We do not need no education (33)

23 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-25 23:53 ID:xZMl50YP


And for anyone who was wondering, I was not seriously saying I would move to the woods. I was saying that I do not need to have a house to survive.

I am looking forward to college and it will most likely be a nice experience for me.
It is too bad that some of you took this thread a little to seriously, I think >>7 and >>19 are the only ones who understood. All I meant is that structured education is not needed.

When I was told that I needed education, I resisted and continued into a philosophical view of how we are just little humans in a vast universe (not figments of imagination, >>22 ;P ).

Basically, you know we do not need school to survive, which is my whole point. Maybe we need to go to school to get a job to pay bills, but that is not essential to living. As in you do not really need money to eat, breathe, sleep, do your business...

So let us all be friends and find a common ground. As OP I take responsibility.

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