Can Hikikomori Help Themselves? (52)

37 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-01 01:18 ID:OGyCxRgj

None of you guys are NEETs. Calling yourself a NEET is just a desperate attempt to latch onto British society by claiming yourself to be a part of a group that, for all intents and purposes, was created by a hybrid of economic hardships (yes, Britain isn't the wonderfully prosperous place you may think it to be) in Britain after the 1980's and the bizarre inner-workings of Britain's social structure. Have you ever been to Britain? How do you know for sure that British culture is what you say it is?


Nobody here is trying to imitate the japanese and nobody here cares that you've been to japan. Hikki is a loanword, as is a good 95% of our language.

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