Doesn't it suck that there's no religion for Asian people? (44)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-23 21:03 ID:Heaven


I figure you're a troll but I can't help but respond to this.

  • Christianity it not for "whites", in fact, most Christians aren't "White" in terms of European origin.
  • Your "Jews" and "Arabs" both stem from the same Afro-Semitic genetic line. Both are caucasian and not much more "dark-skinned" than the mediterreanean peoples that popularized Christianity.
  • Most Africans are either Catholic or Anglican, not Muslim.
  • Catholicism is a powerful force in South Korea, SE Asia, and the pacific.
  • If Mahayana Buddhism isn't a real religion, than Socrates isn't a real philosopher.
  • Than there's the plethora of minority religions in China and central asia, along with native shamanistic practices in china, siberia, Mongolia, NE Asia.
  • And then there's fucking hinduism.
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