Preferred methods of showing/recieving love (15)

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-20 18:55 ID:rImJ+C30


I've heard that idea before. On one lesbian forum, in fact, on a specific thread, I've heard people go back and fourth on the issue. The majority of the vocal members of that forum seemed to find the idea, and the person who presented it, worthy of mocking.

I think the idea is partially based on the steriotype that women are more emotionally sensitive, and less interested in sex, than men. I've also seen some people try to use the statement in order to treat lesbian relationships as somehow superior to conventional heterosexual relationships. It seems to depend on the lesbian, so YMMV.

Personally, I have an active sex drive. I consider the carnal side of things to be an important part of my relationships, along with the emotional side. This is not to say I wouldn't consider a one night stand, or a purely sexual encounter. There are also some girls with whom I might have considered a platonic romance, as they aren't sure about their sexual identity. However, in both cases, I've been dissatisfied enough to seek the missing aspects of these relationships elsewhere.

In short, yes I want to cuddle, and talk, and all of those things. I also want to touch, kiss, and have sex with other girls. I don't think that makes me wierd among lesbians, but it might.

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