What model phone do you own? (24)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-26 21:39 ID:jTjwgeKA

Title says it all. Post your phones.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-26 23:10 ID:Vd/8rxOe

Some random Nokia phone. C5? I can barely read the model number it's so small.
It has a touch screen which I hate. I never cared for touch screens. They're a silly gimmick and you can't beat the feeling of real buttons.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-26 23:53 ID:YNbTeddD

Some really old Nokia thing. I don't use it much. It has an LED flashlight on the top, which is useful.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-28 08:18 ID:+CS021FF

I broke my old cellphone so I bought a new (more modern) one, Samsung GT-S3350. It has an AZERTY (french to QWERTY) keyboard, which is perfect for my needs.
I'm supporting our new Korean overlords nida.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-28 19:53 ID:JS5e7nOH

I agree on the touchscreen thing. It's so much slower. With buttons, muscle memory kicks in and you can operate the device and type on it without even looking. You can't do that with a flat surface.

I KNOW WHAT PHONE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. THAT THING IS TANK. It was my first phone. Fucking indestructible. When I switched to a new one me and my friends actually worked together to try to render it inoperable. Most of the outer casing had broken off but it still worked. I wish more phones were like that ol' Nokia. All phones today fucking smash if you sneeze near them.

I currently have a Samsung Galaxy, the slider one not the smart phone. This phone is pretty tank too, but not as much as my old Nokia. I don't really like smart phones much. A minor web browser and a camera are the most non-phone things I'd ever want a phone to do.
I'm saving my money to get a Nokia X2.

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