Internet Dating Sites (40)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-10 20:03 ID:9WWppfjx

As the topic implies - Discuss your experiences with online personals. Good? Bad? Do you have any sites to recommend?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-10 23:18 ID:4FKpwIwI

For Internet personals, it's either okcupid or adultfriendfinder. Anything in between is for the truly desperate.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-11 00:03 ID:Heaven

as i'm not in college i wouldn't know, but from online friends it really sounds like though facebook is for fun, it seems to be a nice to way to get to meet partners around campus, too....

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-11 05:23 ID:Heaven (www

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-20 23:20 ID:pjYfbXDE

I haven't tried adultfriendfinder, but okcupid isn't bad. The websites which have added a personals area as afterthought tend to suck. It really shows that it's just been glued on after the fact.

I personally haven't had much sucess, because I'm not really good at keeping up on any particular website. I hang out for a while, then come back whenever I remember, which can be months later.

Actually, my recent experience with a personals site involved talking with this one girl for a while. It seemed pretty good, but I disappeared from the site for a while. She's got a girlfriend now, and I think it's a pretty exclusive relationship. What can I say? You snooze you lose. As far as I can tell, with any of these sites, you'll only get what you put into it.

6 Name: SQUISHIE : 2005-11-21 19:46 ID:DMUEYroA

I don't know about those online dating sites.. I never tried those, but I met my boyfriend through Facebook (even though it doesn't really count as an online dating site) last February. After we met in person, we started off as friends but ended up being more around May. We're still happy and together now (Dating for about 6.5 months now...).

So I guess sometimes finding love through the internet works... o_o

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-22 03:13 ID:9WWppfjx

I gave it a shot a while back... talked to a few people, but nothing really ever came of it. My problem is that since I live in a rural area, there isn't a lot of choose from... and I'm fairly picky in what I'm looking for.

That's $20 I'll never see again.... :(

8 Name: 名無し!byft8HrUyU : 2005-11-23 21:07 ID:sxDPY1sv

Has anyone tried blind date?
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9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-23 22:25 ID:pjYfbXDE


Never pay for a matchmaking site. All they are doing is allowing you to host, and view profiles. You still have talk to, and click with the other people on there for it to be remotely worth it. Stick to the free sites.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-23 22:29 ID:pjYfbXDE


Haven't heard of it.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-23 22:45 ID:+Rgh6Ko8

12 Name: (´-`).。oO(おっぱい (. Y .) ) : 2005-11-24 06:49 ID:qCDJJAjK

I'd imagine that a pay site would be hounded by true losers and/or near-prostitutes. I don't really see all that much distinction between a pay-for-play site and a brothel.
The theory behind anonymous messageboards applies here, methinks: that a free internet group allows people with real lives to add to the site.

13 Name: 名無し!byft8HrUyU : 2005-11-24 19:29 ID:sxDPY1sv


>by true losers and/or near-prostitutes
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14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-09 18:54 ID:UCv080fo

Online personals = nightmare.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-11 16:34 ID:pjYfbXDE

Howso? I mean, I get the occasional creep who wants me to sex up his wife in front of him, or turn me straight, but they don't seem to be horribly intrusive. The worst I can say about it, is that my lazy ass prevents me from getting much in the way of a positive result.

Now, being in "skype me" mode, while obviously female. That's a nightmare, and not about to be repeated any time soon.

16 Name: the bitter bastard : 2005-12-11 20:18 ID:UCv080fo

Ah, you're female. You might have a different perspective.

I'm male, straight, and over thirty. This means I have approximately a one in infinity chance of hooking up.

On that rare occasion when I get a response, anyone who does respond to me fall into a few different categories, of which my favorite so far has to be either "I am a pre-op TS" or the one I corresponded with for months this year, who I traveled two days to meet, who stood me up and had been calling me a "weirdo" and "asshole" in her Livejournal the whole time.

Of that tiny number of women at any personal ad site, all seem to fall into one of two categories: nineteen and perfect and personally offended by the very existence of anyone over thirty, or disgusting 400-pound beasts with three chins, four screeching kids, an SUV, and more facial hair than I have. Almost all of either of these categories will be borderline illiterate anyway. "i <3 2 tke wlaks on da baech LOLOLOLOLOL :D :D"

There are also some who appear to be the mythical "hot bi babe" that actually only exists in porn. Some of these can actually write a paragraph that doesn't make me cringe. They don't respond to emails, unless they will eventually say either a) "I used to be a man" or b) "yes, I think you're smart and funny and I'd love to meet," then go to her LJ to complain about the "pathetic weirdo" who responded to her ad rather than actually show up.

And yes, I've tried all the sites. Craigslist,,,, OKcupid, Nerve Personals, Yahoo Personals, and on and on and on. All I've gotten since 1996 is rejection, humiliation, bitterness, and the occasional email from gay men who think I "haven't met the right man yet."

