The Theory of Love (264)

1 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-20 02:42 ID:TcP5hhun

Alright, I've been told numerous times that love is indescribable. In a worldly sense, I believe love is a false ideology, mainly because of all these nymphomaniacs, rapists, etc. I may seem pessimistic, but that is what I believe. The world is so corrupted and plagued by such primitive beings who indulge in sex and such. Those who marry for money and a great sex life, not for companionship or devoted trust to ones spouse. From a pyschological perspective, these traits defines males and females, as well as from my point of view. Males: Possesive, arrogant and chauvanistic, and at times deceptive. Females: Majority of the time deceptive; greedy. Love is but a simple fragment in this world. It holds no true value, because people fail to recognize it and act on it. They just care about themselves. Their own indulgences. I'm asexual because of these very same reasons and more. Relationships, sex, and marriage ALWAYS lead to problems, and the majority of the time, divorce ensues or maybe even death. I deny my primitive "instincts" and think out of the box instead of the "normal" individual. Why bother when one can avoid these unecessary anamolies? Lust is usually dominant. Love is underminded, thrown out. It usually about sex. I have plenty of other reasons why I do not like either gender as well. Males: AIDS, STDS, immoral, societal rejection. Females: deception, STDS. I supress my hormones. I reject their lustful manipulation. And I'm not insinuating that love does not exist, only that it's presence is but a fragment in the world, and in the hearts of humanity. This is my theory. Opinions?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-20 04:03 ID:quU4bHfp

Actually, despite my nihilism, Odin worship, and other assorted things....

I actually do believe in love. I believe in a human love where you meet somebody you love and you just fit well together and you are able to accomplish anything together. The thing is that you try to "fall in love" or try to love somebody then you are just setting yourself up for hardship and turmoil.

It doesn't work that way. This is how it works, you spend enough time with someone, doing things together with them, getting to know them, and enduring a lot of things together when you wake up one day and say "Damn, I actually do love this girl." You can't buy it, you can't take it, you can't force it, and you can't look for it. It finds you. You can't sit idly by either, you have to experience the world. Given that our time here is so finite, you are tasked with living as much as you can. Doing what is best for you at the time and looking forward in life. You never know how much time you have on this planet and you can't take tomorrow for granted. So all you can do is be yourself, do the best that you can in life, always try to improve yourself at every opportunity, and make sure you know what you are doing. If you don't know what you are doing, then learn. Most divorces are between people who rushed themselves or didn't really get along, but thought they did. Most male/female problems are caused because they look at each other as male and female, not as a person with an individual soul and mind.

Just relax, take your time, enjoy the sky, the trees, and the song of the birds. Read a book, fly a kite, ride a bike, or go hiking. Never lie to yourself, be realistic about all things, and enjoy what you have. And one day, in the normal course of life, after you have experienced the world enough, it will find you. And when it does, you won't have to do anything, but go with it. There will be no effort required, no work, it won't be a chore. It won't cost you any money, time, or frustration. In fact, it'll happen so fast and so powerfully that you won't even remember life before it.

Humans are animals, but not merely. So love does exist. Even animals are capable of love.

So just live your life, take every advantage and opportunity. It will happen, maybe not soon, maybe not later, but it will happen sometime. When it does, just go with it.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is probably the most positive and optimistic you will ever see me.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-20 05:03 ID:c2YwROQF

god, youre the hotaru guy again arent you? so many of your posts conflict with each other. dont be such a hypocryte and pick a stance already! or type in a different style or way or something and keep your anonymity! cuz it is REALLY easy to pick you out (so many of ur posts, include, ur belief of valhalla, you saying nihilism at least one, or hotaru this hotaru that) frankly, im sorry, but its a bit annoying

i believe the term is succubus. sadly, much of this is true, but i WOULD like to believe, if you get past all that stuff, and focus on the transcendent part of this so called thing called "love", then, mebbe its not that bad? then again this is just IMO

4 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-20 05:09 ID:TcP5hhun

Heh. Even couples who have been together for many a year eventually break up due to some "cirumstance", so I do not think it is as simple as you may imply it to be, which is most unfortunate. Human beings are too primitive to realize their corruption, and love is the same. They indulge in it, they do not care for one another. It's usually a "sex" relationship, not an actual emotional placement. Besides, marriage/relationships spawn various problems, especially if you have someone who is irrational or deceptive, or even lustful. Love is just a deceptive tool used to weave ones web around another unsuspecting individual. That's my philosophy, and I will stay true to it until true evidence of "true" love is this forsaken world is provided.

5 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-20 05:11 ID:TcP5hhun

Err..I am not this person you supposedly accuse me of. I am only a human being imposing my opinions and wishing for feedback.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-20 05:47 ID:Heaven

sage for Objectivist serial troll. Thanks for killing the thread.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-20 05:52 ID:quU4bHfp


I will have you know that I happen to be a very complex and complicated person. I stand by everything I say. Like the bible where the Old Testament and the New Testament are different or something.



Not everybody is corrupt and out to get something. You are thinking about some things too much and others not enough. I strongly suggest that you take a minute and think:

"Is everybody and asshole or am is it just me?" Whichever you decide, you are right. The best cure for this is to hang around different people or spend more time trying to better yourself. Be it physically, mentally, or spiritually.

I am really down on the world. I am extremely prejudiced, biased, and antisocial. But, even if you are like that, you shouldn't let that stop you.

Everybody in the world is an asshole, but some people are more asshole than others. And yet other people less so. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you should be whoever you are and try to realize that sometimes you cannot analyze a flower, you just have to enjoy its mere existence. There really are no answers to your questions. You can either think everyone is corrupt, and they probably are, or you can just say screw it and do whatever and just go with it.

Like >>3

He is irritated by me and his ass is probably chapped because I am very vocal of my beliefs. In fact, I would probably think that 3, yes YOU 3, is an asshole. A sorry, hemorrhoid asshole. But he's not, he's just being himself and expressing a belief that does not coincide with mine. But the thing is, is that he took a step up and tried to help you, the OP. You see, no matter how racist, prejudiced, biased, antisocial, and misanthropic you have to realize that there are other people in this world who can lead you on exciting adventures and fulfilling escapades. Sometimes you have to keep your beliefs, but let them sit idly by for a while in order to do some living.

Like I said, people probably are corrupt and are assholes, but a lot of people probably aren't and you just have to give some people a chance, but don't put yourself out there too much. In fact, I hate to say it, but sometimes no matter how bad you feel or how messed up you think things are you just have to put a smile on your face and wear it the rest of the day. Try it, it works. In fact, you might even inspire other people. Sometimes you just gotta dance or sing.

In fact....I hate to say it, but actually the world isn't so bad. There's TV, nachos, CDs, dogs, monster cars, and the occasional girl who isn't a complete bitch. Don't be so serious, blunt all your edges, take each day as a new opportunity to try out a new thing.

Just don't do anything creepy or stalkery, OK?

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-20 05:57 ID:quU4bHfp


But I was trying to help.

You know if more people listened to me, then they would prosper.

I mean...look, I'm not going to sit here and say "zoMG You gots her number lol dies !!!one1on!" or "Yeah dude you need to totally spend a hundred dollars on her"

No...I'm just being in your face and real and you have to deal with it. I didn't kill this thread, in fact, I actually believe this thread could be legendary. I think this could be the best damn thread on this board.

I think we can restore some of Ulrich's faith in humanity. I mean...look...I'm a pretty negative fellow...what with all of my beliefs. But you know, dammit, there's more to it than that.

Things aren't so bad.

9 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-20 06:14 ID:TcP5hhun

I completely understand what you are talking about, but I do refer to the majority. I just believe what I see and know. Humanity is corrupt, and shall always remain that way. =\
I've told various people that I will never get married, have a relationship or have sex do to that risks and problems that come with them. It will always stay this way. I do not need a "companion". I need no one. I consider those who think they need someone in their life is just weak. Weak of heart, and gullible at that. It may seem like a streak of paranoia, but I will not be inflicted with STDS, or deceptive assaults.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-20 06:48 ID:quU4bHfp


Wow man....

Well are YOU corrupt? Remember among a sea of soulless faces lurk a few individuals.

And it isn't a matter of NEEDING anyone, but wanting and enjoying.

And don't listen to what other people tell you. You can do anything you want to.

You could probably live your whole life and die alone. If you wanted to. I don't think too many people want that, but if so, have at it. But if you wanted a relationship, a girlfriend, or whatever then you could easily get it. Just remember to avoid assholes, don't show your hand before it's played, and always remember Let your conscience be your guide.

Go at your own pace, because life isn't a race. It is a nice ride through the country.

11 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-20 17:14 ID:5Q/gZpQ0

Every being is inherently corrupt, but not deliberately. I am not deliberately corrupt. I also don't listen to people. I am my own philosophical being, and theorize on what I see, not from what I hear. To be alone, is to be strong. To supposedly have someone will allow weakness. I do not mind being alone. The only comfort I need are my friends and family, not some deceptive being to drag me down into the dark abyssal of despair and discontent. I may sound like a Goth, but I am not. I just reflect on these profound aspects of the world. Carl Gustav Jung, a psychologist and pupil of Sigmund Freud proposed that every being is comprised of feminine(anima) and masculine(animus) aspects. If a person is one aspect, then the other is split apart which is in another being. That is where "soul mates" come in. Seemingly logical, but also a bit absurd, I do not believe that every being is such a way.

12 Name: Not A Secret Admirer : 2006-04-21 00:45 ID:Heaven

shrug If you're happy with being alone, what more is there to say? I can't say with certainty that I'll always be this way, but I'm happy with being alone for now as well. I consider myself fortunate in that my parents truly love each other, and from the looks of things, the only 'circumstance' that will ever break them apart at any level will be when one of them dies. I've also seen relationships that were really just sex and convenience and that fell apart at the first sign of trouble. You might say I've seen the full spectrum of love and lust over the years, and I would say that hormone-crazed teenagers and the MTV culture that caters to them tend to skew the love vs. lust statistics by quite a bit, heh. But then, I tend to ignore that demographic for the most part anyway, as in my opinion they're not really all that important ;)

13 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-21 05:56 ID:5XWelci0

Heh. My parents do not even talk to each other anymore. We all live together, yet it's always my father's dad who always tears the marriage apart, that aside from his constant ignorance. Mine is just one re-enactment of what occuts in the typical household. Well, maybe not that violent.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-21 17:45 ID:IkFWGAlA

Wow Ulrich....

I hope it works out, man. No you just have be who you are and make it happen.

15 Name: Fduch : 2006-04-21 19:34 ID:2iqHzmM5

What is easier?
To be alone. To have noone depend on you. To have noone connected to you with feelings/relationship. Not to depend on anyone. Not to need anyone. Not having the burden of being connected to anyone.

Or the opposite.
Is it easier to walk alone or having to protect someone precious?

Even Ulrich said the relationship often causes troubles.
Then it's definitely easier to be alone in our life.
Then why do people still go through that?
Are they just all dumb?

16 Name: Fduch : 2006-04-21 19:42 ID:2iqHzmM5

A pair of questions for you people (Secret Admirer and Ulrich). Don't get mad at me please.

-How old are you? (I'm 20. I think that like the Old Testament and the New Testament are different, some of your ideas can change in time)

-How many strong relationships you had? Roughly what percentage of them you consider good/bad at current time?

-What percentage of relations you see in your real life you consider good/bad at current time?

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-21 19:49 ID:c5shk0rI

I feel that it's easier to be alone, but a lot more fulfilling to be together with someone. But relationships are so easy to break, the more times you lose a fulfilling relationship, the harder it is to be satisfied being alone.

Like drugs!

Of course some people are easier to be with than others. If you fall in love with a drama queen, expect a lot of unnecessary stress. That's why I'm waiting until I find a girl who hates drama as much as I do, and is 100% fun to be around, but also, if we have to, we can talk about serious business if we have to (I may have found her already!).

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-21 19:50 ID:Heaven

please forgave redundance at the end

19 Name: Fduch : 2006-04-21 21:56 ID:2iqHzmM5

It somehow happened that the thing that attracts me most in girls is their good attitude to me :-) A kind, open not ugly girl is fine for the start. Every bit of bitchyness (don't have dictionary installed, but I think it's the right word) is a huge turn down for me.

It's really funny I have found my love loOOong ago. I know her for more then half of my life. But she answered to my love only couple of years ago. We still are like best friends.

20 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-22 01:03 ID:oEbA2W8O

You will obviously say the very same things previous individuals have said. "You're too young to understand". I'm 15(16 next year) and understand perfectly. "Experience is not necessary in this case obviously. In Junior High, I was just as every other idiotic "normal" person. One who was manipulated by some things my peers were interested in, relationships. But since I grew more mature once High School came around, I came to my senses, and used my reasoning to do what was right. Simply have nothing to do with the lustful ambitious tendencies of sex and hormones. Just renounce them all, and stay morally adept instead of my primitive, instinctive peers who grew corrupt. There are four things in this world I do not believe in. Religion, government, race and love. I have studied these various categories thoroughly, and have proposed validated conclusions and reasons. As with love, corruption inevitably ensues. I detest corruption, and avoid it, such as love, as the numerous problems associated with it. I am an adolescent philosopher with a devoted intellect and prestige. I strive to avoid the wrongs of humanity, and do the right. I analyze the actions of humanity and conclude on the best course of action. I may seem a bit pyschotic, but I am perfectly stable in my mentality. I believe that humanity and it's constant corruption would better off to be erradicated, so that this world will no longer suffer, and us to shall no longer have to suffer the corruption we have dealt ourselves. I know that you think, "oh, that's human nature. It's "natural". It's only natural because humans wish to act in such a way, a corrupt and destructive way. We have wars, we indulge in pleasure, and we do as we please. Humanity should be destroyed. Logistics are also a part of the enigmatic mind.

21 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-22 01:04 ID:oEbA2W8O

I meant next month for age sixteen. A typical error of mine, typos.

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-22 03:21 ID:Heaven

you kids and your silly anti-everything ways

23 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-22 05:39 ID:oEbA2W8O

Kid. Lmao. Such a generalization. Age means nothing in referance to intellect. Age has no relevance in this case. I've thoroughly analyzed humanity. How they act, react, consciously and unconciously. I have a perfectly logical explanation for what I believe. It's written in history. Of the present and the past.

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-22 05:50 ID:Heaven

>>23 Having been your age in the past, I can honestly tell you that you do not know as much as you think you do. No 15 year old understands humanity. No 18 year old understands humanity. No 21 year old understands humanity. Come back with a doctorate and tell us about the corruption of man.

It seems like 14-16 is the general age of the "I understand everything and am superior" internet guys.

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-22 15:57 ID:MyLREJTg

Yeah dude....

even though I'm kind of down on society, at least I realize that things aren't THAT bad.

Wow ulrich, lighten up dude.

26 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-23 02:01 ID:jqZaG7d8

Well, believe what you will. I do not think I am superior to anyone, because I am corrupted just as much as the entire race since I am part of it. And yes, I plan on majoring on Philosophy, Psychology and History. A degree means nothing, just one's resume. And no, any person can understand humanity. That is when you start analyzing. I've already done so. Such is my philosophical emphasis of the world, and the corrupted individuals who inhabit it.

27 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-23 02:59 ID:Heaven

>>26 "I've already done so."

So you've been analyzing humanity for, I'll say on a whim 2-3 years, and you think you've got it all figured out, huh? I hate to disappoint you, but really you're just going through a phase. A phase that unfortunately some people don't grow out of :|

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-23 03:41 ID:C8ix987M

The planet is fine, the people are fucked.

That's all you need to know, Ulrich. That is all you need to know.

Now stop being such a stick in the mud, turn that frown upside down, and go live a little.

29 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-23 04:08 ID:gCYXpeqr


I may, but that does not matter. What matters is what I believe. An individuals there such harm in that? Excluding those of malicious structure.


