[Quasi-IAA] How getting dumped hurts... (22)

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-17 22:18 ID:zR7Sf2bt

I'm sorry if this is making you feel bad, but listen up, >>1-san.

I can understand you feel loneliness. Really. However, that is not a reason good enough to stalk anyone. As you wrote in >>9, you have realized that stalking her was wrong. That's good. But it was very wrong. You say that you really, really like her, how could you then do such a thing? It is offending and disturbing. If you do talk to her, who knows, maybe you'd start with a relationship together; wouldn't it bother your mind knowing that you used to stalk her close to the beginning of your relationship? Would you ever dare telling her?

This is probably me overreacting. You're 14 years old, she's 12. I don't like to say that age matters, but it does, it does. You don't often hear about relationships that started at such a young age, huh? The fact that you were stalking her also makes me not able to consider this to ever become anything serious.

I don't think you need a girlfriend. You say you feel lonely. Okay. You know, many guys are okay people. Sure, many are idiots also. Hah! But I don't think you need to interact with girls. It's just something you're thinking. What you need are some nice real life friend(s) that are willing to listen and give advice when there's something you need to talk about. You seem like a smart boy, I'm sure you'll be able to make friends if you only try.

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