Our parents made a difference, protesting the war on vietnam and whatnot.
What about us? We're just going to let the old poeple who run our governments start never-ending wars, run up our national debt, and initiate drafts to send more of us over there to kill and die?
God it's depressing.
Fuck Scientology, let's protest this shit. Anonymous vs. the war on Iraq. I wanna see this happen.
here here!!!!
seriously it depresses me looking at all the old news and how our parents and grandparents really made a differnece but now we are too chicken shit to make waves.
people spoke out against the Iraq war and people called them traitors and unpatriotic. thats such a biggoted opinion. we dont have to agree with everything the government does, if we are going to be like that we might as well be an f-ing dictatorship.
lets do something, lets stand up for this world of ours that we are stupidly destroying, stand up and say something!!
This is exactly what pisses me off about every generation except X. You all want to do something important and be remembered for it. We tried to end world poverty but that glory snatcher Bill Gates is going to do that for us, just him and his endless supply of money. His going to save all the starving black babies in Africa and this pisses us off. So we take on a bigger, better, "more important" goal: SAVE THE FUCKING WORLD. Thats right we are going to save the planet from melting. Who do we blame? Us of course, cant look pretentious can we but who do we blame more than ourselves the big companies like microsoft that pump balck clouds of death into our fragile atmosphere. Oh mother nature don't worry we'll save you.
Nobody's protesting against Iraq because nobody's being conscripted. That's all there is to it.
ITT we discuss a subject that belongs in /politics/.
I agree, our generation is probably one of the worst yet. We literally don't have the willpower to go out and do the things our parents and grandparents did. We want everything easy, no work, no fuss, no muss. And we want to be treated like fucking heros for managing to show up to work 3 out of four days.
I've lost patience with that kind of bullshit. We have the ability to end Iraq, if we would protest -- and NO whiney blogs do not count as protest. We could invent and number of things, that is IF my generation could stop playing Halo long enough to learn the math and physics. We could write great literature, if only we could stop texting long enough to write the novels. We have more potential and more opportunities than any generation that has ever lived. All we have to do is work hard to reach the potential.
Instead, we bitch and moan about how nobody listens to us. We complain because we can't hold down a job, or get a good one. we feel unappreciated because we aren't winning awards for half assed work.
Sucess in anything takes a lot of hard work. It isn't just handed to you. If you want a good job, study hard, work in that entry level job you hate, and prove to your boss that you are WORTHY of that job. If you want to end injustice, it takes a lot of work as well. You'll go to protests and get mocked, maybe even have things thrown at you. People will accuse you of being anti-American. But if you stick with it, minds will change, and sooner or later you win.
Fuck protesting, I'mma just write a bulletin on myspace about it.
I know guys, let's start a facebook group about it!
Every generation has sucked.
Also, people did protest against the war in Iraq and it happened anyway. Kind of like how people protested against the Vietnam war and it happened anyway.
I'm going back to bed. Fuck you all.
For a whole week? C'mon, read the history of the civil rights movement and the anti-war movement. Those guys were uberhardcore. Our protest lasted a week, then people got bored and went home.
Potential sign to hold up in front of recruitment centers?
>Also, people did protest against the war in Iraq and it happened anyway. Kind of like how people protested against the Vietnam war and it happened anyway.
The important Vietnam protesting was to stop it, not before it happened
Just because YOU and your friends don't write novels, build things with your hands, or work towards social change doesn't mean that other people don't.
If generations X and Y were protesting and working for social change en mass, there would be a bigger movement to end the war.
If generations X and Y were protesting and working for social change en mass, there would be a bigger movement to end the war.
> generations X and Y
If there were more faggots like you, we'd be too busy killing you faggots to care about Iraq.
What was accomplished during the nineties? What about the eighties? The seventies? The forties? The twenties?
Just because a lot of shit happened in the fifties and sixties, it doesn't mean that every generation has some massive accomplishment. And aside from even that: bitching about it gets you nowhere.
*Wanna feed hungry people?
Plant a community garden in an empty lot.
*Wanna tell stories?
Write your heart out and print 'em up somewhere.
*Wanna promote social change?
Figure out a tactic derived from years of direct action on behalf of radicals everywhere.
Marching to Washington isn't the solution to every problem, and bitching about how nobody is doing worthwhile shit is less profitable than doing worthwhile shit.
If you're reading this post, you're already doing it wrong.
Americans are too overworked and too strapped for cash anymore to have time for protesting. The 1960s were full of people living in luxury thanks to a decade or more of the United States being the only player in the world economy that hadn't been bombed into oblivion. These college students from back in the day (as well as their siblings and mother back home) were often living on a single income. Does that happen anymore?
This country is becoming Brazilified. More and more of the money is made at the top and there is a concerted effort to weaken the working and middle classes by shipping jobs overseas and chipping away at the rights of workers. We're at the point now that no one has time to protest or do anything aside from work, recover from work, and prepare from work. You have to work and keep working the second you're out of school so you can pay off those loans you had to take out because your parents couldn't save the money to send you to school and your government won't cover it either.
Meanwhile, if you choose to drop out and get knocked up, your government check is in the mail! The government caters to the very rich and the very poor, but no one in between ignoring the bulk of its citizenry.
Then there's a PATRIOT act and other assorted paranoid garbage that will get you on a government watch list should you choose to voice your opinion in public.
Fuck you, we rock.
Yes, really. We care about the environment, we're more tolerant than ever, and we're changing the world for the better, just not in as obvious ways.
Stop complaining about the current society...
Why bother? It's like fighting a shit storm, i rather join them and have Power,money and don't forget Friday night orgies.
Society in general sucks. No real purpose. Just aimless wandering. And sadly, things will only get worst and no one will do anything about it. Too busy watching American Idol.
you kidding? our parents' generation currently runs things; Bush is a baby boomer, so was Clinton, so have been Putin, Yeltsin, Blair, the list goes on. Ever since the Boomers have been the generation in power-admittedly approximate terminology-we've seen a general deterioration of foreign affairs. when the WWII generation ran things, we at least had freedom. there was no nannystate in the 1970's or 1980's. it's the neocons, mostly baby boomers and so-called "ex-hippies", that ran America into the shithole from 2000-2006; to say the Boomers have had a productive legacy is bullshit.
the reason kids these days don't seem to have as much of an impact on the country is the constant emphasis on monitoring and coddling of children that is preventing true growth. shit, some of the people behind the hippie movement were goddamn 14-years old, look at Kent State. when I was 14, i would have been completely unable to do any such thing-my parents would never have let it fly-and moreover my previous experiences had left me unprepared to try. is this my fault? partially, but responsibility also falls on my parents and teachers. who knows? maybe it's better that I was the way that I was, but it's important to realize that it kept me from being productive the way I could have been.
I'm 18, and I think most of my generation has just succumb to nihilism of one sort or another. I know I have.
americans are too overworked?
i lol'ed my head off.
Americans are too overworked.
You never worked at all did you?
My health insurance doubled last week. I don't have anything to represent me but Bombardier. If you're EuroCanada and You're listening, we're totally cool with the Euro Standard if you'll just give us some state health insurance. All we want to do is beat China and we're so overworked we don't remember that this is our goal. U.S.E.U., FUCK YEAH.