I am not as depressed and down in the 'mud' as you may think. I am not depressed, just irritated of how humanity is. To belong to such a congregation, this race, sickens me even more. All I do is philosophize a bit. My indulging hobbie.
As for the planet, it is not so well. It's constantly being polluted and torn asunder. Wildlife and habitats are destroyed due to capitalists. Air pollution from vehicles due to gas which in turn further deteriorates the ozone layer, and ground pollution due to chemical wastes and toxins. All this because of us humans. The world is perfectly fine. Yeah, I wish. Humanity needs to be more considerate of the earth they live upon, just as the Native Americans of ages past. All people care about it money. Racketeers and capitalists.

30 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-23 05:43 ID:C8ix987M

Oh my god Ulrich. you were almost cool until you started talking like a left wing communist hippie.

As nihilistic, and whatnot as I am....damn. you got problems, yo.

Here's what you need to to do. Stop caring. Stop caring about all of these stupid things that you can do absolutely nothing about and start living a little more.

There is nothing wrong with money. It isn't evil in and of itself. It is merely a means to an end. You just have to stop trying to outthink everything and remember this:

It doesn't really matter. Nothing does. And the thing is that humans don't have to be considerate about anything.

Here is what you seriously need to do. Untighten your sphincter, get over yourself, go eat some cake, go for a walk, lay down in the grass...look at the sky.

Look at it. See it? Good. can't do anything about it. That's the ultimate freedom in realizing that you really don't have as much of a responsibility to the world as you might think you do. So just do whatever.

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-23 07:08 ID:Heaven

>My parents do not even talk to each other anymore. We all live together, yet it's always my father's dad who always tears the marriage apart, that aside from his constant ignorance.

Well that explains a lot. So because you have shitty parents everyone is magically corrupt. Age may not mean anything in regards to intellect, but it does mean everything in respect to one's worldview. You're 15, you've read some philosophy and psychology, and you think you've analyzed humanity completely. All you have to go on is your crappy homelife so you try to rationalize it. "It's not that my parents are jerks, it's that everyone's a jerk!" Misery loves company. If everything is somehow inherent evil then your situation isn't so bad, right?

By declaring yourself asexual you're not thinking out of the box. You're trapped in the box, the prison of emotional walls in yourself created by your parent's failed relationship. Of course there's risk in any relationship. You've only experienced one of the possible bad outcomes.

You're afraid. You're terrified of ending up in a loveless sham, with so many years wasted. Yes, people get divorced. However, people also stay together for 30, 40, 50 years happily married.

But if it didn't work out for you, and it did for someone else, then that wouldn't be fair right? Not fair at all.

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-23 22:23 ID:6FTLDfjD

Read "A Certain Chemistry" by Mil Millington.
Good stuff!

Though the bit about romantics being shaked by the book is bs. I'm a romantic, yet I've been aware of the facts they mention in the book for ages. If anything, that just makes me value a good relationship built on more than just hormones even more. The last page was bloody perfect, IMO. - a review.

33 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-23 22:24 ID:gunhvr3X


Ok, for one, I despise ANY kind of government. I'm not communist, democratic, nationalist, republic, or fascist. I'm more anarchic. I believe that human beings should be capable enough to live without a 'leadership', some corrupt government to manipulate them and brainwash them with propaganda. Humans should be able to live in harmony with one another, but no, that is technically impossible since their primitive minds focus on things such as greed and power. Such a simple race all in itself. Governments are usually led by corrupt individuals, seeking to obtain their own desires, deluding ignoring the civilians whom they swore to uphold. In my opinion, a dictatorship is more stable than democracy, since that type of government is usually more stable. A democratic government, one led by the masses, was opposed by the three sages, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, for they knew it would lead to corruption. And, so it has. Refer to the US for that.

Well, I cannot help but think of the atrocities humanity has commited against itself and the world we inhabit. It's pitiful to observe the actions of my brethren. It's sickening.

We do not have to be considerate of anything? You are such a selfish being. That's just like someone helping another person, and not giving ones appreciation. You have to be considerate of what you live on, and how you treat the earth. Polluting it shows ones inconsideration. Earth has living organisms as well, you know. Next time you cut down a tree, be grateful of it, and the materials it provides you.

I think I'll pass. By the way, just being optimistic, being carefree only means that you deny the troubles of life. One who lives a false existence.


You highly misinterpret. It's not because of my family that I am this way, it's how humanity is. I just used them as an example. Like I said, inherent is different from being "deliberate". That's how people categorize criminals from normal, "good", people.

No, by declaring myself asexual, I dissolve the primitive tendencies of the human body, the unprecented temptation. Lust consumes the weak, and plague the individuals mind with satisfaction and pleasure.

That's very comical. I am afraid of nothing. I do not need companionship, and I definately have no compassion for anyone. Love is just a fragment. Lust is the whole. That is what drives people. Not love, lust. Love is, like I said before, a pyschological tool to manipulate someone, making them feel secure and loved, when they truly are not. Just a tool in a game. I need noone, and that may be considered "loneliness" to you, but that is truly someone who feels alone. I will not be alone, or feel such despair. Every being does not "need" someone to fill a supposed void in their soul. I'm not missing a fragment of mine, like many others seem to be.

You people are very deluded and naive of the truth. Pitiful.

34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-24 02:09 ID:Heaven

>>33 "I believe that human beings should be capable enough to live without a 'leadership'"

It's useless to even think this, much less preach it to others, because it will NEVER happen. Leaders have been around since before humans. Government has been around for thousands upon thousands of years, and it will never disappear. There is nothing that can undo it. If the U.S. were to suddenly have no government or leadership, we would all be dead within months, because it's not like anyone else is going to follow suit. Government also exists to protect us. Yes, all governments become corrupt. Deal with it. Let's talk about growing wings so we can fly around too, because that is just as likely as anarchy working for even 10 seconds.

35 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-24 04:24 ID:QSzGCQbu

Yes, I know that. That's why it's a yes/no confrontation to me when it comes to government. But, if humanity would actually try, it would be one step closer to a Utopia, except that will never occur. As for the US, I am an american, I despise being one. Except I have no options of moving, so I'll just have to deal with it. It seems more chaotic and unstable here than any other country due to our "democratic laws". People think they can do whatever they will, because they have these freedoms that they are supposedly "rightful
to. They think that freedom is universal, but it is actually just a priviledge, one that americans constantly abuse. Maybe that's why so many countries despise us. Because we are the number one superpower and because of our "freedoms". I do not mind having freedoms, but it sickens me when numerous people, the whole nation even, abuses them to an adept consistency. Now the war is wrecking havoc here, the war of abortion rages on, and homosexuals are still being treated like subhumans due to their "sexuality". The American Dream. Ha! Yeah right.

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-24 05:41 ID:Heaven

>>35 You need to stop only focusing on the bad things.

37 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-24 06:24 ID:QSzGCQbu

Why should I do so? The negative aspects truly outwiegh to the positives. There are VERY few positive connotations.

38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-24 14:20 ID:AnJdK4xs

Wow wonder you can't get laid.

39 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-24 15:00 ID:vIFNC2Q4

Like I said, getting "laid", or sex leads to corruption. It's obvious. I deny the primitive tendencies of my hormones. People like you give in to them. True weakness.

40 Name: Not A Secret Admirer : 2006-04-24 19:03 ID:Heaven

I keep reminding myself to respond to this but I've had a pretty busy weekend... at any rate...

Ul: There's a lot of things that I could say here (and most of them are things others have said, albeit much too harshly considering), but I should point out that I agree with you on a lot of the things you've said. Corruption, division, laziness, lousy government, chaos, abuse of freedoms... we could argue on the severity or the percentages of it, but the fact remains that those things are here and they're pretty widespread. Also, to at least some extent, we should focus on the bad things. If we turn a blind eye to the self-destructing society and to our own deficiencies, we are practically giving our consent for them to continue.

Also, as I've said, if you're happy being on your own, congradulations. 'The Way of Self Reliance' is something the world needs a lot more of today. (As far as the principles Musashi put down in his last work goes, they're not perfect but I can appreciate many of them.) I think that companionship is okay as long as you're not dependent on it. After all, who doesn't enjoy sharing the good things you find in life with people you like? If you find someone with whom you don't mind spending most of your life with, enjoying life together, more power to you.

I think the reason why people are having a hard time understanding you is that they haven't seen positive things about you that they can wrap their heads around. Many people wouldn't choose a life of self-reliant completeness in solitude, so they can't quite grasp the concept of that being a positive thing, and we haven't heard you talking about how you enjoy discussing philosophy with friends, or maybe books that you like, or... well, anything. And, yes, the negatives may outweigh the positive aspects of life, but if you only focus on the negatives, they're just going to stress you out and irritate you. Of course, if you -want- to be stressed out and irritated a lot, by all means... as for me, well, I try to do right and all, and I'll speak out against corruption in the world right along side you, but "when the world is coming down on me, I let it go!" :)

41 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-25 00:18 ID:rBFKFcZh

Oh my god, Ulrich is an asshole

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-25 01:00 ID:Heaven

Oh my god, Ulrich is an increasingly transparent troll

43 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-25 02:16 ID:y9jrcU8Z

>>40 least there is someone is understands my logic. No, the only reason people fail to understand, is because they could care less. They don't care about "corruption". They're like, "oh, that's a waste of time. Nerd!" And then they laugh at my theory like it's a joke. They trample it with no resolve. As for discussing Philosophy with with comrades, that's usually and occurance on the internet, mainly because my friends in real life do not care much about knowledge. They're the typical human beings that like to play videogames, watch anime, etc. I am to, but I believe knowledge is more important than anything else. It's all a human being truly needs. I haven't necessarily read any books either, just studied various Philosophers in a Philosophy book that I purchased a while ago. Already read it, but I'm letting my English teacher read it. Unsuprisingly, I'm not stressed out, although a bit angry at times. Sometimes I am angry for no reason. I guess I might be bipolar(maniac-depression). x.x
Although that only happens sometimes.
By the way, the biggest attention whore on Endless Online, Zemeckis, said, "you hate your own race? How about you start with yourself." He even said I made a cult, when I all I truly did was construct a Guild based off of Philosophy, Psychology and History. That's where my philosophical comrades come from. He, along with so many other idiotic people who flock to his side, constantly assault me due to my belief. They say I am insane, just because I said humanity would be better off dead. They're implying that I want to kill humanity myself. >.>
Surely not so. They say there is no logic is my ideals. They should go and think a bit.
But really, you can hardly be tolerant of anyone because of their corrupt nature. People who are selfish, arrogant, egomatic,cruel, shrewd, and so on. You can't trust people, because you'll probably get caught in a conspiracy of that trust with that person. Nor in a marriage. After a while, something occurs that suddenly breaks that trust, whether it be ill behaviour, family problems, or some other occurance. Humanity is just too dragged down into the abyssal. You become paranoid if someone is trying to murder you, rape you, or rob you. Insecurity fills your mind, and you may even escalate past the breaking point of insanity. It's truly pitiful...indeed it is.

As Dave Roever says,

>>41 Pervert #1

>>42 Pervert #2

That's reserved for jerks. In my opinion,

>>41 Moron #1

>>42 Moron #2

I can't stand people of this calibur. Those with no competence or kindness towards other people. The deliberately corrupt people who love to degrade others with an inferiority complex, and heigten their own status. People like this are weak and pathetic.

44 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-25 03:18 ID:MsLE5I5w so like Ulrich can't get laid?

45 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-25 04:07 ID:y9jrcU8Z

More like I could care less about it. Numerous girls like me. But there was one I always liked, with a deep infatuation, since Junior High. Now, in High School, I use my logic and disdain such corruptive consistencies. You, like all of the other "normal" human beings want to get "laid". That's truly the only thing that matters in your mind. The pleasure, the satisfaction. You do not care about the actual feelings and thoughts of that individual. You just want to ravage her flesh, and take what purity she has left. Such a primitive technicality. That's you if you want to be possessive and chavaunistic. You could care less about that person anyway. Thinking, that once she has nothing left, that she is just garbage and you dispose of her by dumping her sotospeak. To be like domestic animals is sickening. Instead of surpassing the animals on this earth, we are just as they. Primitive. We have reason, but do we use it? No. We follow the id, not the ego. We follow our desires, not our hearts. We are corrupted, not pure. We are a pathetic race, not a dominant one. You people are too primitive to see the true problems. And that is how it will always be.

46 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-25 04:20 ID:Heaven

Ahhh... try as I might, I can't take this thread seriously...

47 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-25 04:29 ID:q5m/MYcH

>I haven't necessarily read any books either, just studied various Philosophers in a Philosophy book

And you are basing your observations on the world with that plus 16 years of your own personal experience and observations of one sample. Man, I was always told that if I wanted to get a Noble Prize in a science, I would need you know 20+ years of learning, countless numbers of books read. Plus to make a claim like that I would need a test thats support my hypothesis over and over again.
Boy I guess I was wrong, damn.

48 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-25 04:31 ID:q5m/MYcH are a girl? this makes things different...

49 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-25 06:00 ID:Heaven

I think it is best for 4-ch if we ignore Ulrich forever. Or at the very least pay him no mind on the Love & Romance board. If you don't believe in love, why the heck are you here!

50 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-25 10:21 ID:XhWBo4kX

>>48 No, male. Do act act feminine? No.

>>49 Well, I was just imposing my opinion, seeing what others thought. All of you can hate me if you wish, many others do anyway. Just because of my "ideals".

51 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-25 15:06 ID:gmpDjige

....Ulrich...oh my god, do you even know what the word primitive means?

52 Name: 48 : 2006-04-25 16:24 ID:jWDtK/ia

>Numerous girls like me.

I thought you were comparing other girls to yourself, not that girls LIKE you. Oops, my bad.

53 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-25 23:12 ID:S1qW9xzi

actually no girls like him.

Benson was cooler than this asshole is.

Hey Benson, are you there? Did it ever work out with that other girl?

Benson? Hey Ulrich, you could learn a lot from Benson, he kicks ass. In fact, I heard he got that Steyr AUG and is literally swimming in tail.

A Steyr AUG would not help Ulrich.

54 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-26 00:14 ID:Heaven

Ulrich is very corrupt with 15 year old "the world is corrupt" syndrome.

Please sage when you talk about Ulrich!

55 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-26 01:56 ID:Epm/KKBM

>>51 Yes, I constantly use that word because it applies to the majority of humanity. Primitive as in, without use of reasoning. Because if we did use logic, then we wouldn't be corrupt would we? And we wouldn't be nymphomaniacs, homosexuals, pedophiles, arrogant, egomatic, murderers and such. When I say primitive, I truly mean primitive. Like an animal, or a neanderthal.

>>53 Actually, various females do like me, but I just brush them aside. I tell them I am asexual, and they're like, "wtf is that?." Obvious reply of one who has yet to apply their intelligence. They call me homosexual because they despise my intellect. Yes, they hate "nerds". That is how devolved many people are. That is where the "primitive" aspect is derrived from. People are baised off of their beliefs, actions, appearance, race and intellect. And people hate you because you "different". Just as you people, and various others despise me for my belief. All of you think I am loathesome, because I might supposedly be a waste of time, or talk about trivial things. Well, that's why the Earth should be wiped clean of humanity once again. In the Bible Earth's inhabitants were "cleansed" so to speak, due to their corrupt nature. Then the process reoccured. And look where we are again? The same pathetic way. We are this way because people fail to realize what they do. They only care what THEY do, moral or immoral. Human beings are just a primitive, arrogant race at heart. We destroy the world we inhabit, including ourselves. Wars, famine, poverty, chaos. It's all so simple in our age.

Benson is better than me? He probably is, since you disagree with my opinion, and probably agree with his. I don't see how I am being this "asshole" you people keep accusing me of being. If I were supposedly one, then I would have been arrogant and egomatic in these rants, denouncing you all as inferior.

