Intelligent Females? (37)

4 Name: Dan : 2006-05-03 05:43 ID:Qwq8DWVS

Let me tell you since you are willing to persue a PhD, its just this simple, Women are like abacus' that are broken and only posses one row of beads. On the left you have beauty and on the right you have intellegence on the left. Extremes of both are valley girls and women whom are very smart but don't feel that social interaction is needed(nerds) thus don't take care of one's self appearence. Some women have more beads on this rung then others(not all women were created equal, have more beads and may surpass other women in both beauty and intellegence), but women choose to position these beads according to what they value more intellegence or beauty. I my past I have come across about 4 women that have managed to perfect this balancing feat, so don't get your hopes down they are out there, you just have to look. Just remember that women can change(if that sound rude or manipulative i don't mean it that way) and if you find someone don't let them go because I find that these women are too far apart and should be pursued. Cause you dont know when the next one will show

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