Forever Single? (47)

1 Name: yokken : 2006-01-25 23:13 ID:Hhak8HwQ

Alright, I don't know about anybody else here, but I've never had a girlfriend. At least, not in real life. I've had one real girlfriend online, and we've had our problems and our.. not-problems. Anyway, we're not together anymore but we talk almost every day still, between friends and more-than-friends. I feel that I'll never have a real-life girlfriend, and that nobody will ever admire me in the way that I admire them. Am I just unlikeable? Is it because I'm 40 lbs overweight? I can't help it-- I eat 600 calories or more UNDER the recommended amount for my height and weight and I still manage to stay at 200. I'm more of a quiet person, I haven't asked many people out. People say that I need to concentrate on my schoolwork before a girlfriend and/or a job; my response is: I have concentrated on school for 15 damn years, I think I deserve a distraction. I have straight A's and I have nothing to faze that. I sometimes find myself flirting with a girl in German class, only to be kicked in the shin twice because she's aggressive and I said a minor sexual slur. MINOR, mind you.

Am I stupid? Am I unlikeable? Am I just too plain smart? I know I'm a nerd, but COME ON. I don't want a girlfriend from sympathy- I want a girl who honestly cares about how I feel, how my day was. It doesn't have to be a really intimate relationship- sex can honestly wait. Hugging is enough, kissing is great. Seeing as I've never had a hug from a single girl outside of my family [cousin] and I've never had a kiss, I feel somewhat cheated out of a relationship.

Am I to be forever single? I guess only time will tell... And advice would be appreciated. Thanks. x-x;

2 Name: Sakurina : 2006-01-25 23:26 ID:Heaven

With that negative attitude, no wonder you're so depressed! Cheer up and things will work out. And you're 15 years old. You've got all your life ahead of you.

Love is one of those things you can wait for. Don't rush. As Phil Collins once said, you can't hurry love.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-25 23:51 ID:cdlNfnWP

>>2 thats so damn true.
I have no clue about your weight. Only KG tells me something. But even if you're fat you can have a girlfriend. We (guys) are basicly ugly, and girls don't really look for someone cute. Maybe they do but first thing that counts is personality. So even if you are looking like a total looser, don't act like one. Stop whining and do something with your life. You think that you are unlikable? Fell bad with it? Then change it! Try to find something you are good at and just enjoy it. You are only 15 fuckin years old! I had my first girlfriend when I was 19 (she was 16 though...). And I can call her girlfriend cuz I was meeting her in real life, we kissed, we had sex etc.

You feel fat? So don't eat so much shit! If you have to eat, then eat vegetables. Forget about KFC or McDonalds. Just think what you want more - girlfriend or cheesburger from the clown in red wig.

4 Name: yokken : 2006-01-26 01:03 ID:Heaven

lmfao @ 3 - I don't eat McDonalds or KFC. I rarely eat that, and it's only when I'm looking for "fast food" because I'm on the run. I guess it doesn't help that my last quarter History class viewed me as a terrorist... and I'm not kidding on that. My teacher did this little "torture or not-torture" game. I didn't raise my hand to count for "torture" on any of the methods he listed. He said, "Since I know that everyone else in here, including myself, is wondering, what do you percieve as torture?" Now, having read Vince Flynn's "Memorial Day," he describes various methods of torture that the main character uses to get information. I described a few of these methods to the class, and made the girls next to me wet their pants with terror [not literally, but they were seriously scared, I guess]. Anyway, pretty much anyone besides guys was afraid to sit next to me in class [we have assigned seats]. I was, from then on, percieved as a terrorist to my 7th hour History class. The word spread by miouth throughout the entire "girl" network in my grade [we're in a Freshman center] and I basically was cut off from the opposite sex.

So anyway, maybe that's why. And, in KG, 200 lbs is.. approx 95 kg. Or something like that.

And my friend, when you say that you can have a girlfriend when you're fat-- you obviously haven't been to my school. Everything revolves around looks in my school. It doesn't matter if you're the nicest guy-- if you weigh more than 160 lbs, you're out of the picture.

So anyway, I'm going to stop ranting because my ex-online girlfriend is giving me a lot of trouble. Thanks again for the criticism. I'm sure it'll make me a MUCH better person, guys. Because, you know, I've never tried ANYTHING to get a girlfriend. I just expect one to pop into my life. But yeah, thanks again. You guys own.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-26 02:06 ID:Heaven

about the weight, do you exercise much? it isn't just what you eat - being active really helps too.

6 Name: Sakurina : 2006-01-26 02:40 ID:Heaven


> ex-online girlfriend

Wait, what? You broke up?

7 Name: B bro : 2006-01-26 03:34 ID:MUWyWU95

well at least u realize your problem yourself. work on having someone to care for you. dont just expect them to pop up into your life. if the girls hate you for what they think as being a 'terrorist', then just explain to them to change their perseption towards you and maybe they'll be interested in knowing the real you.

probably he's not reading thus because he says that he's gonna stop ranting...good luck anyways.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-26 07:06 ID:uR3S7Vzy

Kid, don't worry because you are very young. I got five years on you and I too haven't had a girlfriend and I chose a major in college that consumes my life (Electrical Engineering, I chose it to challenge myself and because I like it). Sorry you got other problems, but what alleviated the pain? Extra curricular activities. I'm part of five clubs, run one of them, and am involved in a UAV research project. I keep things busy and I figure that I might as well not be in too big a hurry. If you are in a hurry though, wait till college....I noticed that for some damn reason, EVERY one of my friends who lives in dorms has a girlfriend that they got freshman year. Me I'd rather not pay the fucking $7000 per semester living costs and save some cash. Everyone tells me I'm young and shouldn't worry too.