I took Psychology class this year, and I discussed with the group about my opinions of "love". And they did not denounce that opinion. They thought it had logical relevance, and they respected what I thought, instead of ravaging it and tearing it apart like you idiots. No matter how much I continue, all of you're stubborn minds will never understand. Human beings would rather go through instinct than logic, which leads them in a corner of immoral behavior. Pitiful.


As for you, you are making too many generalizations. Like I previously said before, age does not coincide with intellect. It has no relevance on the basis of intelligence. You're just denouncing me as some regular immature little brat who has psychological problems. Shame you can't analyze me in real life.

56 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-26 04:10 ID:qDSRO0dj

Ulrich, can you do us the favor and don't use the term asexual and replace it with celibate. Asexual implies that you reproduce or have sex with yourself. While celibate means you abstain from it altogether, which what sounds like what you are doing.

57 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-26 04:56 ID:Heaven

zOMG Ulrich keeps running his mouth.

Look dude, this thread is pretty much lost. But we have learned some things.

Ulrich has no redeeming values. He isn't even entertaining. He's like Dennis Miller only not as funny or exciting.

Benson does indeed kick ass. and Him buying that Steyr AUG was the best decision ever.

Kids who take psychology 101 know everything about the world.

This thread is worthless without nachos and cherry soda.

I win this thread and declare it over.

58 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-26 08:56 ID:Heaven

Only five days ago I posted >>17 and now it has come to this.

You are corrupting Love & Romance, Ulrich!!

59 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-27 01:12 ID:PTlqEHlZ


Tsk, tsk. I'm just imposing my opinion. I've nothing to argue about like you primitive beings who focus on instinct.

Redeeming vaules eh? It's not a requirement. Nice way of degrading someone, you're a moron. I see humour as a form of ignorance, but it can be categorized as ignorance or joy. People have different opinions on that. When I see idiots joke, I see it as ignorance. Especially if they are using someone as the base of their jokes.

I only took Psychology because I was interested in the subject. I'm taking Sociology next year. One of my interests is analyzing the human mind. Analyzing what makes humanity think the thinks they do, and why they commit the actions regardless of the circumstances at times. And since this class will be on the Information Superhighway, it's obvious that my opinions will spawn the same ignorance and features that you all have bestowed upon my theory. The same illogical ones. Knowledge is all a being truly needs. Material possessions only lead to greed and attachment, and sex leads to lust, not love. Attachment to the flesh, and attachment to all things worldly shows ones weakness. If you are afraid of death, then you are weak. And if you fear divine judgment, you are weak. One should just accept their fate.

>>58 Why would I commit the same atrocities I have spoken of? I might be "corrupting" this board in one sense, because I have proven it's ideological fatality and falsity. It's up to you to decide from that point.

60 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-27 01:45 ID:qDSRO0dj

>sex leads to lust leads to babies. knowledge can only travel through the human medium, no sex, no humans, no knowledge. that is the catch-22 of your philosophy. no point in arguing that like there is no point arguing with you...

61 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-27 01:54 ID:EJeqKqIp

On a related note, I had to quite psychology/sociology/anthropology because the opinion's of other's did not always match up with mine. That, and it was a course for the birds.

62 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-27 04:29 ID:PTlqEHlZ


Yes, but not on the AVERAGE scale. The majority could care less about having children. It's usually about sex to impress one's peers or satisfy oneself. As I stated posts before, humanity would be better off to die and wither away into the void of nonexistence, due to their unfathomable corruption. Why should one bear a child and put the worldly burdens upon such innocence? Then, the manifestation of corruption alter such innocence into malevolence.


A course for the mind. =o I love anlyzing the human mind, so I love such classes.

63 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-27 06:43 ID:PJKvq/AS

Ulrich what is your problem? Are you really this much of an ass or something or what? You really are not that intelligent or insightful, in fact you sound like a real ass.

Now, everyone has there moments, but really some of the stuff you spout off at the mouth about sounds like some lame reinterpretation of the ending of Evangelion or something...

I am as antisocial as they come, I hate people, I hate the world, and I really don't like people a lot of days at all.....

However I have been known on occasion to put a smile on my face and try being chipper and friendly to people instead of just being all "whatever". That's not what life is!

Life is rock and roll, bandannas on dogs, cherry pie, going to the beach with your best girl, sitting in the cheap seats and bitching at the home team, late night skinemax, horror films, video games, and hanging out with buds....

Not all this lame shit....I mean..goddamn ulrich, get real. And this is coming from a REAL antisocial person.

64 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-27 10:53 ID:ruDv7SR8

I've no problem. Maybe with the arrogant civilatization that I am part of though. Oh really? You are just assuming as much. I have accumulated knowledge. One is as intelligent as one speaks to be. I know what I'm talking about. I'm not here to grovel with fictionary beliefs to get attention. I'm here to focus my opinion and get feedback. An ass...that's really comical seeing as how I'm always called a nerd and a geek by all the other idiots. You are praised by some people in this world, and scolded by others, obviously.

Reinterpretation? No, my friend. This is actual facts.

I am kind to people, when they are not ignorant and arrogant towards me. Ignorance truly is bliss in this foolish race.

>video games, and hanging out with buds....

I do plenty of that on the weekends.

Lame? This is as real as it's going to be. This all comes from simple logic. Facts. You people fail to realize this. Or are you concealed with denial? Quite possibly. "Oh, let's live our lives out and don't worrry about what befalls us". Typical.

65 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-27 20:14 ID:Pdmw9Nex

( ゚д゚) ・・・ what is love? I dunno...

( ^∀^) Love is like a thread reaching 65!

66 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-27 22:37 ID:Heaven

Please stop feeding Ulrich with your arguements! His appetite is insatiable!

67 Name: Luna : 2006-04-27 23:41 ID:P0SE5efr

Hey I agree with some of what Ulrich is saying and some I don't. I think people use sex as a lie for love instead when its really lust, not always but it's becoming more rampent. But sex is a beautiful thing that two people can enjoy. I also believe in love, but alot of the time people get their emotions confused. Love is real though. When people hear the word love they think of a man and a women, love is international; wether it is between different genders, races, ages, and any other factor. I also think that if your in one bad situation(like what u said about your parents, Ulrich) it should not make you think that love is not real and that sex is evil. If 2 people truly love each other, sex should not matter. But eventually it will, but that another story. Well love to all and STAY STRONG ULRICH, lol.

68 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-28 02:57 ID:g8usNdCs

you remind me of myself at your age. I could go scan or transcribe my MANY MANY journals where i ranted, about how corrupt people are and whatnot and how intelligent I was and how cruel it was that the few intelligent people in the world get crushed by the corruption etc, if i really wanted to prove it . But.. but then i grew up.

I had some long tirade here.. but i changed it. Just lighten up, things arent as bad as they seem. Mommy and Daddy might not have gotten along all that great and im sure all the kids in highschool and college are promiscuous stupid bastards as usual, (thats why they're kids, not adults, they lack experience) but the world is essentially okay. If it wasnt, we'd be dead already :D

69 Name: Sarcastic Admirer : 2006-04-28 08:11 ID:Heaven

>>68, be careful what you say. Growing up does not exist! Age is meaningless! Experience has nothing to do with it!

70 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-28 11:36 ID:Z8jaVZ20


The behavior of my parents do not make me think the way I do. It is how the inhabitants of this world act. I know sex does not matter in a TRUE relationship. That is for those that desire only companionship, not intimacy.


I know it is not as bad as it appears, but bad is still bad nonetheless. It's corrupt ENOUGH for me to think the way I do.

71 Name: Luna : 2006-04-28 15:57 ID:Z8jaVZ20

So your saying their is such thing is a true relationship with love and companionship?

72 Name: Luna : 2006-04-28 16:42 ID:vIFNC2Q4

If so your contridicting your own opinion, and thats not too smart. I personally think that your begining to come around a bit in your opinions. You say that love doesnt exsist, yet you say "I know sex does not matter in a TRUE relationship. That is for those that desire only companionship, not intimacy.". Has anything in your personally life changed Ulrich? Or are you still your cold, unlove self?

73 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-29 01:14 ID:Y5qHyyG2

I suggest you read my first post to this topic. I said that love is not nonexistent, but only a fragment in this world. "Love" is a rare case. Love does exist, but it is rare. Like I said, it's usually just used as a tool for the lustful ambitions of others. Yes, sex does not matter in a true relationship, or one that many describe as true love. In a true sense of love, which some believe, companionship, having someone to be close to, is the true form. Yet, sex is entirely involved the majority of the time. My opinion may seem a bit contradictory, since I know both the negative and positive aspects of love. Most of which being negative, obviously. When I have an opinion, it's usually a yes-no opinion, like Religion and government. Like I believe that anarchy should be enacted, human beings should be capable of leading themselves living in harmony. But primal instinct strays humanity from this path. That is why we need government for enacting the law, and disdaining chaos, yet a democracy still leads to it, as well as any other government. Ergo, the yes-no opinion. But when it comes to "love", I am on an entirely different scale. Yes, I believe that love is realistic, but it is only a fragment in this world. A simple ideology. Evidently, it usually disdains from this "true" path and hurls down the one of corruption. Lust, chauvinism, hatred, death, and despair. This is what it truly leads to. And no, my life has not changed. I still as you say, "cold", and disdainful of a so-called love. Human beings use their instinct when it comes to "love", not their reason. That's why there are all these nymphomaniacs running rampant. Those, that devolve into the most disgusting and intolerable beings. The rapists, pedophiles and sadists(sexual torture). The beings society deems unworthy of life or mercy. This devolution occurs through "lust", or through a scientific perspective, imbalanced chemicals I suppose.

74 Name: a**hole : 2006-04-29 02:03 ID:OFrO5b5q

get a life u stupid dweebz
the only reason u talk about love is tht u have none

75 Name: Luna : 2006-04-29 02:51 ID:3EQvAxs3

Ok, I got ya point, but i think you are getting lust and love confused. Love doesn't lead to all the crap you think it does. If u had paid any attention in Psychology, you would have found that people who rape kids have a problem where they feel they can't be sexual with someone their age, so they go and rape childern. So please, get facts before u run your lips about how love sucks. And I personally agree with a**hole. Your unloved and u know it and it buggs the piss out of ya. Find a girl/guy who excepts you for you. And please dont give me this BS about not liking either sex. You either like boobs or no boobs, your choice. I personally believe that no one where you live finds u attractive. They make fun of you super bad and have hurt you. I'm not saying thats right but thats no reason for u to give up on love. Why don't u look for it, you might find it.

76 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-29 05:26 ID:Y5qHyyG2

>>74 Alright, moron. Stop being a troll.


I'm not getting the two confused. I completely know the difference between the two.

>> people who rape kids have a problem where they feel they can't be sexual with someone their age, so they go and rape childern.

That's evident. I am analytic after all. But they know what they are doing is immoral. People with those "mental problems" should realize such atrocitious things and disdain them. It's disgusting and highly intolerable. SO what if you think you can't have "sex" with someone your own age? That is entirely your fault. Corrupting the young? Wtf? That is disgusting. Taking what bit of innocence that have left. Yes, I am unloved because I do not care about a "companion". I need noone. This is very comical. You highly misinterpret the situation at hand. "Love", this fragment, does not bother me. I see most women as deceptive and lustful. There are few "decent" females. I do not care about sex, because it is a primitive tendency that sends one on the verge of lust. Then idiots are like, "I want more sex!". How pathetic. They care only for their own pleasure, and nothing of their so called spouse or "girlfriend/boyfriend". It should be called a "whorefriend" instead, because all males and females do is cheat on one another and conspire against each other. The same is with a marriage. Trust is broken. Abuse may ensue and constant arguements. Death may even occur at the breaking point. I see no reason to "love" someone if you can't trust them for that fact. All people truly care about is money, and their own pleasure. Nothing else. Sex, sex, sex. That's all I ever hear. Love is nothing. The people who "supposedly" love you, lie, cheat, and conspire against you. And may even steal because you are "rich". The only thing that annoys me are the constant nymphomaniacs, as well as the idiots who are manipulated to the fact that they think someone "cares" for them and "love" them. That's a load of BS. Love is just a tool to manipulate someone and then tear them asunder. The "primitive" people, who indulge in nothing but sex, despite lust. I wish not to be of a congregation, or this race forthatmatter, dealing with sex. People are manipulated by their hormones and nothing more. Like domestic animals in an orgy. That's technically what I describe them. Where I live? You might as well say what school I go to since I live in a VERY small rural neighborhood, with basically noone. Just little kids. Really, I could care less about what the idiots at my school think. They are incompetent, arrogant, subhumans sotospeak. We have your gangster wannabes, drug users, nymphomaniacs, and basic idiots, which is the majority of the populace anyway. I could care less what primitive trash say to me. They constantly call me gay, a nerd, and a geek. I could care less. If I wanted to, I would massacre them. I'm not foolish, so I'll let their slurs slide. I hate ignorant people. Those who deliberately act in such a way sicken me. They could never hurt my "feelings". I've been emotionless ever since I left middle school. Ignorance does not hurt me. It just hurts them. Their "image". People like that would be better off dead. Looking is pointless. I need no companion. I have friends and family to fill that. I'm not "lonely" anyway. I wouldn't mind living alone. I'm not letting despair engulf me anyway. I stay away from such risks and haphazards.

77 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-30 21:58 ID:Heaven

I generally find that people who say they aren't lonely, actually are. If they weren't, they most likely wouldn't come into situations where they would need to say so.

78 Name: Not A Secret Admirer : 2006-05-01 20:15 ID:Heaven

Not really much I can say that I haven't said already. Ul, you've made your point, but it seems that people either aren't going to understand, or aren't going to agree with you. As I've said, I agree with some of your general principles, though I disagree about the scope or extent of some of your views of the world. The fact is though, many people don't feel that way.

The corrupt ones will keep on being corrupt because it's what they desire. The ones who want true love will keep trying for it. Maybe that love will corrupt and fade, maybe not. For them, the reward is worth the attempt even if it ends in failure. That's just the way things are.

79 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-01 21:43 ID:28F5xkiL


Actually, I am truly not lonely. I care not about anyone, and truly never will. =\ Like I said, all I need are my friends and family. I've no "void" in my soul like so many others so to speak. I'm in a situation in which I "think", not out of desperation. I just wanted opinions of the matter. Just to forward what I think and recieve feedback. I'm quite satisfied, even though some people did not provide enough information as to why they thought what they thought.


Oh well. Abstinence is what I practice. Besides, "love" will do you more harm than good in the end. Leaving you a broken person filled with despair. I do not wish to go through such tragedy. I do not want to have the "experience" of such a problematic and shocking end result as others have. It's never a crime to philosophize though, even if things never are altered. ;D

I guess this thread is pretty much through. =\

80 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-02 10:50 ID:Heaven

was through about 78 posts ago. gtfo.

81 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-02 11:44 ID:Z8jaVZ20

Cease with the idiocy.

82 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-03 04:00 ID:Aw3JqTrT

durka durka durka

83 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-03 13:19 ID:Heaven

serious business

84 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-04 18:17 ID:6FTLDfjD


>You either like boobs, no boobs or both, your choice


85 Name: Demian : 2006-05-04 21:59 ID:O/+lOSvL

This thread has quite an interesting topic and also some serious contributors, although frequently quite vehement in nature. Unfortunately that last quality does not seem to do the quality of this thread much good. I'd like to pose my view on love, and how I think about human relationships and the value of them.

Most humans like to spend time with other humans. Depending on personalities, the intensity of enjoying each others presence varies and could easily be negative. Prolongued contact develops trust or at least understanding of the other's way of thinking and people may learn more about their own character and follies as they spend time together.
I believe that love is simply a strong mutual understanding of each other, which is valued greater than the costs of having to live with the things you dislike or even hate in your partner.

