Becoming slim: my trials and tribulations (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-09 12:56 ID:0adXeamL

Last Saturday I decided I'd had enough of being a hambeast. I've been slim before, when I was around six, after which it was all downhill with me getting fatter and fatter year after year. To give you an idea of how fat I am currently, I'm 178 centimeters tall and weigh around 110-112 kilos. That means I have to lose about 32-35 kilos to reach my ideal weight. I'm actually surprised how little it is, considering the fact that I look so damn fat (at least I and the non-slimming mirrors think so).

So, last Saturday I decided to hit the road. A bit of running, a bit of jogging, some walking would do the trick, I thought. I had planned out a nice route going through the local forest which I'd run through at least four times a week. I'm also planning to get a gym membership this week.

All went well and I felt pretty good afterwards, albeit a bit sore (should've done the warm-up streches a bit better).

After resting on Sunday (let's not be too harsh, still a beginner) I decided I'd go again today. This turned out to be a not so good idea...

After running for a while my feet started to feel heavy-ish, making running a pain. I did feel I could run a bit longer than usually, but soon this was happily dispelled by whatever cosmic force out there when I started having trouble breathing. I'm 19 now, been an asthmatic since the age of five, so the feeling of being suffocated by invisible hands is not new to me. But this time it was just soul-crushing. I wheezed and gasped for whatever small bits of oxygen I could gather in my prunish lungs to keep me alive. Since this happened on a stretch of busy road, I saw two teenage kids on a scooter coming my way that, upon seeing me, decided that yelling assorted weight-related profanities would help me in some unknown way to breathe better. At this point you could clearly see me trying to breathe in air.

I deemed it best to turn back home (I had already gone pretty far by the time I began to have breathing problems) and so I crawled back at a speed of, in hindsight, probably less than a mile per hour. It was just so damn hard to breathe and I constantly felt I was going to suffocate at any minute.

I took my asthma medicine just now before going online and I feel much better. I'm very disappointed that I couldn't finish my self-defined course, but I guess it's better than nothing. Gonna do it again tomorrow, hopefully with success.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-09 19:06 ID:MVK86qDa

It's a start. If you keep it up, you'll eventually see results.

Always take your asthma spray with you, though, an always keep a cellphone with you.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-09 20:44 ID:U9iJJP1/

all that running will be for naught if you do not have the appropriate diet to go along with it

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-10 17:33 ID:shSfldHN

Good job, >>1 . It sucks at first, but just keep plugging away at it. I was a little fatty when I was younger, got up to around 230 pounds, but a year of improved diet and steady exercise (doesn't hurt that I moved in with my health-nut friend) and I had gotten down to 172 pounds. Back up to 185 right now though... WoW happened D:

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-11 20:26 ID:rxmrhFBg

>>1 Stop eating sugar, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, starches. Keep meet, vegetables. Running will bring you there but diet is the first thing.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-12 06:24 ID:PGEvlEVG

Don't be afraid of whole grains, though. And some kinds of rice are pretty good for you, like basmati.

Simple starches, though...yeah, avoid them.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-12 06:24 ID:PGEvlEVG

Don't be afraid of whole grains, though. And some kinds of rice are pretty good for you, like basmati.

Simple starches, though...yeah, avoid them.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-12 13:48 ID:0adXeamL

Just got back from another one, feeling a lot less sore than the first time!

Believe me, from now on I definitely will. I don't want to experience that situation again.

Yeah, diet was the first thing I changed (about two or so weeks ago). It felt easier to cut back on sugars and fat than to start immediately doing exercises. Mangoes instead of chocolate, gum instead of random snacks... I guess it was sort of preparatory.

Wow, you lost that much in only a year? That gives me some hope :D

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-12 16:33 ID:shSfldHN


I guess I misspoke a bit... I was 230 at my absolute worst. When I started getting serious about my health, I was at probably 205-210. Still, I'm proud of what I was able to accomplish though.

Fight! Fight! And keep on fighting!

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-15 15:32 ID:Qah2XEQX

Your courage and determination brings me some courage as well as some hope.
I myself have been struggling for about a year now, and nothing's worked whatsoever... _|-|O"

11 Name: RedCream : 2008-06-15 17:49 ID:+vzVJcp/

You're struggling only because you're not doing the right things in the first place:

  1. Eat less.
  2. Eat better food (more green, more leaves, less artificial crap).
  3. Exercise.
  4. Stop expecting to get your weight loss in a fucking pill while you continue to pile on the donuts.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-16 18:22 ID:0adXeamL

I am and I will!

My weight has gone down to around 107, and I don't feel sore after running, either.

Oh, you can do it. It takes more self-discipline, and I must say, the very beginning wasn't easy for me either. Don't let your failures haunt you. Just keep going and correct your mistakes, you'll get there! You'll be surprised at how enjoyable exercise can become once you really get into it.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-23 13:48 ID:/A2Xr7xH

"...put down the fork. FACE!" -- Brian from Family Guy

Seriously though I spent 9 months eating subway salad (no meat or cheese, just veggies, oil, and vinegar) and walking and then moving to running six days a week. I went from 240 down to 152 in 10 months. Forget all of these diet pills, weekend liquid diets, or getting surgery. Just get your fat ass up and get started.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-23 19:48 ID:F/yr41iO


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