I found and lost the love of my life (78)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-21 08:57 ID:VyTS32Zq

Without realizing it, it happened. We have been in the same class for a semester, and we would meet by coincidence on campus all the time. At the time I had a girlfriend that I was unhappy with though. We broke up. I started talking with the new girl more, but wasn't getting any special vibes. I knew she had to go back to her home country soon anyway.

I went to her goodbye party and I took her to disneyland the next day. We held hands and had a great time. I took her to a beach and we layed down on a blanket on the sand, holding eachother, in silence for a long time. We both said that we wish we had found eachother earlier.

When I took her back home I hugged her and told her how much I liked her. I told her I wish I realized it sooner, I wish we had met earlier or had more time. She said, "I love you" and we kissed once and hugged again, she then ran to the door with tears in her eyes.

The next day I looked in the book she gave me and there was a note saying how she should have known me earlier and how much she will miss me.

She is gone now, back to her home country. Dammit.

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