Note that such a definition leaves open homosexual relationships and polygamy. Of those I have no noteable opinion yet.

Most importantly though, under this definition, love is not dead, nor corrupt. Corruption entails only when love is replaced by lust. However, those two are closely linked and the one may easily result from the other.

In other words, there is much to be gained from friendship and love, which is strength, for true friends and true lovers will identify and remove or reduce weaknesses in each other. To some members of this thread this may sound preposterous, but I would like to pose now that from this perspective, love stands at least as tall as logic when it comes to develop strength. This must be true because logic is inherent to love (understanding each other). But love (in the current definition which includes mutuality) involves two spectators per person, whereas a man trusting on logic in solitude is the only spectator to himself.

It must be clear that the difference in involved spectators will influence the accuracy of analysis, so a loving couple has the edge over the solitary man when it comes to improving themselves.

86 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-05 01:00 ID:PvDKL91s

>>85 Very accurate and precise. Precisely what I think. Except, it usually starts off as lust, rather than love anyway. True love is VERY rare. Half of relationships become divorced/seperated or are together and madness still ensues because one will not leave. Trust is usually never fortified between two people, because gossip and lies break them apart, and they two begin to conspire and become paranoid of one another. Trust is one thing in this world that can never truly come to fruition. One is actually better off trusting no one in this world, because chaos will ensue if you do. You will end up being betrayed, pilaged or death may ensue because of this "trust". As for the solitary individual, that's not always the case. Single individuals may have friends or family instead of not having a spouse. They too, can improve equally or more efficiently than those with someone. And, as I said before in previous posts, Lust is the whole, and love is the fragment. Love is usually just a tool, ergo, in the real world lust dominates it because people follow their primitive instincts, disdaining the use of their mind, or logic. Like domestic animals, the regular human being racing towards another with the true intention of self gratification and sexual indulgence. I talked to two males yesterday, and specifically told them the problems associated with such a matter. One completely understood what I was talking about, and knew how it was. The other, however, was the typical, "wtf, you're crazy". I said, "so, you will have sex with a female and leave her when you are finished? He said yes with a very positive response. That shows the primitive aspects of the typical human ratio. They don't care about others, just themselves. That's where all these whores, pedophiles, rapists and just pure nymphomaniacs of any calibur surface. And no one cares in the end. Such a pitiful existence in a pitiful world. People call me insane, but just as the philosophers of old did not sway from their beliefs, I shall not sway from mine. My "logic".

87 Name: Pms : 2006-05-05 23:04 ID:GJccnxd+

It took me a while after hearing about this site, but I got here, thank goodness for research! Ummmm...I guess what I think is that yes love is real but people confuse it with alot of other shit and then comes the lust and the babies. I don't think its as dark and full of despair as Ulrich says it is, but that just me. I personally think once Ulrich meets the right person, he'll understand how love really feels. Love isnt just a fakie mushy gushy emotion. Love is a very powerful emotion. When you can't stop thinking about a certain person, when you want to connect with them so badly, when you want to be around them and when they are you never want it to end and try to do anything to be with them. Not because wanting sex, but rather because of the most complete and peaceful feeling you have ever had. Using myself as an example, I feel all those feelings about my BF. I know Ulrich will think thats stupid, but its true. And we didn't me because of lust and sex, we've been friends since he was in 3rd and I was in 4th. We dont have sex and we really don't care about that. I'm not trying to say that we have the perfect love, I'm just saying love exsists. Well yall I g2g, research calls, I hope we've all learned something from Ulrich's thread. I bid u ado and hope u all realize that love is real and not as scarce as it seems.

88 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-06 02:05 ID:QcOBfiUc

Heh. That's the thing. Love "is" just a simple emotion. An emotion brought on by chemical reactions in the body. Stimulation for pleasure and bonding. Oxtocins in the body fill a person with passion and bonding of another. Sooner or later that passion and bond ends due to decrease of Oxytocin. Love is truly nothing, just a simple reaction. A primitive reaction that intices one to lust, or "love". Love doesn't last either. It corrudes just as the body does, and becomes nonexistent. Once that "feeling" and attachment fades away, couples have problems.

89 Name: Pms : 2006-05-06 02:16 ID:j4o4o3Jc

Well with all the scienc shit aside, love is real. Ulrich, don't get upset when I say this, but I think you have loved someone, but u got your heart broken. Thats why I think you don't believe in love along with other circumstances. This is friend to friend, bud. I wish I could help you realize this, but theres not much I can say. I'll just leave with this comment. Love finds you, no matter how strong of a loner you think you are and when you refuse love, it will continue to bug you until you realize how much of an important feeling it is. Maybe no one has ever shown you love before, but one day someone will.

90 Name: Demian : 2006-05-06 02:44 ID:O/+lOSvL

According to my knowledge, emotions and the machine which is the body mutually affect each other. People smelling 'attractive' pheromones of each other will feel better. Likewise, people who worry a lot will get real headaches. That being so, the psychological side of love can be both nourished or harmed by the physiological components entering a relation.

In my opinion there is no rule that says in the end psychological love must die because lust falters as time passes. It is true that love relationships change over time, but that is only natural. At some point the mating drive between a couple reduces to a lower level, because it is time to concentrate on other things (i.e. acareer or kids) Only the shortsighted will interpret this change as the end of love. When they do not learn fast, they will indeed break up, perhaps violently.

Let us not confuse the mistakes of an insufficiently informed group as the behaviour of a whole population. If you accept that love is a form of trust and appreciation, then there is no reason for that to end unless that trust is broken, or the grounds for appreciation are lost. Lust, however, plays no role in trust, and cannot be causal to its loss. Since appreciation frequently involves an admiration of the partners' body, it can be diminished with the removal of lust. Other aspects of a human can still be appreciated though, such as the very nature of the partner.

To conclude my point, lust is not the only - or perhaps not even the main - drive of love. Lust will fail over time but that does not spell the end for love. Many people divorce or break apart because they view the end of lust as the end of love. But why don't you start looking at older relationships? Stable ones? Those do exist, plenty of them in fact. Do they not love each other anymore? What would they say?

Do you truly know of no elderly people that still love each other?

91 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-06 05:39 ID:HVEIvKFw

>>90 is a role model for Ulrich

92 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-06 19:38 ID:Heaven


>Oxtocins in the body fill a person with passion and bonding of another.

That's lust, not love. You really have the two confused.

Explain how some couples survive 40+ years if by your theory no love can last.

93 Name: Pms : 2006-05-06 23:51 ID:vkp7u/JQ

ok, love is not a science. It is an emotion. For that matter you could say that you leak from your tear ducts when your sad. Love is an emotion plain and true. Like secret admirer said, I know people who have been together for 53 years and they have loved each more than people would believe. They even (sadly) died together in a car crash. Love bonds people and makes them realize that life is worth living and that someone out there cares for you so much, you just might not realize it. This science of love is true, but irrelevent. So what there are hormones. There are also hormones when a woman is pregnant or when someone goes through puberty, that doesnt mean these things are not important or unreal. I think Ulrich and Demian need to realize there is someone who loves them, they just may not see it.

94 Name: Demian : 2006-05-07 00:21 ID:O/+lOSvL

Dear PMS. I think we actually think the same about love. Please read posts carefully before you comment on them. It will save a lot of time in this discussion, or at least for those seriously participating in it.

95 Name: Pms : 2006-05-07 00:29 ID:vkp7u/JQ

screw you

96 Name: Pms : 2006-05-07 00:34 ID:vkp7u/JQ

I came here because a friend told me about it and asked me to come here.

97 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-07 04:13 ID:ey6zZSqg

>>89 Pm's, you know not what you speak of. I have never "loved" any being. I have however been infatuated once, but that was the result of my primordial instincts. No one can break my heart. I've no emotions to break. =) Love is just a bullshit ideology that is used as a form of manipulation the majority of the time. That's how it usually is.

>>90 Trust is one thing that never lasts, not even between regular people. "Friends" can't even trust one another sometimes due to problems. Why trust someone you can truly never analyze? The only person that ever truly knows everything about someone are themselves. Trust eventually corrodes, even in a true relationship. It's just used to manipulate people and give one a false sense of security.

>>Let us not confuse the mistakes of an insufficiently informed group as the behaviour of a whole population.

More like almost the entire population. That is how the majority are, not the minority.

No, I do not.


Negative on that. I idolize no one.


No, that is the temptation, the pure instinct of every being. Chemicals control lust just as love. Yes, they are both essentially the same.

Like I said, a balance of Oxytocin levels keep a relationship in tact.


>>ok, love is not a science. It is an emotion.

You just contradicted yourself. Emotions are affiliated with Science, so, therefore, "Love" is essentially a part of Science as well, since it is an emotion.

98 Name: Pms : 2006-05-07 04:31 ID:vkp7u/JQ

Do you trust your friends at school? If so, your contridicting yourself and I bet their feelings would be hurt. If not then you are lying to them by calling them your friends.

99 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-07 09:22 ID:M3EybUqm

I never said you could not trust someone. I was just stating that it's better not to trust anyone so that you will not be misfortunate. I've many friends, but I only trust one particular person, because I know him inside out. He is devoid of malice, and is a great friend.

100 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-07 09:48 ID:Heaven

Never being able to trust anyone sounds pretty damn misfortunate to me.

101 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-07 12:13 ID:Heaven

There are levels of trust. Never complete trust.
I trust my bank to keep my savings for me. I would't trust a bank to feed my pet when I'm on a business trip. I trust my brother to help me by lending money when I'm short, but I wouldn't trust him to keep a secret. I'm sure you guys can think about more examples.
So trust is relative, useful and never complete.

102 Name: Pms : 2006-05-09 00:59 ID:MODSxxei

I know, and your friend is like that. But you can't say your better off not trusting someone and trusting someone. I used to be exactly like you. Somone had ripped my heart out, broke it, and then vomited on it (lol extreme but true). I was very hurt and began to doubt everyone. I thought much like you do now about love, trust, sex, and just life in general. But things change, you can't think one thing forever. I was a cutter, a loner, and a hopless drone. But, like I said, things change and turned out someone trusted me, loved me, and wanted me to live. It may not seem like it but people are meaner than they actually are. And you can't go by the people you live around. Yes, its in other parts of the world, but people there are very very very very very very very VERY special(DUH! special). Like you said love is a part of a whole and people there are part of a whole. So just consider it.

103 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-09 02:06 ID:8EmI6OPt

>>102 I understand completely what you are saying, but nonetheless, I still believe how it truly is.

>>But you can't say your better off not trusting someone and trusting someone.

Actually, you can. Trusting no one makes your life haphazardless. Having no one to betray you is the primary incentive not to trust anyone.

>>Somone had ripped my heart out, broke it, and then vomited on it (lol extreme but true). I was very hurt and began to doubt everyone.

No one can ever shatter my heart, because I let the temptation and trust pass by me. I do not put all of my faith on one person that will turn out breaking it. I do not doubt everyone either. I just think that humanity is pathetic because they are corrupt, and KNOW they are corrupt yet they deny such things and continue to do what they will. I do not doubt everyone through trust, but through mentality and sheer mind.

>>But things change, you can't think one thing forever.

Things change only if you allow and accept such change. You can continue to believe in one thing forever until what you believe in is proved false. It's the same with someone who believes in a certain religion all their lives. How can I not believe events that I describe which are actually true? It's the logical emphasis I have made. No, until one proves that human beings choose not to be deliberately corrupt and act in such malicious ways, I'll think otherwise; other than that, I will not falter from the truth.

>>I was a cutter, a loner, and a hopless drone.

I am neither of these. I have friends, but I could live without such people however. The concept of the loner means that one does not mind being alone, and surives on his/her own without the help of others. Trusting no one who might decieve, and those who may pilage. As for being hopeless, I am not. I'm not hopeless in this world, I just know that humanity is corrupt and it sickens me. It sickens me to be part of a race that destroys itself through wars, greed, lust and death. Especially when these people KNOW what they are doing, yet they still do it regardless.

I've considered it, and I know it is a pointless endeavor that will bring sorrow and despair. One without a "companion" would have a better life. Not having the burden of a family, or the toils of insanity of a wife. To not be decieved, to be manipulated by infatuation so one can be robbed inside out. Women decieve, men control, simple as that. Both are pathetic beings who feed off of their desires and brainwash others to do so. Those are the typical forms of males and females. Special? More like special with their desires. Either they wish to have sex for the sheer pleasure, or marry for wealth, it's usually the same every time. Any true relationship does not always last anyway. Even when a spouse dies, the other goes into despair and tragedy and soon succumbs to the illness of death.

104 Name: Demian : 2006-05-09 14:55 ID:O/+lOSvL

What is the problem with breaking your heart? its an integral part of life. Sure, it will severely hurt you, perhaps for an extended period. However, a man must have some control over this. You can see a break-up coming, and brace yourself in time. Or you may still be able to prevent betrayal altogether.

Besides, before you break up, certainly your heart must have been happy, more than you would be on your own. So make the cost-benefit analysis. As your perceptions of the world change, the result may turn negative, or positive. That will happen, because every now and then you pick up new crucial elements to include in your analysis. Only a fool would think an analysis can be truly complete.

105 Name: Pms : 2006-05-09 19:16 ID:Z8jaVZ20

I was just using it as an example. I'm actually thrilled that that person hurt me so, because in doing so I figured out the love I wanted was right in front of my face, I just didn't know it. Heartbreaks are part of life. I'm just saying that I think Ulrich has had his heart hurt and it has scorned him. Its hardened him to what we have now. If he would realize this and that love is so scarce he would feel alot better and see that love is visa versa of what he says. Love is the whole and lust and mess like that is the piece.

106 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-09 20:22 ID:+0d11n83

Here's a fun idea. Write yourself a letter outlining all your beliefs and opinions about the world including a printed copy of this thread. Seal it up and store it somewhere you won't have to see it or ask someone to keep it for you(although maybe not the second option since you'd have to trust someone). If you survive without committing suicide until you're 25, then when you reach that age open the envelope and read the letter.

107 Name: Pms : 2006-05-09 20:30 ID:Z8jaVZ20

If you think the thread is so stupid, why do you keep posting?

108 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-09 22:10 ID:FS50OwFC

>>104 >>105

I fear nothing of the sort. I just wish to have nothing to do with it.
My heart has NEVER been broken, because I have lost sympathy for my brethren since the 6th grade. No one has tried to love or like me, and neither I them, and vice versa. No one can crush me under their foot like so many others have been. I'm not weak of heart.

>>106 Wtf are you on? Whoever said anything about suicide? I may be pessimistic at times, but I'm not insane and deluded.
How about you go die due to your idiotic proposition.

109 Name: Pms : 2006-05-09 22:48 ID:+XdJyCK5

Well still, you never know. I think people have tried to like you, I even know a few. But thats, not the point. Point is that I that your disliking of all this mess stems from something deeper. I know mine did. But hey I could be wrong. Oh and Secret Admirer, go fuck yourself, bud.

110 Name: the Jolly Javelin : 2006-05-10 17:16 ID:O/+lOSvL

Ulrich, far be it from me to doubt your grasp on the subject of love, but since you are obviously so well informed about the world, why did you ask about it in the first place?

Can it be that in reality you hoped to educate a few of us about the nature of the world? You little tyke! :) But why not just write it down for us to appreciate it in its purest form? Right now, I have to painfully extract all of your ideas from various posts, and it is quite a tough job to do. So would you pretty please condense it into a couple of neat paragraphs?

I have to say I really love your style, I really do. Its been such a long time since I've seen such sophisticated vocabulary combined with such a free and unbridled implementation of it. Apart from that, your use of logic is, in one word, simply refreshing: It is masterful how you are able to deduce all the admirably grand conclusions from such a select choice of observations. My time is short, so I must stifle this deserved admiration, and cut to the gist of my request.

