[Possible Job] Pizza Delivery (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-04 06:20 ID:Heaven

So there's this place that's opening near my house, and it seems like the only thing that's holding it back is the lack of delivery drivers. There's been a sign in the window for atleast three weeks now saying they're only looking for delivery drivers. I haven't had a job in two or three years, and I'm thinking this might be the perfect opportunity to get back out there and get some money. I've always regretted having gotten my drivers license and a car, but now I can actually make money with it. The prospect of getting time alone while working and being able to listen to music makes this somewhat more desirable than other jobs I'd been thinking about. The only thing that's stopping me is my car. It starts and drives fine, but I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with one of the bearings - there's a whining noise coming from a wheel as it moves.

Does anyone here have any experience being a delivery person for a pizza place? Tell me about it.

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