I found and lost the love of my life (78)

57 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-26 10:56 ID:kmTux8Ng

God damn it! You came to Japan to meet her! Try to meet her at least for an hour or so! If she can't give you one fuckin' day after saying that she loved you then she is just a fucking bitch! Sorry for saying that, but you put a lot of effort to visit her and now she don't even want to see you. What kind of love is that supposed to be? Don't want to hurt each other? You want to see the girl you love! What is more painfull? Seeing each other or not seeing when there is a chance?
You can either meet her or forget about her. Make your decision. If I were you, I would do anything to meet her especially if I were in Japan.
do something, man! I don't want such a lame ending to this story.

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