It would be wonderful if you could write it in the form of: assumptions first, then the conclusions from induction and conjunction, and then the implications on the life we live. (Of course I mention 'assumptions' because that's just the standard way of writing an argument, whereas you as I have seen do know many of the undeniable facts of life.)

Could you please do that, Ulrich?
I'll be in your debt always.

111 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-11 00:24 ID:O/+lOSvL

Pms, do you already know that people who post anonymously here are automatically given the name 'Secret Admirer'?

112 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-11 01:09 ID:D3KerMEw

>>110 Ulrich, far be it from me to doubt your grasp on the subject of love, but since you are obviously so well informed about the world, why did you ask about it in the first place?

Feeback, more or less.

Well, that's suprising. The majority of people that I've explained the situation to do not see the logic or problems of what occurs. I really appreciate your feedback as well. As for vocabulary, I still feel like a novice when it comes to that. I have yet to learn even more complicated words to fit into my analysis and such. But, with age comes with knowledge, so I've plenty of time. xD

I suppose I could establish an "organized" essay or so on this, particularly for your benefit.

113 Name: Pms : 2006-05-11 01:54 ID:BKsA1JXP

>>111 Pms, do you already know that people who post anonymously here are automatically given the name "Secret Admirer"?

Well, you must be the one I was refering to!

Looks like Ulrich will be writing a book, big money can be made!;p(j/k).

114 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-11 02:07 ID:Heaven

Aye, lust of pleasure can turn a man into something that society deems unworthy, but so can lust for life.

Reason, logic, truth, they are all so very relative. At one point in time, everyone knew the Earth was flat, they had cold logic, obvious reasons, and they knew it was the truth. Only by their own greed, did they discover what more there is to the world, and so things became as they are today.

We can put human beings in the category of horrid creatures, but it does not settle anything, nor does it make you any different. You can forsake love, call it illogical, useless, and based on all the wrong reasons, or ending with corruption, but if it is never explored then we will never understand.

Right now, some 14 year old girl is crying because she lost her boyfriend. She said that she loved him, but she was just being childish and immature. Right now another girl is crying, but she was more foolish than the previous one, not because her feelings were false, but because they were true, she did love him... and now she suffers for it. A fool, but a true person.

In order to truely bring order to choas, life to death, peace to despair, you must not simply say you know both end of the spectrum, you must feel them. It is easier to banish humanity as worthless and hate it, than it is to try and help it change.

So go on and truely prove your worth, those of you who say that mankind is worthless and doomed. Go out there and do your part, that it may not be entirely worthless.

115 Name: Pms : 2006-05-11 02:20 ID:BKsA1JXP

Well we are all human, we are capable of emotions and how to use our minds instead of being entirely dependant on our insticts. Being human is not something to be ashamed of. Yes there are many evils in the world, but you can't say that there is anything better. I mean until we reach nirvana, become super humans, find Shangri La, or become robots, this is the best we have. Yes people confuse their emotions, but again, its human. And like the person who made comment 114 love will never be understood until it is explored. Thats why I think Ulrichs opinion is correct, but it is one sided. I think since he said no one has ever tried to love or like him then he doesnt fully understand love. I'm not saying its wrong, I actually think its pretty acurate; but only to the side of the downside of love.

116 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-11 04:53 ID:+0d11n83

Okay the suicide bit was out of line I apologize. I was serious about the letter writing exercise. In my first year of high school one of my teachers had the whole class write letters to themselves. I received mine in the mail sometime after graduation. It was a window into what I was back then and how much I had changed over the years.

117 Name: Pms : 2006-05-11 11:50 ID:Z8jaVZ20

Thanks for apologizing. I used to be suicidal, so i dont like to play about that.

118 Name: Demian : 2006-05-11 17:18 ID:O/+lOSvL

Nicely put, >>114. I concurr especially with the last sentences.

119 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-11 21:26 ID:hMUOF7NA

Well, this is what I established about 4-5 months ago.

My opinion of the world…

The world is a dark wasteland. One engulfed by deception and despair. Paranoia is constant and the turmoil of the land is infinite. Human beings are inexplicitly weak. They indulge themselves is the pleasures of the world with their deceptively complacent life styles. 
Life is barren. Hatred in concealed within the soul, but is usually unleashed as a hail of merciless abuse. I think only of the negative aspects of the world, for the malicious intent is much higher than the benevolent characteristics. I do not “worry” about my brethren. I only think of what they do because they ARE my brethren. The same life form. All in correlation with flexibility of emotions and behavior. Chaos dominates the land. The world. Even the universe. The multi-verse is full of various things, hatred being one of which. From a philosophical perspective, I know how the world is (yet my father thinks otherwise), which is deprived of any sense of virtue. Only the fragments of hope instilled within few people. Either individually, or those collectively in a religious sect.
Love is supposedly a benevolent and gratifying emotion. Yet, love in this world is a comical joke. Love conceals lust. Lust is the true, deceptive form of love. The whole world writhes with this thought. Human beings do not “love” one another. They wish only for gratification. Impeccable pleasure. From a worldly outlook, this speculation is highly accurate. Love is comprised of three components. Passion, commitment and infatuation. A true love that is difficult to attain.
Religion is the major source of spite. An individuals “opinion” is the dominating factor. Various Religions dislike one another due to their principles or opinions of one another. I highly disapprove of Religion because of this. The only thing I believe in is God; nothing more or less. The destructive properties of one’s opinion can be devious.
Well, from analyzing this information you may come to the conclusion that I am an enigma, or that I am problematic. That prediction is obvious though, and I myself occasionally think I am insane in this corrupted world at times. My sympathy for my fellow brethren has been eradicated, with the exception of my comrades. My loyalty does not waver.

Partial on the theory of love, but I'll construct an actual one on that sometime soon. I've recently been busy with English reports. x.x

120 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-12 06:55 ID:Heaven

>>119 corrupted the board with his merciless format.

121 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-12 10:40 ID:jII58hLH

<<120 And you've corrupted it with your constant idiocy.

122 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-12 12:53 ID:FkxfI+E0

That's not fair, Ulrich, because he also wrote post 114. Not only was that a good contribution to the discussion, it also added to the body of the discussion.

You can tell by looking at the ID behind the name of the poster. Be sure to apologize to the kind man who couldn't resist a harmless pun.

123 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-12 14:01 ID:Z8jaVZ20


Exactly. The same moron who has been constantly harassing and imitating me. He may speak as a wiseman, but he acts like a fool. Big difference.

As for this, >>nor does it make you any different

Actually, it does. Those who indulge in corruption and deliberately commit such acts are the inferior beings of the human race. Those few with moral fortitude are at the top. Although, corruption is inherent, it's still a "choice" whether to be malicious or not. This may seem a bit contradictory, considering that superiority is a form of corruption, but those who are moral strive to help, those who are immoral try to destroy.

124 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-12 14:06 ID:Heaven

I'm not >>120 or >>114. The "Heaven" ID is what replaces the real ID when one sages a post. Someone with it and no name/trip is completely anonymous, so it could be anyone.

125 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-12 18:01 ID:O/+lOSvL

>>124 ok my bad

126 Name: Pms : 2006-05-12 21:56 ID:s1atjPP2

Why can't we all just get along? Sorry corny but effective ;p. Anyways I think that Ulrich has a point. I mean yeah, the bad most of the time end up on top, but I don't think the world is evil just cause of it. And your comment about superiority made me think of someone from my school. We'll call him..."John Kerry's Son". The guy loves John Kerry, worships the ground he walks on. He thinks that he is so much better than everyone else. He tel people he's better than them because he has cable and because he's so smart. I think people today are too materialistic and arrogant. Just because you can get more and do more than others doesn't mean anything. **Plus I'm getting a car, so I don't care!!!*** (;p)

127 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-12 23:13 ID:nacSyX/h

>he guy loves John Kerry, worships the ground he walks on. He thinks that he is so much better than everyone else.

Chris at school, the HIGHLY fanatical political sophomore at school is precisely the same way. He indulges in John Kerry's presence for some apparant reason. >.>

128 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-13 16:35 ID:Heaven

Ulrich's view of the world is very simplistic and naive. While he wants to believe that he has uncovered the secrets of the world, the essence of humanity his analysis is nothing more than superficial, at most, lightly scraping the surface. His grasp of human psychology is limited and as much as he wants to appear unbiased his hatred clouds his judgement and skews his views. He walks the sage path that many has walked before

129 Name: Pms : 2006-05-13 16:43 ID:Ui47Xabz

But not just him. There are so many other people like that. Now I'm not saying that I don't have something like that, everyone has their vices, but I think it you can control it you'll be good. I love chocolate, its my "indulgence". But I control(I do!! Just cos I'm plump doesnt mean anything j/k) it. I bet Ulrich has something he "indulges" in.

P.S.: U weren't supposed to say his name Ulrich!!!!! ;p

130 Name: Demian : 2006-05-13 17:31 ID:O/+lOSvL

There is little point in mentioning that, >>128, because Ulrich doesn't really get the point of a discussionboard. Members on a discussionboard only remain interesting if they consider the ideas of others, and give feedback on that. (with more detail than just agree/disagree).

You might wanna see how he reacted to the post from the Jolly Javelin >>110. Ulrich, you might wanna read it too, and while you're at it, consider the concepts of 'irony' and 'sarcasm.'

I'm still trying to determine whether he saw through it or not, because his reply, that big hunk of text (load it in Word to read it) was so ridiculous it reads to me as an ironic response. Somebody comment on that?

>>128, if you like to talk more on this subject, let us both not forget that this thread is about the theory of love, not about Ulrich.

I still think you're a nice guy, Ulrich, don't let me get on your bad side :)

131 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-13 17:47 ID:Heaven

I think Ulrich was too busy masturbating to someone patting him on the head to detect the sarcasm

132 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-13 18:02 ID:3CwoBRbR



No, you misinterpret. I know what's going on. Yes, I have not analyzed everything, for their is much more to learn, the same applies to Philosophy. I am not as simple-minded as you think, one that is consumed by the darkness and one that walks the path of despair. My judgment is not shrouded. I think clearly, for anger interferes with the mind of thought. I am not weak enough to be disrought by anger, as so many others have.

>>129 When I spoke of indulgence, I was referring to "corrupt forms", such as lust and violence. Yes, I do indulge in some things. Philosophy, history, videogames and anime. Lol.


Actually, I do. I have considered, and given feedback.

I completely understand those concepts. I'm just serious about most things. I see humour as a sign of ignorance, although it applies in various situations. In a serious matter, in my opinion, it's ignorance.

I really do not see the irony. All I did was copy and paste that paragraph from a word document. I made no changes. =\

I never said it was about me. I'm just talking about what I think, for it is relevant to "why I think about love in such a way.

I am kindhearted, but I am negative towards those of immoral quality. You know, those of an arrogant, egomatic or violent nature. It's difficult to reveal the shadow of my soul on the Ethernet. xD I still love have an intellectual discussion nonetheless. Where I live, there are no intellectuals. Just regular, outgoing people. >.>

133 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-13 18:10 ID:Heaven

Please enlighten the awful sinners amongst us, who have chosen to enjoy bodily pleasures, what makes them so corrupt, compared to your indulgences.

134 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-14 00:37 ID:Heaven

Just give it a rest already Ulrich. The simple matter is that nobody with a clear head agrees with your wild and crazy opinion of the world.

135 Name: Pms : 2006-05-14 00:55 ID:NoETFbRV

I don't think sex is wrong if the two people are mature enough and in love enough to enjoy it. It's just become corrupt in the last 30 or 40 years. People do abuse it though and confuse(afterwards) with being in love. And people also do it freely and it becomes casual and unimportant. I think there is a big difference between intimacy and the act of sex. Inimacy is wanting to share a feeling of deep love, caring, and commitment. People now, just treat it like a passtime. Like watching tv or reading a book. When sex does not have intimacy, then sex is just an act and is meaningless. But that's just my opinion.

136 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 03:56 ID:qKQTb6oD

>>135 Actually sex has been corrupt since the Bible days, but I still know what you mean. Just wanted to catch that before a jackass flamed you for it.

What a lot of people need to learn is that healthy relationships are possible, even if they've never experienced any. ITT a 14 year old is trying to tell me the world is corrupt and love is meaningless. lol I don't care how mature a 14 year old thinks he is, he hasn't experienced "true love" and has no place in judging the reality of it. He also hasn't experienced the "real world" and has no idea whether or not it's corrupt. A 14 year old can't analyze anything, because you need an experienced, mature, cultured mind to properly analyze anything as complex as SOCIETY.

Yes, corruption exists. The U.S. government is full of corruption. But it's likely you will never in your life be directly harmed by it, kid, minus some money and healthcare. Quit worrying about the state of the world and just try not to get mugged on the street. That is the only corruption you should be worried about. Worry about politics when you're PAST your prime, like everyone else.

Madeline Albright rocks.

137 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-14 04:51 ID:ytOOXvim

>>134 Actually, my "crazy" opinion is based off of actual facts. You just deny how it truly is.


>ITT a 14 year old is trying to tell me the world is corrupt and love is meaningless.

Actually, you misinterpret. I am 15, and turning 16 this Thursday. Age has no relevance, nor does it coincide with knowledge.

>lol I don't care how mature a 14 year old thinks he is, he hasn't experienced "true love" and has no place in judging the reality of it.

All right, one does not have to have "personal experience" for such a thing. Sensory experience is just as efficient. You see the vast majority lust and ravage one another, so they are deemed corrupt. But one also knows that their are the few decent people out there in the world.

>A 14 year old can't analyze anything, because you need an experienced, mature, cultured mind to properly analyze anything as complex as SOCIETY.

That is a pure generalization. You speak of the "regular" 14 year olds who have the typical interactions and aspects. I am very mature for my age. I am mature and cultured, as well as experienced.

>He also hasn't experienced the "real world" and has no idea whether or not it's corrupt.

You know not what you speak of. It is written is history. In the past and the present. The corruption is unprecedented and fathomed. I know how the world is, because I have seen what occurs.

By the way, with age, comes arrogance, obviously in your case and many others. You should stop making generalizations as well. Grouping the minority of logical, mature beings with the majority of primitive, immature ones.

138 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-14 08:44 ID:Heaven

posting in a legendary thread

139 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 09:05 ID:Heaven

140 Name: Demian : 2006-05-14 12:36 ID:O/+lOSvL

If there is anyone willing to talk about theory of love without reacting to the immature and reactive babble from Ulrich, please tell me soon. He's ruining the potential level of this thread. Otherwise, for the lack of intelligent conversation, I'm going to leave this thread.

With that, I'll apologize to all those who also made thought-out contributions. From now on, however, I'll regard any mention of Ulrich at least as a complete waste of my time, and probably as a sign that the contributor is at the same level of maturity as Ulrich.

In a second amendment, I must say that I do not regard myself as intelligent, but I think that those who would consider other people's thoughts in all fairness, and then write, will have made a good contribution. And I like to see myself that way.

Let's keep this thread alive! (right now it is undead)

141 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 13:16 ID:Heaven

This thread was never alive. If anyone wants to discuss the "theory of love", starting a new thread would probably be the best option

142 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-14 16:03 ID:ldYGlOba


>immature and reactive babble from Ulrich

I would love for you to validate. How I am acting "immature". And if I am so immature, why are you still here?

It's obvious you disdain compromise. I've been respectful to the replies of others. Just as in any debate, one speaks, and the other replies with feedback, whether positive or negative.

All I ever wished for was feedback, and I am gladly recieiving what I wished, even if comments come into conflict with my opinionated facts. Perfectly logical though, as others will not always agree on the same thing.

143 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 17:31 ID:Heaven

144 Name: Pms : 2006-05-14 18:36 ID:TQ2GNMUV

Well if all yall hate it so much, leave! I mean quit complaining and find another thread that is more "interesting", because all yall are doing is contridicting yourselfs. 'This page is dead and it was never alive' blah, blah, blah. And plus, since Ulrich is a Taurus, ya'll should know he's determined and passionate about his beliefs. So get over yourselfs!

