[/x] Paranormal [CreepyPasta] (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-09 17:46 ID:uoty3iL8

Since we don't have a paranormal board, figured I would at least start a thread for people to post their personal creepy tales. I suppose I should start. I have a much longer story, but I'll save it for later.

About 7 years ago, I was still living with my parents at home. It was a nice house, never creepy or anything. 2 stories, a finished basement. It's just large enough that sometimes if you call out for someone, they won't hear.

Anyway, my Mom was out somewhere, and I was looking for my Dad. I called out, but no answer, so I went to go look around. Called into the basement, nothing - tried calling outside, nothing. So, I walk over to the upstairs to check up there. Basically, it's a long stair up, and right as soon as you're at the top there are 4 rooms which you can see from the bottom, and no other way up there.

When I look up the stairs, I see a silhouette of someone just walking into the sunny room on the right (daytime, btw). Couldn't see anything because of the brightness of all the doors open up there. So I called up, and waited for an answer (being a lazy guy, didn't want to walk up there). Nothing. I figure "christ, how can he be so busy?", call again, and nothing.

Fed up, I walk up the stairs, look in the room - empty. Now, I know I saw something - it was a full silhouette walking the one step to get to that room. I stared dumbfounded for a few minutes. Dad later came back in from outside.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-09 23:26 ID:yX8L9K4h

i was at blue mountain in collingwood and went to sleep with my gf the first night in the hotel. i woke up at about 3 in the morning watching these 2 weird skull covered cylinders dropping and rising from the ceiling.
At first i thought i was just seeing things because i have sleep disorders where i see things when i wake up or i don't wake up and end up doing random stuff, but this time my gf woke up after i did and started trembling as she curled into a ball. i moved my self over her and said "this is really starting to freak me out" all I hear as i watch these pillars is "you see them too?" from my gf. without looking away i grabbed my phone and turned on the light it uses for a flash (it can light up a whole room from pick dark) and shine the light on the pillar things, they disapear but the light is only reaching a couple feet in front of me. it wouldn't reach the ceiling 6 feet away.
Then the next night the power to the whole hotel went out for the night which made us even more nervous although nothing more happened.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-12 20:48 ID:X/tnEZXV

So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my daughter?" U tell ur girl n she say "my dad is ded". THEN WHO WAS PHONE?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-13 00:12 ID:aR2LPlh1

I feel like I have said this story too much for it being a speculation, and that I am kind of bragging about a possible trick of my eye...

but, I was lying on my bed listening to my iPod one night, and I got up to turn off my light across the room. I still had my iPod with me, and as you may know, the iPod has a bright backlight. After I turned off the light, I just subconsciously decided to scan my room with my iPod's backlight (I moved my iPod like a flashlight to light up my room).
In the middle of my room, not on the wall, there was a shadow figure standing approximately four feet tall, or maybe a little more. The figure had a simple humanoid shape, shoulders and a head, body continuing down to the ground. Within less than a second, the shadow had disappeared much like water vapors.

I had never seen anything like that before, and I have not seen anything like that since. It is not possible for the shape to have been my own shadow, because there was no light source behind me. Keep in mind that the shape was standing right before me, not projected onto the wall. I had not been looking at a human shaped object or a human for quite a while, so a trick of my eye is unlikely. The part that confuses myself is that the shadow was gone within milliseconds.

I have always been aware of the dead and I do believe in ghosts and the afterlife. Several simple things have happened in my past that are unexplainable, but supernatural things happen all the time.

Anyway, if anyone wants to creep themselves out, look at yourself in a mirror in the middle of the night. No, there is no "Bloody Mary" crap. There is no light for the mirror to reflect, so you cannot see anything but your silhouette and major details of your body. Okay, not that creepy, but look at your face, maybe get close to the mirror, and look into your eyes. If you are in darkness, you will not be able to see your eyes.
It must be human nature to fear things that do not have eyes, because think of how fictional creatures with no eyes or no pupils et cetera tend to scare us.
Back to the mirror trick, your brain tries to remember your face and place it where you are looking in the mirror. Although sometimes your brain remembers someone else's face... you have to see for yourself! It can be quite frightening.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-14 04:24 ID:4Wr57YCm

I think you saw Kurokona.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-24 14:37 ID:Y+mz2FdA

Your english teacher?