My advice: get involved in school activities. Try to be more open. Adopt an apathetic attitude towards certain things. I had the courage to ask out the most popular girls in my school to prom, because I knew that even if I got shot down it wouldn't matter in the long run. Granted I did get shot down, but at least I tried. My point is that if you go around not caring about stupid shit and not getting caught up in the high school emo fest, you'll be better off and most likely viewed as more mature. And it won't hurt at all to go to the gym and lift, it will build up some muscle and change some of that weight into more useful stuff.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-26 10:36 ID:XpSyziBI

>>8 True. If I would have a crush on girl, I would just go to her and tell her about it.>>1 I don't worry about being rejected. Don't be so serious about it. Come on 95 Kg is ok when you'll turn the fat into muscles :P. One of my friends has 130Kg and he's got a 16 years old girlfriend. He loves young girls so when one gets too old he picks another one ;).

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-26 12:53 ID:Heaven

>It doesn't matter if you're the nicest guy-

Er, it sounds to me like you're a jerk. I'm a girl and I already can't stand you just from the way you talk about yourself. "Minor" sexual slurs to a girl you don't even know? Saying you're "too smart"? You keep blabbing about how the only reason girls don't like you is because of your looks, well first off, it's pretty obvious that is the last problem here. And there is no way EVERY girl at your school is a beauty queen princess. I'm sure the overweight girls at your school have all the same excuses you do, so why don't you go talk to one of them? You yourself said it didn't have to be a sexual relationship, so that shouldn't be important to you, right? Or were you just trying to make yourself out to be a saint?

11 Name: yokken : 2006-01-26 13:05 ID:Heaven

>>10 Wow.

Number one, the sexual slur was something about 69, and I DO know her- we talk all the time in class. I hardly consider a joke about 69 an offense to anyone. And with the sexual relationship- it doesn't make a difference to me. I want to wait anyway. Number two, the "too smart" thing was that I do nothing but school and computers. Everyone at school who knows who I am knows that I'm an expert with computers. I'm in every single Honors class I could take this year, so what does that make me? I don't know, fortunate?

And also, about the overweight girls- there's only a few at my school. One of them sounds like a man and weighs more than me. I don't know about you, or anybody else, but I'm not gonna walk up to her and say hi. Because I DO have a reputation, regardless of my nerdiness.

>>10, you're exactly the kind of girl I'm talking about. I know I'm an ass, but you don't need to point it out. I'm relatively nice to the opposite sex- so what do I get in return? People like you. I try to express my feelings and get it all off my chest, and you come in here and start telling me how I'm a jerk and using sexual slurs and shit. I don't care how old you are- you don't have the right to be an ass to an ass. I would never try to make myself look like a saint, or I'd already HAVE a girlfriend.

And for the record, I am lifting weights.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-26 15:52 ID:Heaven

Yeah, >>11 is pretty much an ass.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-26 19:38 ID:Qyvlqe1C

>>11 Change your attitude or stay as a lonely fat ass forever.
PS. I'm a guy.

14 Name: Sakurina : 2006-01-26 21:06 ID:Heaven

4-ch has spoken.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-26 21:56 ID:hkcOLic/

yokken, I sympathize with you, I was once like you, but if you went to my school I would kick you ass for being a little bitch. first of all no matter how small a sexual slur is, its still a sexual slur and is very ungentlemanlike to say it to a girl. also how can you scare girls if you reciting torture techniques from a book, unless you forgot to mention "well in this book i read..." then i can understand how people may perceive you as a sadist. So you got cutoff from the a group of girls, boo hoo, get back on the horse and try keep trying. hey, its high school people forget in 3 weeks. The problem is that you are creating excuse for why you are alone. the problem is that you don't try to ask girls out. its a numbers game, the more girls you ask out, the more chance you have of getting a date, more dates more chances for a girlfriend. to answer you orginal question, no, you are not stupid, taking honors classes is not an easy thing to do, but you are a fool to think girls will throw themselves at you. sorry that only happens if you a rock star or a movie star. other than that you have to go out and be the man and ask them out. so get out there and ask them out. if you need help on how to ask a girl out, hey this what we are here for.

16 Name: Sakurina : 2006-01-26 22:29 ID:Heaven

Trust me, I've seen relationships at 14/15 fail miserably. Your vision of a perfect girlfriend, that is, this:

>I want a girl who honestly cares about how I feel, how my day was.

It doesn't exist at this age, or what I should say is, that it's very VERY rare. All the couples I know don't do anything but kiss and hug each other, close to no talking. I don't think that's how couples should be, and I share your vision of the perfect girlfriend.

Also, sexual slurs never got me anywhere. Don't go out there and make a fool of yourself like I did a year ago. It just isn't worth it. Life isn't a porno. If you tell a girl naughty things, she won't automatically suck your cock.

Act kindly and treat women with respect. Since after all, without women, we wouldn't be here. Once you treat them with respect, build up courage and ask some out. Hopefully that'll work.

(I am aware that I'm not as old as you are, but I've gone through things before and I know from experience.)

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-26 22:55 ID:EITEE95u


You sound pretty angry. Period?

18 Name: Sakurina : 2006-01-26 23:34 ID:Heaven

Actually, I'm a guy and I know yokken personally, yet I still manage to agree with >>10. The impression he gives in this thread isn't the same as he gives me on AIM.

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-27 00:25 ID:6QPTL9sB

you the ex-online-girlfriend?

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