145 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 19:50 ID:Heaven

This place is starting to feel more and more like Gaia for every post Pms makes!

146 Name: Pms : 2006-05-14 20:56 ID:LB0AZNYY

Well I don't know what Gaia is. I guess I don't understand it when people talk out their ass.

147 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 21:16 ID:Heaven

148 Name: Demian : 2006-05-14 21:36 ID:O/+lOSvL

>Just as in any debate, one speaks, and the other replies with feedback, whether positive or negative.

A debate is a discussion between two sides (correctly speaking) or more. At times it may take the form of interrogation, and sometimes a discussion leader may evolve. On these boards however, that leading role is decentralized among all contributors. Leading power is never complete, and is attributed by others due to attraction to previous posts. If you want your ideas respected, serious thought is key. A little respect also helps sometimes. Also, remain within the bounds of the discussion. Here, we'd like to talk about theory of love.

Here, we have some who downright refute the concept of love, but we also have plenty who accept it in some form or other. A few of those, including me, try to formalize the theory a little, whereas others find that a futile exercise, or downright disgusting because love just 'is,' or 'happens to you.' Since we have these subgroups, it might be useful to start tagging ourselves at some point for easier identification. I'll be waiting for ideas. More important to the fruitful development of this discussion however is that we stop flaming (posting useless and unconstructive insult) each other, because that only lead to contributors exiting, even or perhaps especially those who sincerely post here. And that's a waste.

Pms, I've mentioned before that you should be more careful when reading people's posts. There are many people here who spend considerable time on their thoughts and posts, so don't think you'll understand straight away what they are saying. So either read into posts with care, or find a dictionary and search for 'contradiction.' It will also give you the correct spelling.

149 Name: Pms : 2006-05-14 21:41 ID:LB0AZNYY

You can ask people who know me, I'm a very nice person, unless provoked. I came here with the intention of discussing the theory of love because someone suggested it. But I agree with you. I just think those who antagonize people make the thread become something of a battle royale of insults.

150 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 22:41 ID:Heaven


"By the way, with age, comes arrogance"

How ironic that you would be the one saying this to someone else!

I know you don't understand it, and you will never accept it as fact, but you're at an age when you feel like you suddenly understand everything. I'm sorry, but as much as you say age doesn't matter, the simple fact is that it does. You don't know anything. You're just a kid. An immature, EXTREMELY arrogant kid. When I am criticizing you because of your age, it's not because I think I'm better than you because I'm older. It's simply because it's true. You can get a license to drive soon? You must know everything! Spoilers: Johnny the Homicidal Maniac is not an accurate representation of society.


"I would love for you to validate. How I am acting "immature". And if I am so immature, why are you still here?"

We've been validating for about 149 posts. The problem is you don't listen.

Why don't YOU validate to us your amazing intellect and maturity? All you've proven so far is that you won't shut up about things you don't understand, and neither does anyone your age or 5 years older or perhaps 10 years older. We don't want to hear about how you're sooo upset with these corruptions that have never affected you in any way. Especially not in /love/.

151 Name: Pms : 2006-05-14 22:50 ID:LB0AZNYY

Now I agree with that. Where Ulrich lives is a little sector of the world where if you asked 1 out of 5 people on the street they wouldn't know who The Who were. So where he lives is not a good representation. I went to NYC over the last summer and it opens your eyes. The world is so much bigger than where Ulrich lives. I just think Ulrich needs to travel, see the world, talk to them for their opinions. And yes you can talk to anyone in the world via the web, but if you travel you learn so much about the world, its people, and yourself.

152 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-14 22:59 ID:Heaven

Exactly. You need to experience the world to know anything about it, and a ~15~ year old simply can't do that in normal circumstances. I don't care how much you "analyze" via TV or the internet, you just can't learn as much that way.

153 Name: Pms : 2006-05-14 23:09 ID:LB0AZNYY

But in some ways Ulrich has a point, to a certain degree.

154 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-14 23:37 ID:OoH1GxxB


>I know you don't understand it, and you will never accept it as fact, but you're at an age when you feel like you suddenly understand everything. I'm sorry, but as much as you say age doesn't matter, the simple fact is that it does. You don't know anything. You're just a kid. An immature, EXTREMELY arrogant kid. When I am criticizing you because of your age, it's not because I think I'm better than you because I'm older. It's simply because it's true. You can get a license to drive soon? You must know everything! Spoilers: Johnny the Homicidal Maniac is not an accurate representation of society.

Actually I do understand it, because I have heard it constantly. I only applying what I simply know. Is that a crime? I never said I knew everything, for that is an impossible feat for the human mind. Like I said previous, I do not act immature. If I were, then I would spam or joke about everything. I am very mature for my age, and many people know this. Arrogance is something I disdain. Something I fathom. Why would I align myself with a primitive essence? I've no reason to be arrogant about anything. Even if I knew everything, and were omniscient as God himself, I would have no reason to be arrogant, because I am a human being just like you or anyone else. Just because you might have an advantage over someone does not mean you are superior. I know that for a fact. Pompous people are the ones that annoy me anyway. I bet you call every young intellectual arrogant, immature and foolish, eh? Pitiful.
Actually, I took the class last year, and went three times but have abnormalities each time. I haven't bothered to go back for my permit. I drive normal, without acting insane and arrogant anyway.

>Why don't YOU validate to us your amazing intellect and maturity? All you've proven so far is that you won't shut up about things you don't understand, and neither does anyone your age or 5 years older or perhaps 10 years older. We don't want to hear about how you're sooo upset with these corruptions that have never affected you in any way. Especially not in /love/.

I wouldn't discuss things I do not understand. You generalize too much. Far too much.

155 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-15 02:56 ID:WIPWDYhu

I admire your ability to say so little with so many words. So far we have established that most people are corrupt, love is corrupt because it's usually just a guise for lust, which for some reason is corrupt (not sure why) and that the world is a shithole cut*cut*cut. Have you considered a career in politics?

156 Name: Pms : 2006-05-15 03:17 ID:VZbCmJwK

I think that teens can be mature for their age, but I think people on this thread are taking this too seriously. I mean people tell me on mature for my age, and I'm going to be 16 in June. Yet I still laugh when someone says 'duties' or "but I don't care if you 'do do' that." (lol those never get old! ;). But I'm just saying that teens have the ability to think deeply. It's just when, like the 154 Ulrich said, they become pompous and arrogant as hell. I like to think I'm not arrogant and pretty openminded, but hey thats opinion, so what do I know?

Just sayng, if you were God, you wouldnt be human (j/k but kindof serious.) ;)

157 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-15 03:19 ID:Heaven

>>154 You're pretty pompous, actually. You also can't seem to grasp that there is more to being "immature" than spamming and joking all the time.

You ARE acting immature. It's immature to know nothing about the world and go on and on with your jargon about how you KNOW all of these things that for some reason the rest of the world can't grasp, and at the same time turn around and use the defense that you're ~only human~ if anyone criticizes you. I'm telling you. It's a FACT. There is not a single 15 year old in this entire fucking world that has a real grasp of what the world is like. I was a "young intellectual" myself, actually. The difference between you and I is that I never suddenly came to the realization that I "have an advantage" over everyone and understand the world. I knew better, and I still do.

The way you think is arrogant. The way you type is arrogant. You. Are. Arrogant. Defending yourself with modest speeches doesn't change the obvious.

158 Name: Secret Ulrich : 2006-05-15 03:23 ID:Heaven

I'm almost convinced that Pms and Ulrich are trolls. It's just so hard not to laugh at them. Maybe I've shielded myself from people like them for so long that I forgot they existed.

159 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-15 04:12 ID:Heaven

>>158 Could be. Whether Ulrich's a troll or not, I'm done arguing with him. He's most likely at a phase where he wouldn't even listen to a genius doctor if he said his outlook of the world is retarded. One day, when he grows up, I'm sure Ulrich will realize, "Wow, those guys on 4-ch were right. What did I do with my youth?"

160 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-15 10:05 ID:MDHiH4HS


>Have you considered a career in politics?

I prefer Philosophy. I don't like Politics.


>Just sayng, if you were God, you wouldnt be human (j/k but kindof serious.) ;)

I was referring to a human being that had infinite knowledge as God; something that is not possible.

>>157 Well, think what you will. You're just falsely accusing me of being arrogant when I am not. You're just highly ignorant to the fact.

>The way you think is arrogant. The way you type is arrogant. You. Are. Arrogant. Defending yourself with modest speeches doesn't change the obvious.

You firmly abuse the word and misuse it. This may be what you think, but it is something you certainly do not know.


>I am not a pathetic troll, simply because I constructed this thread for feedback.


>"Wow, those guys on 4-ch were right. What did I do with my youth?"

I highly doubt that. The only think I realize is that you people are uncompromising pretentious human beings with no consideration for other people. Just your own selfish ways. A typical human trait. One of corruption.

161 Name: Pms : 2006-05-15 15:00 ID:Z8jaVZ20

Yall can all go masterbate to Hentia.

162 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-15 18:17 ID:Heaven

>>160 Whatever. Like I said, you won't listen to anyone whether they're right or not. Go show this thread to a psychologist and ask him which of us is the "corrupt" one.

Also, I'm looking at the definition of arrogant, and it fits you fairly well.

163 Name: Demian : 2006-05-15 18:31 ID:O/+lOSvL

I have a sister who is 16 currently, and my other sister was that age two years ago. I know for a fact that they are absolutely capable of deep thought and definitely able to do significant things. However, they are not usually capable of extending such thought for long enough to consider various possible conclusions. Judging from them, their friends and of course my own experience from when I was 16, I believe that most teens that age have that problem. At that time I knew that I didn't know the truth about the world - but I thought I was pretty close.

I also remember that at 16, insults are really insults. So all you guys who're older, if you think you're mature, give these kids a break. They already know plenty to make interesting conversation (in my opinion), but they're probably still quite naive (some of us, including me, aren't yet so unlike them). What selfrespecting adult will take joy from insulting a kid? (well, the insulting part is fun, granted, but its just too unfair)

>>158, a little defense for Pms, her last posts were good contributions. She listens to reason and knows when not to be offended. (maybe don't look at 161)

164 Name: Demian : 2006-05-15 18:37 ID:O/+lOSvL


>So far we have established that most people are corrupt, love is corrupt because it's usually just a guise for lust, which for some reason is corrupt (not sure why)

You raise a good point. Up till now I think it was accepted implicitly that lust is corrupt. However, there is no need to assume that, after all, lust is just one part of our heritage from stages down the evolutionary path. Please elaborate on this.

I'll try to find a good definition for corruption in the meantime.

165 Name: Pms : 2006-05-15 20:02 ID:CeIjahHN

Thank You!!! 161 was a joke, don't take it personally.

And insults are hurtful. But we are not just kids. I mean, have any of you had this interesting of a conversation, on a thread. I don't think so. And yes, poking fun is awesome, ya'll should get that. It's just when you take things to far. I mean, teens or not, we are people to with opinions and ideas that want to be manifested where ever they can be. And since the internet is so easily acessible, its the one place you'll see us sporting our opinions the most. I mean what if I was to say "WHO LOVES COHEED AND CAMBRIA?!?!?!?!", no one has to answer, but my opinion is heard. And thats all that matters.

166 Name: Not A Secret Admirer : 2006-05-16 02:14 ID:Heaven

Man, I leave for a week...

Several Anonymous posters: C'mon guys, you really need to give Ulrich a break. Yeah, Ulrich has some pretty extreme views of the world. Heck, he said in his opinion that even he thinks he's crazy sometimes. I don't think he has the whole world figured out yet, but then, I doubt ANYONE has the whole world figured out, no matter what their age. And for what it's worth, I think he is pretty mature for his age; crazy ideas don't necessarily mean immaturity, and I've had to deal with immature 16-year-olds, heh.

Demian: See above, also, I'd imagine that it's corrupt because it's Ulrich's opinion that it's corrupt. What is and isn't corrupt is sometimes a matter of opinion based on your belief system (I'd wager that many followers of quite a few religions have a differing opinion on it than say, some atheists NOT THAT ALL OF THEM THINK THAT WAY just sayin') Your opinion of it might not be the same as his; I believe that defining corruption leads back to defining things like morals and what is "right and normal", and that sort of thing can be argued 'til Doomsday without any sort of agreement being reached. Like most "debates" on the Internet, people are usually going to have to end up agreeing to disagree. I'd guess that very few people came into this thread expecting to have their worldview changed, hehe.

Ulrich: Might want to turn down the personal acid a bit. Whether or not you think they're ignorant or corrupt or whatever for putting down your views is irrelevant; calling them that to their face is just going to provoke them to fire back even more. Gotta be willing to turn the other cheek and all. Making a general statement about humanity is one thing, because I can, for example, assume you're talking about people other than me. Things like "you people are uncompromising pretentious human beings" though, well, nobody's going to want to hear what you have to say with those kind of words.

And now I've made one of the longest posts yet and haven't said one thing about love or even lust. Okay, here we go: personally, I don't think hormone-driven desires in themselves are corrupt. I think that overindulgence in those desires is where corruption comes from. Drinking too much alcohol will destroy your liver, but a little wine now and again is okay. Of course, no one says you have to drink at all (I don't), but I have friends who do so responsibly, and I don't see a problem with it. In the same way, sex in and of itself isn't a bad thing, but being addicted to porn or having one-night stands every week can be pretty detrimental to your mental and even physical health in the long run. Of course, the hard part is determining what's "acceptable", and that's where a lot of the opinions and agreeing-to-disagree happen. Really, the same could be said of love, or at least, affection. Not always good to get super-clingy and singularly-focused on one person, you know?

Anywho, I need to get going so I guess I'll finish up here. I don't agree with everything he says, but I think he got it right on this one: "I think we ought always to entertain our opinions with some measure of doubt. I shouldn't wish people dogmatically to believe any philosophy, not even mine." - Bertrand Russell

167 Name: Pms : 2006-05-16 02:33 ID:HEH9xM14

Corruption comes from peoples personal immoral choices, plan fact. But thats not the point. Lust is a form of corruption but sex isn't. Be proud of your kid for hitting a homer in the baseball game isn't corrupt, but saying "my son doesn't suck and yours does, hahahahaha!!!" is. It's just the fact of the chocies people make. Just like on some RPG games(Hello my name is Pms and I'm addicted to RPGs.) you can choose to be evil or good. So make your choice. Be good or be evil, or be human.

168 Name: Secret Ulrich : 2006-05-16 02:57 ID:Heaven

Yes, and everything is black and white and there is a book telling us what is right and what is wrong. pls2getaclue (did you even read the post above yours?)

169 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-16 03:19 ID:82QXxdTI


Two words: grow up. You are contradicting yourself, for you are currently acting immature accusing someone of arrogance. Don't be a hypocrite.


So precise you are. Insulting those younger than you shows one's immaturity and arrogance(for you think you are superior). Although I disagree about being naive. I understand what goes on. Like I said, I do not talk about things I understand incoherently.


Right you are, good sir. Just because two different views are different does not mean that they should come into conflict with one another. Every person should be respectful to another's opinion, as they to the other. Yes, I do not have the entire world figured out, just a piece of the puzzle. They called Socrates insane in his time, because his views did not coincide with others. So he was deemed essentially prepostrous by the people of his time. A great sage. I have to deal with others my age and those of 17 and 18. It's very stressful, because they become a nuisance with their constant belligerence and inconsideration.

Very true. A differentation of views does not mean one is right and the other is wrong, unless actual facts preside over these ideals. And just like an opinion is the source of many a corruption, hatred ensues from it because of different beliefs.