And that is why personal ads = nightmare.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-19 04:58 ID:Heaven

I hear OkCupid is nifty. I prefer loneliness to dating sites, though.

18 Name: the bitter bastard : 2005-12-19 17:44 ID:UCv080fo

Funny you should mention OKcupid. That's where I found all these people.

I think I really ought to give up on the whole thing.

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-20 20:39 ID:ydqPAyG2

There are a few articles on online dating in the dating and love section, eg. how to spruce up your personal profiles, what to do when a woman responds...

you guys might wanna take a look.

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-20 20:40 ID:xPpZS+1q

the site is

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-10 21:58 ID:eH768j5L

I tried It's free, but so far hasn't helped much. For a start, it's US oriented, so doesn't know how far anyone in the UK is from me, which makes searching difficult. I've emailed maybe twenty women, and had two responses. One was just "thanks" and no more, the other asked me a little about myself but never repiled to my response.

To be honest, I think internet dating sites are a waste of time, at least for me. There is something like a 100 to 1 ratio of men to women. Probably good for women then, but for blokes it's a waste of time.

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-27 05:23 ID:fupwi+os

Well I tried OKCupid, and so far have gotten no responses from anyone that I've messaged on it. I did IM one chick cause she had her AIM SN in her profile, and she was nice but we didn't exactlt click. MySpace just seems filled with friends whores and spambots.

I tried's meetme thing too. If you know how it works, I've gotten a number of "matches," most of which don't respond to any e-mails. One chick wanted to talk through e-mail, so we did a couple times then she just stopped responding. Another chick gave me her AIM SN but I found out she had a kid and I didn't wanna really touch that situation. One girl seemed like she might be pretty good, but then we're talking on AIM and she mentions that she has a boyfriend. I don't get why people with boyfriends make profiles on sites like these.

Anyone have any advice on what exactly you should say to girls when you message them? I always feel like some sorta desperate loser or freak with whatever I say. Sometimes I try to say something relevant about their profile, and then drop an AIM SN. Sometimes I just give an AIM SN if they wanna talk. Sometimes I only ask them if they wanna talk on AIM sometime, and wait and see if they'll give me an SN or something. I'm confused as to what to say. The majority of girls just never respond at all, and it is a bit disheartening!

And any other sites that I haven't named that someone might recommend?

23 Name: Brent : 2006-01-27 07:20 ID:JQHnFNR7

I've been using eHarmony. The payment requirement definitely improves the clientele. I haven't had any "secretly looking for a one-night stand" experiences; on the contrary, it's been a bit hard going because I don't get a lot of responses. I do get about ten new matches a day.

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-27 13:38 ID:Ixyy9tnT

Yeah >>23

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-27 19:30 ID:ZFuu3bEo

I did the eHarmony thing for a while, but ditched it because my experiences were exactly like >>16.

My biggest problem with online dating is that I have to talk about myself a lot. This is a bad thing because 1. I hate talking about myself, and 2. I lead a completely mundane life that revolves entirely around a cubicle and a PC.

Take for example, one woman I with whom I was conversing. She seemed quite interested in the fact that I travel a lot and have a taste for expensive hotels. (As an aside, the cynic in me says that she saw gold that was ripe for the mining.) Of course, once I opened up a bit and explained that all this travel is for the purpose of going to conventions, she dropped me like a bad habit.

And this wasn't some hot 19-year-old co-ed. This was a 27-year-old McDonalds manager who, based on how she described herself, was probably well over 300 pounds.

26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-28 00:21 ID:Heaven

The sad thing is that if you want to really improve the odds on a dating site you have to become a slime ball. First thing you'll note is that you have to contact a lot of girls before you get a hit. That encourages the writing of a form letter to save time. This letter has to be liberal with the truth (but try not to lie outright) and require a minimum of rewriting, if any, for each girl you send it to. Improve that letter in light of what works and what doesn't. And you send that letter to hundreds of girls since few will respond, and even fewer will be to your taste. If you happen to contact the same girl twice, meh, shrug and move on. Stop having qualms about dating several girls at the same time. You're not in a relationship in the early stages of these types of dates.

Girls who want to avoid guys who behave like above should use dating sites with some kind of feedback and check if there's anything outing form letter Casanovas. Also register twice or with a friend. If both accounts get the same letter - busted!

27 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-29 03:28 ID:OQ1Xn2+A

I've been using okcupid/craigslist for a few years now, and have contacted probably dozens of girls. The mast majority ignore me, and most of the rest send a single reply, but then ignore me after that.

I've only ever met 3 in person, all of whom cut off contact not long after our first date.

Considering the dates went pretty well, and overall I consider myself an average guy (I'm in my early 20's, I'm not overweight or underweight, I shower, shave, and dress nicely) I have no idea what the problem is. It sure is a kick in the balls to my self esteem though.

