Do women actually have real interests like men do? (42)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-23 18:02 ID:tdDvxCSK

It may just be my line of work, but a lot of the women I know are deep into very strange things. One collects dead snakes off the highway. She weighs the remains and plots them into spreadsheets... for fun. The woman that works with me catalogs fatal car crashes and keeps a tally of how many have died in the county, again for fun. She gets immensely excited by big car crashes that make the national news and will not stop talking about them when they pop up. Predictably, no one in my company is married or even in a relationship except for top supervisors with unrelated business degrees... By the way, the men are entirely the same, except they tend to shower less.

So yes, none of the women that you would actually date have any outside interests or hobbies.

Presumably, they're only capable of one obsessive hobby, and the bulk of them are ONLY into relationships. My suggestion is researching some surgical means of doubling the brain capacity of those women with outside interests to create the super woman. A forced eugenics program might work too.

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