>"One who is enraged is one off guard"-Taoism. Just kidding. Lol. Well, my intention is not to provoke, but to enlighten. That is their problem if they are too blind to see it. Weak are they who weak of mind.

I've done that for many a year, the entire duration till I came to Highschool. I was a very introverted person, caring not what others said. But I guess I could only handle it to some extent and now it has become annoying, and the persecutors nuisances beyond resolve or empathy. I will gladly speak my mind. Thoughts are better off spoken off than supressed. I learned that first hand, for keeping my negative thoughts in my head would have been a drastic outcome in itself.

Tis true. The beings whom have been throwing constant slurs and blasphemy at me for my ideals ARE uncompromising for they will not mutually agree. I do respect their opinions, but that does not mean I cannot give feedback on their opinions. And some, such as 162 are contradictory, for they are engulfed by such arrogance.

Exactly. It's all right to have sex, but only if you care for that person. You don't just have sex and leave her when you're done with her. That's just like a domestic animal, and we have reason. We are far more capable of doing what is moral, except the majority of time we care less because we finally find something to feel "good". The same is with drugs, alcohol and comedy.

>>167 True to that. Lust does coincide with lust however, if allowed.

This has truly been an intriguing discussion, although most left at the beginning..

170 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-16 03:52 ID:Heaven

So what is the diffrence between doing "things that feel good" and doing "things that feel good but are deemed immoral by you"? Or are all things that feel good immoral?

171 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-16 04:45 ID:Heaven

This thread has absolutely nothing to do with love and romance anymore. Please permasage it or something.

172 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-16 10:54 ID:meJdql6p


No, sex is all right, IF you do not indulge in it for yourself and caring not of the other individual. That is a universal moral, disdaining lust. No, only things that coincide with corruption. Sex and drugs are good examples. Nymphomania is taking a new turn in society...

Love usually isn't the case though, pure sex, passion, leads to lust. You have to be COMMITED to that person wholeheartedly to be in love. Something a lot of people do not understand. At first it's getting to know the person, and then being anxious for sex. That's how most individuals are. Adolescents anyway. But many adults are that way as well.

I watched tv one time and this old man killed his family one by one when they came home, entirely because they were a "burden" to him. Because he had no freedom. Even though he could have divorced, he chose not to. That is another aspect in marriage:sole mentality. Both people have to be mentally stable in a marriage as well.

173 Name: Pms : 2006-05-16 12:09 ID:vIFNC2Q4

I was not refering to any book. There is a basic understood morals, like not killing people and not cheating. This has nothing to do with religion or anything of the like. So don't accuse people of needing a clue when you jump to conclusion.

I'm in a relationship now with someone and we have not have sex and are not planning on it either. Sex isn't need in a relationship. But one thing you forgot is that love is also composed of more than just commitment. You have to care deeply and understand them. Love is made up of the affection and caring and commitment between 2 people. And no matter what you say Ulrich, love is real.

174 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-16 13:49 ID:ZC8EIjVI

Abstincence is fine if that's what you both want. Most would disagree that your claim that "sex isn't a need in a relationship."

175 Name: a**hole : 2006-05-16 15:30 ID:vIFNC2Q4

This is to Ulrich...............
Why did you invite my girlfriend to your birthday party?

176 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-16 16:39 ID:Heaven

Taking the moral highground does not automatically make you a winner. I see a lot of talk about logic yet it's nowhere to be seen. Please try again but for real this time

177 Name: Demian : 2006-05-16 22:07 ID:O/+lOSvL

Instead of seeing logic explained again, lets rather validate the assumptions on which the conclusions are founded. We can't argue over logic if it arises from unvalidated claims because it is pointless. Rather we need assumptions, and lets get some assumptions and definitions we all or at least most of us can agree on.

178 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-17 01:30 ID:3Z2UDvZ3


>Sex isn't need in a relationship.

Bingo. Entirely true.

>But one thing you forgot is that love is also composed of more than just commitment. You have to care deeply and understand them. Love is made up of the affection and caring and commitment between 2 people. And no matter what you say Ulrich, love is real.

I stated that a ton of posts ago. Love is comprised of three components: passion, commitment and infatuation. I never said that love was not real, it's just a fragment, a vague persona in the minds of many.


>Most would disagree that your claim that "sex isn't a need in a relationship."

That's typical, since that is usually the core part of a human being's thoughts. Sex is not a necessity, it is so to speak a luxury, mainly because you do not need it(unless for reproduction)and people use it as a tool to file their own pleasure thoroughly.


I invited her because she is a good friend, and compared to myself, one of the only intellectuals in our school. She understands me and my logic. I invited her because I appreciate her being such a great person, a great friend that bonds my heart and soul together. I need not a girlfriend, I only need friends. They alone fill me with contempt and are the only shining light for me in this devastated world of corruption and despair. It seems you are becoming a bit too not let it overtake your mind, for it will in the end cause despair for you. And of course you can come as well, if you wish. You should have just asked with becoming so enraged, since it seems you are a bit irritated.


I suggest you re-read the beginning to the end of the posts then.


#1 philosophical rule: assume nothing. If you actually read you can see the solidified logic, for they are actual facts. People do act in such a way, and the world is corrupt. That is a fact.

179 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-17 02:03 ID:Heaven


>Sex isn't need in a relationship.
>Bingo. Entirely true.

Think what you want, but I think just about 100% of all marriage counselors would disagree with you!

180 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-17 02:55 ID:Heaven

They are corrupt

181 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-17 03:19 ID:Heaven

ur corrupt

182 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-17 03:21 ID:3Z2UDvZ3

It matters not what a "marriage counselor" thinks, it is the fact of the matter. You DO NOT need sex to have a stable relationship. My best friend is doing perfect without it, as have so many others. You just believe in the aspect and reassurance of it in a relationship. It truly is not necessary, only with people who desire action so to speak.

183 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-17 04:34 ID:Heaven

>>172 universal moral
No such thing.

>>disdaining lust

I disagree

>>Sex and drugs are good examples.

Neither sex nor drugs need to be corrupt. If you have drawn this conclusion from your limited view I'm truly sorry for you.

>>pure sex, passion, leads to lust

Not neccesarily

Now could you please try again with a little more effort and a lot less faulty assumptions? Thank you ^____^

184 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-17 10:55 ID:KvT5omiT

Actually there are universal morals, those that every being knows is right or wrong(except those of highly immoral calibur). I mean really, if a pedophile was raping a child, would not that be corrupt? If someone rapes a relative of your's then kills them, would that not be corrupt? Yes, universal morals.

Disdaining lust is actually more or less from a religious perspective, you know, sins and all, since we would regularly not know of lust. Those who actually use their minds instead of instinct abstain from such things, because it may escalate into something much more than sex, something such as rape to the more extreme.

I never said sex and drugs were corrupt,(not trying to imply anyway. It is the people who do such things that make them corrupt. Ever heard of lust and drug abuse? Yeah, corruption.

Actually it does, if you are not in love of course. The temptation takes hold of you and drives you insane with lust. A typical, primal reaction.

No one has assumed anything. Being a bit arrogant, no?

185 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-17 11:58 ID:Heaven

>I never said sex and drugs were corrupt,(not trying to imply anyway. It is the people who do such things that make them corrupt.

Are you saying that sex and drugs are made corrupt by the kind of people who partake in them? Or that the people who partake in them are made corrupt by doing so? Either way, that's dependent entirely on a) your definition of sex, b) your definition of drugs, and c) your definition of corrupt; all three of which can and do vary greatly from one person to another. Not exactly an objective argument, regardless of whatever your point was supposed to be.

186 Name: Pms : 2006-05-17 13:32 ID:Z8jaVZ20

Sex is not a primal instinct, the act of mating may be, but sex for sex is not. Drugs were used in the early days for medical use, until people began to abuse them and became addicted to them. I think ya'll are blowing this mess out of proportion. And Ulrich, when you said "Those who actually use their minds instead of instinct abstain from such things, because it may escalate into something much more than sex, something such as rape to the more extreme." People who deal without sex usually have mental instabilities also. So I think that is you go from one extreme, i.e. no sex at all forever, or the other, i.e lots of sex constantly, then your screwed. Extremes are not needed they are there to be there and thats all.

187 Name: A**hole : 2006-05-17 18:25 ID:Z8jaVZ20

I am not irratated, but a gesture such as yours would only be appropriate if I was invited. We dont want the community to think something is going on. Happy B-day! Im not such a bad person myself.....I too think outside the box. I agree with some of your views ESPECIALLY those on C.C.. We'll have to talk sometime.....................By the way Im not possessive, just concerned.

188 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-17 20:11 ID:upfEMaY7


Are you saying that sex and drugs are made corrupt by the kind of people who partake in them? Or that the people who partake in them are made corrupt by doing so?



How very true.


Well, at first I didn't consider you going. Didn't really think about it. Although, I never said you could not come. You could if you wished to. As for the community, like I said before, society is a burden that weighs you down. Why should you care what idiots think? It doesn't hurt you, maybe your reputation, if you care about such things anyway.

That is very interesting, we may have to discuss sometime. I like a nice intellectual discussion now and again. That's great that you are concerned about your lover, but just don't be too concerned. Jealousy may overtake you because of that. And the stress is heightened. Take it is though.

189 Name: Pms : 2006-05-18 01:37 ID:zZ3MzUGN

Well its the people who partake in them. People get addicted and that makes the drugs and sex corrupt. Corruption is being immoral and making good things bad. And your morals are your own personal opinions. There is no one correct answer, its just personal opinion. No one is wrong or right, some people are just out there. But thats not the point. Point is it's your opinion, so don't down others.

190 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-18 02:29 ID:Heaven

lol I want to go to Ulrich's birthday party. I guess nobody thinks PAR-TAYS are corrupt!

191 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-18 09:05 ID:Heaven

Spike the punch, then we'll see how moral he is.

192 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 10:43 ID:9cNXac4h

>>190 Regular birthday party's, no. Maybe one with drugs and alcohol, and sex though.


Violence is just primitive at it's best. People prefer it when they can't get their way, especially when they are losing an arguement they can never win.

193 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-18 11:35 ID:Heaven

violence? what?

194 Name: A**hole : 2006-05-18 14:18 ID:vIFNC2Q4

Its not so much of what the community thinks, its what I think and feel,was just a point I thought Id make clear.

195 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-18 17:04 ID:Heaven

"Punch" is a drink. To "spike" it is to add alcohol.

196 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-18 17:33 ID:Heaven

For an opinion so often stressed as being based on facts, I'm still in the dark as to what these "facts" are.

If I may go off on a tangent for a moment, Ulrich is the ideal troll for this kind of place. Here you have a forum full of the lovelorn and lonely, desperate to find that special someone. Now here's a kid who thinks he has the whole world figured out telling everyone that the world is too full of corrupt, primitive beings to hope for a loving relationship. Couple that with a dismissal of any countering opinions and a lot of arm waving with zero concrete backup, something starts to smell funny.

197 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 18:23 ID:Heaven

>>Ulrich is the ideal troll for this kind of place.

Pretty much yeah. It's just too good to be true so he's definitely a troll. His act is a little too transparent too. If he had learned to troll properly he could have actually fooled someone that isn't entirely new to the internet

198 Name: Demian : 2006-05-18 19:29 ID:O/+lOSvL

So a troll is a person who slams out impossible but provoking thesis, and sticks with them ad infinitum just to get people confused? what is a troll, really?

199 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-18 19:31 ID:O/+lOSvL

Ulrich, how much of your post nr1 is still relevant for you after nearly 200 posts?

200 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-18 19:58 ID:3XAsf7ib

i'm 30 and now i know that love just is something to keep young people busy -like religion- so they don't go do crazy shit around.

201 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 22:11 ID:okvyZJSO


Ah, I see. Sorry for the misinterpretation. I thought you were referring to violence.

I do not drink alochol, nor do I never do drugs, and I have never done either in my entire life. This may seem suprising since you are probably going to generalize and say, "oh, you're lieing. Everyone has done it at least once it their lives". Obviously not I. I like to keep my intelligence in tact, mind you. I abstain from things that are wrong, I'm not like some typical adolescent to try such things because of peer pressure and experimentation. I know they're wrong, so why should I do it? Pure ignorance for those who do it.


You really are a moron. I would love for you to explain exactly what a "troll" is, because it surely is not me. I'm assuming it is someone who gets onto forums to start trouble and stay for no apparent reason to harass others. Am I right?

>Now here's a kid who thinks he has the whole world figured out telling everyone that the world is too full of corrupt, primitive beings to hope for a loving relationship.

I am not a child, I am an adolescent. I am not some arrogant, stubborn, and immature little brat. But that is evidently false in your "superior adult" minds, eh? Actually, they are. And like I have constantly said before, love, TRUE love, can be obtained, but it is a RARE case. True love, which is comprised of commitment, passion, and intimacy which is based off of Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory; this is also known as consumate love. If all of you are talking about love(not true love) that is passion+commitment, passion+intimacy, intimacy+commitment and so on, then I can understand. But, as I said, lust usually has dominance over the minds of many, unfortunately.


I do not troll. That's a complete waste of valuable time. Time that is limited and irreplacable.


What do you speak of?



202 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 23:17 ID:YkoalLH6

Very true. A differentation of views does not mean one is right and the other is wrong, unless actual facts preside over these ideals. And just like an opinion is the source of many a corruption, hatred ensues from it because of different beliefs.

203 Name: Pms : 2006-05-19 00:21 ID:wTSVBEak

I hate it when people think teenage love is fake. Just because some people didn't fall in love when they were a teen doesnt mean other people can't. Love happens at any age, fake or not. And maybe a lot of teens are confused between love and lust, but hat isn't everyone. I love my boyfriend, probably more than people would think. But you don't have to an adult to be in love. Love is, like it was said in the book "The Alchemist", international. It's a smile, a look, a glance. So please, if anyone can feel happiness, anyone can feel love.

204 Name: the Jolly Javelin : 2006-05-19 00:37 ID:O/+lOSvL

To Ulrich

>I do not drink alochol, nor do I never do drugs, and I have never done either in my entire life.

According to this, you have never not drunk alcohol in your life. Haha! Just a joke to start our little lesson. I think we will have a few more after this, but I can't say for certain. All depends on your progress!

Anyways... either start being a little considerate of the people dwelling here, or be called a troll. righteously so if I might add. Just because this board doesn't scowl at you the way your mommy does is no excuse to offend everyone. Perhaps you just don't realize how your texts are perceived.

Ok. I resign. I am evil. very evil. I said something to you. many other people here are evil. and corrupt. in countless measures. and many here actually despise little children because they tend to be very right especially when talking about things that are wrong in our murky desolate little world. Truly, we are evil. EEEEVVVIIILLLL!!!!!!

BUT! maybe?... maybe maybe???.......pretty please if you please believe maybe?.... .. .maybe there's a nice person here? Someone who really likes your incomprehensible socio-babbling? (not in the way I said that of course..) And would you, Ulrich.. insult that person? you wouldn't want to, would you? No. You really wouldn't

How about a nice attitude? nononononono... even implying that everybody but you is very stupid is not nice.. and when you imply that everybody here assumes that all young kids do drugs and get stds (btw, in your post 1, aids is actually an std - thought I'd tell you).. no. that really is not appreciated.

Now hush, little boy, It's not so bad... this is a board, people can stand a little push. Ok, ok, calm... just cry out on my arm. Realizing that your inconsiderate behaviour appalled a twentysomething people from this thread is painfull. yeah. just wipe your little nosey-nose on this here handkerchief. oh, oh oh, Ulrich... what are we ever gonna do with you ??? :) But its okay now. You can go and apologize Ah Ah AH! its only four syllables! UH-Poh-le-Dzjise. really not so difficult, no, don't be scared :) I'll make a start for you:

"Hello everybody, This is painful to admit, but I just realized that my stance towards all of you was uncalled for. I have slandered against most or all of you on various occasions because I didn't realize you all are actually people. The simple black on white appearance of the text fooled me into thinking that it was the internet that was talking back to me. Also, I took only irrelevant criticisms of you in account, because I didn't know how to properly defend my views with real reasoning. So I just blatantly repeated myself ad nauseam, and, I really, really am sorry for that. I humbly ask all of you if you would please forgive my horrible behavour....."

