Most men are sexually attracted to young women (50)

21 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-21 14:58 ID:ktVgvErL


you seem to be deluded into thinking that all men are raving sex machines only looking for sex from younger and younger women. this is not the case, and is in fact an unfair generalization.

also, what do you feel is an "old man"? I get the feeling you think all men are "out to hump you" which is fairly narcisistic, actually.

Finally, though, i would have agree the pedos should burn. MAN it must suck to have your sexual drive get all wired up the wrong way, though. after that, you're just F*CKED...

(ps: lol, i'll have to remember that 'she was 9 but I swear she looked 14!' line...)

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