Most men are sexually attracted to young women (50)

33 Name: SUPER SAGE : 2008-01-30 17:16 ID:Heaven

everyone on this thread needs a reality check - you're all pedos or pedos in training.

why is there a law forbidding sexual contact or what have you until 18 (here anyway)? Because that's what lawmakers and we as a people decided. I don't know how many times I've seen some 16 yr old chick thinks she "loves" some 20 something guy, only to realize much later he's some sick bastard.

People who go for that sort of thing since they believe the law is stupid or false, considering less strict laws in other countries, are not rebels or cool - they're idiots. no matter how you justify or explain, it makes no difference. breaking a "stupid law" and a regular law will be prosecuted the same way.

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