Evolving on a friendship (13)

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-29 07:10 ID:vktmTjBG

I want to suggest confess and tell her how you feel, but it is never that easy. If you tell her how you feel and she does not return the feelings and it ruins the friendship, you are not the only one that loses, she does too. She might already know you how feel, but doesn't want to admit it to herself. I don't mean to get you down about it, but friendships can seem so strong but can be blown away so easily by something like this.

I had a friend who I saw as a brother who fell in love with me, but I did not return his feelings. We knew each other for five years, we have not spoken since he confessed which was almost exactly a year ago and we probably never will. I knew he liked me, I was just hoping he would never confess so we could stay the same.

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