

305 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-01 03:52 ID:zfMgGlE8

Yeah chan sites being the best bet because of this being an anonymous message board and all. Don't try to get 4chan's /b/, I quit going there for a reason. Actually when 420chan comes back up you could try there. People on 420chan are more mature then 4chan. 7chan isn't bad either although 4channers are going to start flaming now.

306 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-01 04:03 ID:rEnSzw46

I completely agree actually. 7chan has some actual discussion, and 420chan is probably the most tame out of all the chans except /i/.

307 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-01 04:15 ID:zfMgGlE8

Actually I'm a 420chan /i/nsurgent. /i/ does do real discussion but on raid targets.

308 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-01 17:30 ID:Q9rGHocc

Iichan has a small but nice community, so it's not a bad place either. But I don't like the idea of spamming URLs. It would be better to just put them in a signature on various forums so that they are non-intrusive.

309 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-02 04:12 ID:9JJzklwE

You could always Google bomb "friendly chat" to 4-ch.net

310 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-02 05:31 ID:zfMgGlE8

We need more coverage in ED, that how most people found out about the chans.

311 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-03 07:10 ID:rEnSzw46

Who here is going to write the ED? If someone will start it, then I will write more information in it.

312 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-03 11:30 ID:zfMgGlE8

Well I'm too lazy to make an account if you have an account you should get it started. Can't rely on other people.

313 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-03 15:55 ID:Heaven

I started it. It's only a stub, though. I hope it doesn't get deleted.

314 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-03 18:17 ID:rEnSzw46

Wouldn't that be you relying on us?

>>313, looks good so far, I'll add to it tonight.

315 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-03 18:48 ID:piNkABpd


316 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-03 18:49 ID:piNkABpd

Do you mean?

317 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-04 02:42 ID:Q9rGHocc

Nice ID.

318 Name: faggot : 2007-07-04 08:36 ID:Heaven

319 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-04 08:37 ID:Heaven

You better remove the "pitiful small population" part. ;)

320 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-07 23:42 ID:EEMD0WsI

4chan is just a copy of Futaba Channel of Japan. Futaba Channel is a kind of copy version of 2chan but it mainly focused on almost illegal and naughty part of 2chan.

2chan has more varieties,such as politics, science, cooking, news, education, sociology, social science, physics, and all kinds of topics. Japanese 2chan and 4chan is completely different at this point.

2chan is actually less graphic and primitive,but some of old 2channelers are kind of proud of their "otaku" history on 2chan starting such a forum community in early stage in Japan. And they were more argumentative, even intelligent, and critical.(not only hentai stuffs...)People sometimes enjoy their cynicism.

And I think 4chan is not cool. Futaba channel is not cool.
2channel was cool actually. 4chan is just famous for bunch of porn.


321 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-08 03:45 ID:oanJNZc6

2chan fills a cultural void for the Japanese that doesn't really exist in the West, hence 4chan doesn't need to fill it for us.

322 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-13 11:29 ID:S0/7DPbs

4ch is good small. or else we end up like 4chan

323 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-23 19:50 ID:nCD02Z/N


324 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-27 00:01 ID:K+5yVjxn


Not everybody here can relate to that, some people might be from Singapore, mexico etc.

325 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-27 00:05 ID:K+5yVjxn

If any of you go to a Japanese language class, you could invite them here, they'll surely enjoy it, unless they're faggots.

326 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-19 21:49 ID:5OvbDVe6

This site is a bit confusing to navigate for the average person.

327 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-20 16:02 ID:8ZA42akO

it must look rather dull to the average imageboard user

328 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-20 16:20 ID:nCD02Z/N

Which is good, because it keeps the average imageboard users away.

329 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-20 18:22 ID:pCxTBypK

that's a good idea...

330 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-21 20:54 ID:o+R61mhk

4chan became popular because it had a huge potential userbase of sick fuckers on SA's FYAD to draw from.
4-ch (or 4channel, whatever) started from much more humble beginnings and isn't advertised anywhere. 4chan's reputation kept people interested in discussion from joining anything they viewed as remotely connected to it, so 4ch isn't growing as fast.

SA became popular because it was one of the first internet forums period and actually produced some decent content.

331 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-22 14:44 ID:iiIlFcc/

> SA became popular because it was one of the first internet forums period

lol. so wrong

332 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-23 05:46 ID:o+R61mhk

i wasn't including Usenet or BBSes.

333 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-23 07:41 ID:Heaven


> Early web-based forums date back as far as 1996.
> Something Awful ... was created by Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka in 1999 as a largely personal website,

there were hundreds (if not thousands) of forums on the web by 1998.

334 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-28 17:35 ID:zDH6AyTt

because all the users suck.

335 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-30 16:27 ID:Heaven



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