8 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-26 21:20 ID:X/tnEZXV

Oh the irony. It should be You're _E_nglish teacher.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-26 22:07 ID:Heaven

mixing cases like that is french faggotry:

> These in turn formed the foundations for the Carolingian minuscule script, developed by Alcuin for use in the court of Charlemagne, which quickly spread across Europe. Here for the first time it became common to mix both upper and lower case letters in a single text.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-27 00:15 ID:z2Lo9Xuz

I hail from the far lands of 4chan /b/ to bring you a message

suck my mechanical /b/dick


11 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-03 19:32 ID:JtEsffC4

Well, this isn't that creepy maybe, but it was dream that turned into a nightmare right at the end.

So, i can only remember segments of this dream, so bear with me. It starts out at my parent's house. I opened the front door, and I find a bunch of kittens mewling there. My first instinct was to let them in, but i remembered i had cats and they might not take too kindly to them. (this wasn't true, i have no cats) and I had allergies anyway. I go to close the door, and see some puppies down the road - now I'm thinkin' "christ, i can't catch a break" and just close the door. But later on I get to thinking I should bring them all in anyway, and open the door, but they're all gone. I figure (since i've been building a roguelike game IRL) that if I just keep opening the door and closing it, eventually the RNG will generate the kittens again. I do this, only to find a punch of punks spraing water everywhere. I get kinda pissed off and confront them, and then the dream switches.

Now, i'm in some place like greece or something, with terraced houses and a long sloping land to the ocean. I don't remember much, but I'm running, and I get captured by this all-female syndicate of some kind. I'm a prisoner on their flying ship, because it's pretty obvious that I'm the only guy, so I can't escape. Eventually, I manage to leave the ship, though I suspect they let me because it was too easy.

Somehow, I end up in a mall, in a vacant stall, with a bunch of people. We finally open this secret area and get what we were looking for, but when we go to leave, 'Mall Security' is there mumbling about something. I notice they're all women and I'm like "Oh fuck" and I don't listen to a thing and only worry about getting the door open and running past. I find a way through, and turn around to the rest of everyone, but they aren't moving, so I yell at them and they slowly start getting ready to go, and I yell at them again and tell them to run. I run off now, tired of waiting for them, and I see the whole mall is empty. lit, but empty of people.

It suddenly dawns on me that I should have been listening to what the woman said when she was mumbling to us - and maybe the reason everyone was reluctant to move was based on what she was saying...

I heard a sound that was like a woman's voice, but it was a combination of saying "yup" and a hiccup. It was coming from the glass doors, which I couldn't see outside from because I was looking at them from an oblique angle. The sound kept repeating, and each time, I could see some kind of shadow being cast by the doors getting closer, as though she took a step each time she hiccuped. The slow plodding, and the sound just instantly filled me with terror. A million possibilities flew through my head, and I settled on some kind of Bio-Weapon that this syndicate made out of one of their women, and I ran into the nearest store, looking for anything I could use as a weapon. I saw, to my delight, by this stack of brooms an Axe, with a broom handle. I grabbed it, but I apprently grabbed the wrong one, because there was a big stack of handles to grab, i grabbed this butcher knife with a short broom handle. I play with the idea of grabbing the axe too for one of my friends, when I hear the door to the mall open, and the sound get louder - and I scare myself awake.

I was so mad - I wanted to know what it was! I imagined either something like a zombie, or maybe something that looked like Scarmiglione revived from FFIV (the shadow vaguely resembled it) but i'll never know. I even tried to go back to sleep to find out, but no deal.

Sorry for the long story, and the abrupt end, but at least it wasn't a belair or something... damn i wish I knew what it was going to be...

12 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-05 17:05 ID:yX8L9K4h

do you ever wake up in the middle of the night, your eyes are open but you see what's going on in your head and not what is right in front of you? happens to me all the time. the freakiest one i remember is trying to fight off a shadow cloaked being, then my mom turned on the light and i was curled up in the corner with a death grip on a large knife.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-06 15:25 ID:TcAFM+89


I think those are called Night Terrors. An Ex's sister got them a few times. seemed to think we were part of the nightmare.

Sometimes I will be partially awake and something I'm seeing will become part of the dream, or some tactile feeling will come out of the dream with me into the waking world, but nothing like >>12.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-23 16:22 ID:+Yi7MVMY


Cool Story Bro.

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