<<especially the last sentence is vital, Ulrich, and try to get something along the lines of the first part.

and one thing.. try to refrain from using 'off of' in your text. If it even is english, its really unprofessional. Sure.. you know better Ulrich. you have your own style. When you go to college though, you'll find out that Yoda-style writing is really not thought high of. If you're trying to emulate german philosophers... learn german first. And actually read their texts. Max Weber is a good starting point, still up to date.

Don't worry ulrich, I'll always be here to guide your process of growing up. yours truly,

The Jolly Javelin

205 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-19 00:48 ID:Heaven

Stop feeding the troll please

206 Name: Ulrich Fan : 2006-05-19 01:51 ID:31LN2qTY

Time is a corruption of space.

207 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-19 10:38 ID:bwMDbbdZ




I thought you would be suprised. Like I've said, I've never been manipulated by peer pressure, even at a young age. I despised my peers because of their malice towards me. I was a sympathic soul at the time, helping others and being compassionate, but that was lost once I decided to change and erradicate such ignorance.

208 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-19 10:50 ID:bwMDbbdZ

You are a very ignorant being, now ranting against me with pathetic jokes. You, nor any other person here, besides Pms, will never understand. You are all somewhat in intellectually and ethinically baised in your own way. Engulfed by hoards of generalizations about age, and your own personal belief sensory experience is fathomable compared to personal experience.

In the end you are all pathetic and simple-minded, and just as your ancestors of past ages, you too fall into the desolate wasteland of corruption and violence, never wavering. You tear people asunder without resolve and arrogantly fortify your own walls of security. The world is corrupt, and so are you and I, for being brethren, for being a part of this pathetic race we call human beings. How open you open your eyes for a change.

209 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-19 13:57 ID:Heaven

Jeez, now who's making sweeping generalizations and assumptions about others. 9_9

210 Name: the Jolly Javelin : 2006-05-19 14:42 ID:O/+lOSvL

The jolly javelin will leave this board now. Demian won't be here either (we're the same)

Thank you all who helped in the discussion and for all your nice posts (there really were some nice posts) and good luck to you all. May you all find true and lasting love in your life.

bye bye,
Demian and the Jolly Javelin

211 Name: Ulrich!b/J5P5LN4s : 2006-05-19 18:22 ID:LHrIFV2E

>>209 It's okay if it's me!

212 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-19 23:25 ID:w/PTLi1H

it's obvious that my opinions will spawn the same ignorance and features that you all have bestowed upon my theory. The same illogical ones.

213 Name: Pms : 2006-05-19 23:29 ID:9ZlxYzig

Lets not be rash, yall. I mean quit taking peoples names. If Ulrich has been using Ulrich all this time, leave it alone. Yall can have my name if you want, its just my name plus my BF's, so its all yall. Quit being dicks. And lets not be judgemental, its not right. Your making yourself look ignorant and so are the rest of you. Lets get back to the topic, because all the posts now (except for a few) are retarded. If your going to be stupid, leave.

214 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-20 00:42 ID:OK6KY+ZH

It's a pointless endeavor. They are too primitive to listen to reason. I spoke my opinions and gave feedback to their's, so, in turn, they retaliate by acting immature and childish to irritate me and supposedly make me leave like some child. It's bad when you contradict yourself on a consistent basis. And you will all probably reply to this topic with hatred as well, bah.

I'll go ahead and cease with that now, because I wish not to be devolved down to the level of premature mentality.

215 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-20 00:50 ID:NGmYDuJM

I believe knowledge is more important than anything else. It's all a human being truly needs. I haven't necessarily read any books either, just studied various Philosophers in a Philosophy book that I purchased a while ago. Already read it, but I'm letting my English teacher read it. Unsuprisingly, I'm not stressed out, although a bit angry at times. Sometimes I am angry for no reason. I guess I might be bipolar

216 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-20 17:03 ID:O/+lOSvL

was it 'philosophy for dummies' perchance? It's good to educate your english teacher. Most likely it is the first time he ever hears about Descartes.

217 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-20 18:40 ID:W23LQ7Dp

I took Psychology class this year, and I discussed with the group about my opinions of "love". And they did not denounce that opinion. They thought it had logical relevance, and they respected what I thought, instead of ravaging it and tearing it apart like you idiots. No matter how much I continue, all of you're stubborn minds will never understand. Human beings would rather go through instinct than logic, which leads them in a corner of immoral behavior. Pitiful.

218 Name: Pms : 2006-05-20 22:42 ID:X6Vpm0wO

I dont think knowledge isnt the most important thing in the world. On the contrary, I think love is. Love helps you understand the world and understand yourself. If people love, you would learn that there is such thing as fate and hope and that someone can and could be eternally happy. Maybe I'm too gung-ho on the fact that love is real, but hey sue me. Love is real, so get off this forum and find someone to love!

219 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 00:55 ID:Heaven

The first thing they teach you in psychology class is "don't outright denounce people's ideas", because when you're a psychologist there's every chance the person ranting inanely at you is a psycho.

Here on the internet, we don't need to hide behind a layer of bullshit, because it (usually) doesn't matter if we accidentally antagonise a psycho. Here on the internet, if we think you're deranged, we don't tell you your opinion has logical relevance; if we don't respect you, we don't tell you we respect you. We tell you you're fucking deranged, and we give you no respect.

If your ego is easily bruised, you might take it as a personal affront, and complain that we're all idiots. Once you toughen up a little, though, you'll come to appreciate that on the internet people generally say what they really think, rather than what they think you want to hear.

220 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-05-21 01:09 ID:JeJ2h3Tr

lovely. absolutely lovely.

221 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-21 03:46 ID:ViWosKCj

>>215 >>217

All right, dumb and dumber.


>"don't outright denounce people's ideas"

I haven't denounced anyone. I haven't said, "YOU'RE WRONG! YOU'RE DUMB!" I respect EVERYONE's opinion, but that does not mean I will agree with you, just as you of I.

Like I did not already know this.

Like I said, I've no emotions to harden, no ego to castrate.

>you'll come to appreciate that on the internet people generally say what they really think, rather than what they think you want to hear.

I've always known this.

222 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 04:40 ID:Heaven

Ulrich admitting he's dumb? I never thought I'd see that!

223 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 06:06 ID:Heaven

You have a certain knack for latching onto a single phrase in a post, misinterpreting that one phrase as summary of the entire post, disregarding the remainder of the post (and thus its actual point), and finally replying in some manner that barely relates to the phrase you originally latched onto. It's like conversing with half-deaf parrot.

224 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 06:18 ID:Heaven

>>223 Don't ruin it for him!

225 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 06:40 ID:Heaven

>>221 "I haven't denounced anyone. I haven't said, "YOU'RE WRONG! YOU'RE DUMB!" I respect EVERYONE's opinion, but that does not mean I will agree with you, just as you of I."

Let's take a look into Ulrich's past!

>They are too primitive to listen to reason.
>I wish not to be devolved down to the level of premature mentality.
>You are a very ignorant being
>In the end you are all pathetic and simple-minded
>I was a sympathic soul at the time, helping others and being compassionate, but that was lost once I decided to change and erradicate such ignorance. (I just included this for lol's)
>I've done that for many a year (also for lol's, stop trying to type like a Brit from the 1800's)

This is really a pointless endeavor, since pretty much ALL of your posts are telling people they're wrong. Someone gives you their opinion, and you counter with your unwavering extremist opinions, basically telling them they're wrong. You might prefer to say you're trying to talk people into believing what you do. Whatever you call it, when it all boils down it's telling them they're wrong.

226 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 09:57 ID:Heaven

227 Name: Pms : 2006-05-21 19:28 ID:RNL25Tsz

Hello everyone. I'm sorry to say this will be my last post on this thread, unless we get some order here. I know ya'll don't care, but maybe it wil be a wake-up call for you to go get a life. This thread started off very well. Good posts and stuff, but now its a bunch of bullshit. We all have flaws, I do. So lets not gang up on one another. Ya'll stop picking on Ulrich, and Ulrich, stop giving them a reason to. The internet was made to connect the world together to get peoples opinions not to berate everyone about how stupid they are for having a different way of thinking. Now people, yes I'm stupid for thinking ya'll would care. But I don't care if you don't care. I'm just saying, this was a very interesting thread and people have ruined it. So everyone, I must leave you. I hope that you all find happiness. Love will one day find you and so will happiness. And to Ulrich I leave you these words. Tell these people to go fuck off and masterbate to Henti.
See ya'll


228 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 19:35 ID:Heaven

Nice try Ulrich but you still fail

229 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-22 01:52 ID:1SDhFbOZ

Well, Pms, I've pretty much give up on this thread anyway. It's not worth my time if people are constantly harassing me in my attempts for feedback.

>>228 Idiot. She is a friend of mine. Posing is for the simple-minded that have no lives.

Well, the human beings here are no better than anyone else in a specific location of the world. Baised opinions, hatred, idiocy and fluent controversy with uncompromising results. I've pretty much given up on this thread due to that.

Btw, do not be contradictory when you state something anti and you do it regardless. That's pure hypocrisy at best. All of you still have a way to go in this world, and I, for knowledge and understanding.

230 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-05-22 02:39 ID:EtL8egam

Ulrich, stfu.

231 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-22 04:02 ID:Heaven

>>229 Baised opinions, hatred, idiocy and fluent controversy with uncompromising results.

Perfect description of yourself!

>>do not be contradictory when you state something anti and you do it regardless

That's you again! You're getting really good at analyzing yourself Ulrich. I must commend you for this

232 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-22 05:21 ID:Heaven

I think we can finally let this thread die and restrain ourselves from taking this assenine arguement further. For the good of /love/!

233 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-22 05:22 ID:O/+lOSvL

come to the netherlands, you moron, or anywhere else but the US for that matter. what lowlife area are you from anyway?

>>229 is completely rite.

234 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-22 05:28 ID:Heaven

>>233 you bastard.

235 Name: 233 : 2006-05-22 18:37 ID:O/+lOSvL

ok sorry. let's not generalize the US as one single lowlife area. I actually know plenty of nice americans ;)

236 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-23 01:05 ID:Heaven

My opinion of the world…

The world is a dark wasteland. One engulfed by deception and despair. Paranoia is constant and the turmoil of the land is infinite. Human beings are inexplicitly weak. They indulge themselves is the pleasures of the world with their deceptively complacent life styles.

Life is barren. Hatred in concealed within the soul, but is usually unleashed as a hail of merciless abuse. I think only of the negative aspects of the world, for the malicious intent is much higher than the benevolent characteristics. I do not “worry” about my brethren. I only think of what they do because they ARE my brethren. The same life form. All in correlation with flexibility of emotions and behavior. Chaos dominates the land. The world. Even the universe. The multi-verse is full of various things, hatred being one of which. From a philosophical perspective, I know how the world is (yet my father thinks otherwise), which is deprived of any sense of virtue. Only the fragments of hope instilled within few people. Either individually, or those collectively in a religious sect.

Love is supposedly a benevolent and gratifying emotion. Yet, love in this world is a comical joke. Love conceals lust. Lust is the true, deceptive form of love. The whole world writhes with this thought. Human beings do not “love” one another. They wish only for gratification. Impeccable pleasure. From a worldly outlook, this speculation is highly accurate. Love is comprised of three components. Passion, commitment and infatuation. A true love that is difficult to attain.

Religion is the major source of spite. An individuals “opinion” is the dominating factor. Various Religions dislike one another due to their principles or opinions of one another. I highly disapprove of Religion because of this. The only thing I believe in is God; nothing more or less. The destructive properties of one’s opinion can be devious.

Well, from analyzing this information you may come to the conclusion that I am an enigma, or that I am problematic. That prediction is obvious though, and I myself occasionally think I am insane in this corrupted world at times. My sympathy for my fellow brethren has been eradicated, with the exception of my comrades. My loyalty does not waver.

237 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-23 06:12 ID:Heaven

Thanks for sageing at least, but please, go away!

238 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-23 17:20 ID:O/+lOSvL

I am happy today. I was happy last week. Most of my life I haven't felt bad. So I must be living at a sunny spot in that dark dark wasteland.

In my whole life, I don't think I have really been deceived more than 10 times. Despair and paranoia can be deceived to go elsewhere.

Brethren is not a word in my vocabulary. If love is a comical joke, I want it even more. I love jokes.

239 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-23 19:20 ID:Heaven

>>238 you should think just like Ulrich because he understands the world unlike your ignorant self.

p.s. sage please ):

240 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-24 10:59 ID:DhKGmRFd

>>1: With those preconceptions, you will never find love

241 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-24 11:12 ID:Heaven

gtfo nub

242 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-25 16:14 ID:VakYe9zi

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Aristotle, Plato and Socrates were all men with opinions, which not everyone agrees with. You placing them on a pedestal shows how polarized and subjective your "logic" is

243 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-25 23:04 ID:Heaven

sage sa-sage please sage

244 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-26 09:05 ID:Heaven

Sorry to burst your bubble, but that was posted months ago, and the discussion has since moved on. You bumping the thread to reply to it shows how you didn't bother reading the thread, and thus how irrelevant your "comment" is.

245 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-09 00:34 ID:O/+lOSvL

thesis: there is no theory of love, just as there is no theory of cow or theory of daffodil. There can only be a definition of love. However there is room for theories on successfuly pursuing, growing and keeping love.

246 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 08:25 ID:GA+moQEW

thesis: >>245 is trying to sound smart without being smart.
conclusion: he fails

247 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 14:48 ID:Heaven

thesis: if a thread has gone to shit, have the courtesy to not bump it if you absolutely must add your witty retort. (enter "sage" in the link field)

248 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 16:06 ID:O/+lOSvL

so threads cannot be revived?

249 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 16:46 ID:Heaven

no no no no no I never want to see this thread again!

250 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 16:46 ID:Heaven

>>248 nobody wants this thread to be revived

251 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 17:07 ID:Heaven

needs more sage

252 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 20:25 ID:Heaven

253 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-11 05:56 ID:GzM6uCgw

what is sage?

254 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-11 06:42 ID:Heaven


255 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-11 08:35 ID:O/+lOSvL

I've been wondering what this sage thingy is too.

256 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-11 13:14 ID:Heaven

>>247 explained it perfectly. lern2read, and stop bumping this thread.

257 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-12 14:05 ID:Heaven

witty retort

258 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-16 13:13 ID:63I22VK2

what is bumb? sorry im new to this internet thing

259 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-16 13:58 ID:Heaven

Bump is when a thread is sent to the top after someone replies. Putting "sage" in the Link field allows you to reply without sending the thread to the top.

For a thread that has gone to crap like this one, that no one wants to see again, it's polite to sage your reply if you absolutely have to reply.

260 Name: Cactus Tree : 2006-06-20 03:13 ID:Heaven

HEs rIte GIZe I thinK Ur AlL DuM BeCAZe U CnaT SaHGeY, WaHt NoObZ

261 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-13 10:45 ID:jTy+JT3K

well, everyone reflects his personality and complex... if you dont have that desire for love and stuffs like that, then why you live???
just ask yourself.. you have a period of time to live, and no one is emortal.... then the love that you will grant or you will be granted will live forever...

262 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-13 19:31 ID:Heaven

why did you bump this god awful thread!!?!?!?

263 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-19 19:23 ID:Heaven

Baby, don't hurt me, no mo'

264 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-23 12:39 ID:Heaven

Baka baka bleak dispair
neko neko everywhere...

needs more permasage

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.