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-29 06:09 ID:Heaven

thanks for this post I lol'd at "This means I have approximately a one in infinity chance of hooking up."

29 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-30 11:44 ID:KHMHb7E8

>>28 (Actually, I cringed at it, considering I'm 27, just trying out some dating sites, out of realizing I'm not going to randomly meet people unless I move to a major city, and getting the same results...

I'm quickly learning that noone, no matter how interested they are or at least seem to be, seems to have five minutes to answer your $#&% e-mail!!

Why is it that when someone e-mails you their interest in you, you reply the next day or so, it takes up to over-a-week for them to get back to you?! And you reply to that, and it takes over another week to reply!!

Do people expect you to believe they're honestly soooo busy it doesn't take five minutes to reply to a mail?? What the heck is up with people taking forever to respond to you, especially if it's favorable?!!

I work a fulltime job & have responsibilities, but it takes like 5 minutes to check & reply to your e-mail every night!!

30 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-30 12:50 ID:dnu6xQxQ

I go to and, both pay sites, because I know what kind of guy I'm looking for. The only problem is, I live in australia, and they all live in the US...

For freebies, I use okcupid and plenty of fish.

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-04 03:49 ID:9FZsyP/4

I'm afraid most users of this website may have dating difficulties due to simply..."not being normal people."

This thread is very entertaining though.

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-04 09:24 ID:b6a5fjEz

why why the **** would go to a internet dating site the something called reality, real people outside at your door step,

33 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-05 09:39 ID:g6kHZ8vo

Duh, maybe because a lot of people don't live in a city or heavily populated area where people are literally outside our "Door Step"...

I for one live in the countryside, where my chances of walking out the front door and meeting people are... um... nil!

(Oh, and that's not to mention that chances of anyone even in this "country-ish" area even being into gaming, anime, culture, or anything beyond horses & country music is also nil...)

34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-05 09:45 ID:60yTnsDP

And even if they were into anime, gaming or etc, they don't exactly show it until they trust you. since they don't want to be seen as weird or such.

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-05 15:01 ID:Heaven

In my online dating profiles, I have listed one of my pet peeves as people who don't respond to emails. Someone needs to make a dating site where some kind of response is enforced. Either you send a message that says yes or no, or your account get banned and your boobs get cut off.

36 Name: No33 : 2007-10-05 17:20 ID:U8GyTFBm

ABSOLUTELY... >>33 here, and I can't begin to say how aggrivating that is...

Especially when a person contacts you, saying that they're interested, and you spend the time typing and sending a response, it shouldn't take a week or more later before they reply...

I mean, come on, it takes literally 2 or 3 minutes to check their e-mail, and 2 or 3 minutes to word a response... And on top of that, they initiated interest in you, not the other way around!!

You usually get some BS-sounding story about how "they were out of town" or "visiting relatives" or "very busy with work or school", and so they couldn't get back to you...

I've never been so exhausted from work or classes that I've been physically unable to check e-mail for "days"...

I'm sorry to anyone who sends these types of "Sorry I'm late in replying, I've been busy", but a word to the wise: It's a bit of a slap in the face to whoever you send them to, as it says that getting in touch with me's not very important to you...

37 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-05 23:21 ID:A3bPt0DI

I don't agree with Internet dating, it makes people look desperate, the chances of you meeting someone who good 4 you is about one in a hundred, even if you live in the countryside, there a chance that you could meet someone that you like.
in countrysides is like about hundreds people living there, it may not be populated, there's not different to a city, at the countryside you guys have pubs, clubs for local community right,
if you're going to use the Internet as for dating option, i really do hope the think twice, because there are a lot of beautiful women in your area who would love to go out to you guys, you just have to find her, ladies there are alot of nice guy near you too,

38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-06 01:52 ID:5UZtJPQP


>>in countrysides is like about hundreds people living there, it may not be populated, there's not different to a city, at the countryside you guys have pubs, clubs for local community right,

You've obviously never been to a rural pub/club. It's basically a den for sexually aggressive construction workers and loose women. You can smell the mildew and cigarette smoke even before you get halfway across the parking lot.

I'd sooner cut my pOnOs off than set foot in one of those places looking for a meaningful date.

39 Name: >>33 : 2007-10-06 02:17 ID:lriBZ90x

>>33 here again, and agree, completely... Here in the US, our "bars" are hardly the place for an intellectual to meet people in the countryside, and it amounts to a place for country-type people or bikers or construction workers to try to pick up "chicks"... In the countryside, they're hardly the place to go for anyone appreciating culture, to be frankly honest...

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-06 04:54 ID:A3bPt0DI

>>38 i agree with you, if the people your talking about are mid age, what about the young men,women in their 17 to 25.
>>38 >>39 i not fully understand the countryside but my friend from univerity, live in the countryside she has a bf there, what make you different to her, if she can bf there, so can you

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