Forgetting someone (66)

1 Name: Secret Admirer!!lZZqVTl7 : 2006-01-28 03:23 ID:shbUHx+G

I see all these people talking about confessing their love. It's like watching Densha Otoko playing over and over again. I do hope it works well for all of the Otokos. Radio, Msn and everyone else.

But for me, it seems my confession is long over and there doesn't seem to be a happy ending in site. I've loved this girl for nearly a decade (literally 10 years) now. Six years in, i confessed to her but by then it was too late. We were already as good friends as anyone can be. It's been years since then and for a time we grew even closer and then we grew apart and then closer again. In those 10 years, i've done everything. I've tried not seeing/talking to her. Even tried going out with someone else. But in the end, here I am. Single and still growing more and more in love with her every day.

How can I move on? orz

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