it is in title...
is difference existing
A world of difference.
enchant me?
it's like the difference between a rabbit and MIR space station.
Its like that guy sitting in the library all day
and a guy surfing porn sites all day.
4-Chan redefines the possibilities for stupidity on the internet.
It really brings it to a whole new level. One can't help but be impressed.
4chan = images
4ch= text
4chan = fucking faggots
4ch = intellectuals/normal people
4chan = fat people "lurking" day and night
4ch = normal people that sometimes come
4chan is now extremely popular but no longer has decent content, 4ch has 3 QUALITY users.
4chan has several administrators.
4chan is dead =]
4-ch is still alive; Owned/Operated by a shithead with a degree in Mexican Studies who was eaten by a shark but survived somehow. He has been captured on camera kissing a man and wearing a dress/tiara on separate occasions.; Owned/Operated by a charming globetrotter with a poop hat.; silly pseudo intellectual conversations. mostly people with no lives. a dash of popular culture.; got to /t/ and start downloading ;)
We aren't nearly as racist. I don't know why, but half the threads are about "niggers" the other half are about "kikes". Even the threads that don't start out being about kikes and niggers will be spammed in that direction by neo-nazi wannabes posting "suddenly niggers, and lots of them".
We may be pseudo-intelectual, but at least we can for coherent sentences in English. Most 4channers are lucky to get three words in a row spelled right. It seems that most of their vocabulary is based on racial slurs and body parts.
-_-? this is stupid topic...
>>4ch = normal people that sometimes come
I don't want to be normal. :(
Yeah, you really define the 4-ch crowd and I'm not saying this in an ironic way. I have to say that it's sad. Please leave.
The only difference is 4-ch has less meme spams.; 90% of the bandwidth taking up by porns.; 0% of the bandwidth taking up by porns.
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