How do you tell a guy is attracted to you or just being nice and friendly? I'm a terribly shy girl, so I often blush and look away when a guy even looks at me... so any advice whatsoever would be much appreciated.
don't worry, you'll find that out soon enough if you give it a little time. You wanna know real bad? in that case you'll have to try and talk with guys more... or allow them more to talk to you! smiling and an open mind to contact will do the trick. Difficult though...especially in the beginning. so good luck.
This reply was from a 20yr old guy, I believe you will receive many many other replies!
so I often blush and look away when a guy even looks at me...
thats probably the cutest thing ive ever heard, thats so anime cliche, yet cute anyway.
talk to some guys more, thats all, ull get some exp and learn alot more.
Make sure you go to easy areas first, if you die then you lose XP and gil.
Seriously, though, most guys will ask you out or something if they're really interested. I do! Also look for guys that make an effort to see you or who talk to you only even though there's other people in the room, etc etc.
Guys who are interested in you are guys who are willing to go out of their way to make you happy and because making you smile is what gives them happiness. At least, that's how I think. I'm an 18 year old guy btw.
How to tell a guy is attracted to you?
Look dowm there... you know ... is it hard?
Sorry but just look at the mirror. It will tell you a lot. Truth hurts.
a greater number of details is required for an analysis.
>>7 Just because you can't live looking at yourself, doesn't mean everyone else is as ugly as you or whatever creature gave birth to you.
If he covers his penis area with a folder or other item when he talks to you, he likes you!
If a guy wants to talk to you, he likes you, at least a little bit. The important thing to learn to pick out is which ones like who you are and which ones want to get laid.
Guys lets get back on a topic and give more helpful ideas?
As said before if a guy is interested in you signs are:
-He will go out of his way to see you or to talk to you
-seem to help you a bit more than a normal friend would like really go out of his way
-Compliment you
-Random acts of kindness?
-buying you stuff is a big sign (though overdoing that can make the guy look shallow)
I'll add more later
>>7 is some extent, but an ugly girl who knows many men will have better luck than the beautiful girl who does not know any. The reason why the ugly girl would know many more men is because she would have to try harder to get their attention, while the pretty girl tends to expect men to just come to her. Men will not always do that because her beauty can be intimidating. So, maybe they will go for the ugly girl because she is easy and desperate.
The easiest way to know if a guy likes you without asking is how he looks at you. So, when a guy looks at you try to return the look and notice the expressions in his eyes. Is it because you were talking too loudly so he decided to see where the horrible noise came from or is it because he finds you pleasurable to look at? I think it is pretty easy to notice the difference.
I could be wrong but judging a man's eyes has yet to fail me.
If I guy likes you he'll make an effort to speak to you. Be aware of distant staring. Most guys will try to make you happy because they'll feel happy when you are.
If you've never spoken to the person then the only thing he can like you for is your looks. If you are interested in someone you should try to spark up a conversation to get to know each other better. I'm sure there are lots of guys that can like a girl for just her looks but I think the crowd here (and probably quite a few men in the real world too) need something more than that. Even if you're not hot you can easily charm someone with a great personality and personally I think a decent looking girl with a nice personality and cool interests is way better than a gorgeous airheaded girl
If he's stalking you and holding up a stereo outside of your bedroom window, he's probably attracted to you.
Either that, or he's your crazy uncle Bob. You've got to do something about that guy.
Learn to relate to guys on a friendly basis, and don't see them all as potential dates. We all hear about guys who have that mindset.
I used to be like you too. Infact, I still blush easily when I'm being teased, but at least I don't feel awkward when talking to guys now. I think the best advice is to make guys aware of your presence instead of waiting for the signs. By this I don't mean undergo a complete makeover, but at least start talking to guys and finding some common points. I find that talking about things they're interested in catches their attention especially. Make sure you have your own opinion though, rather than laughing aimlessly at whatever they're saying, otherwise you'll make yourself out to be a bore.
some guys can't really talk when they see a girl..
if they are willing to say something they are stuttering. or their voice is just changing from normal.(like getting really high)
uhm..they are looking at you.. like whenever your around and just gazing in your eyes. or fast turn away when you look back..
they probably have more info bout you, than you can think of :P
(telephone, mobile, adress,a lot of pics bout you.. but you won'tfind out ;) )
but I guess most boys can get control over their feelings not to show you anything unless they think it's right.
they should be interested in you though..
ok wtf my post got deleted?!?!?
>>20 they probably have more info bout you, than you can think of :P (telephone, mobile, adress,a lot of pics bout you.. but you won'tfind out ;) )
hahaha, oh wow
There is so much shit going on that there's no way to tell how people will react if they're interested in you. People are not predictable machines. Some dudes are so shy that they'd never even act interested in you even if they had a huge crush. Some are such the opposite that they'd seem to be flirting even if they wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole.
It's all about getting over your own neurosises and just asking.
Fuck that. I'm going to keep it all in and die a lonely bitter old man.
uhhhh what. i think we have a stalker in our midst!
>Some dudes are so shy that they'd never even act interested in you even if they had a huge crush. Some are such the opposite that they'd seem to be flirting even if they wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole.
Yeah... I, for one, have done both.
Your not a mind reader.. Dont try to tell if a guy likes you because everyone is diffrent sometimes they'l tell you sometimes they wont it's pretty extraneous but, go by your feelings most of the time you can tell if they like you, the guy your interested in, he will give you many hints. The look in there eyes, touch, smile. These are good signs but dont force youurself on him.
I'm only a 14year old but go by my advice
Yeah that's pretty true. It really depends on the guy and his personality. Some guys are really obvious about their intentions (whether purposely or not), where as other guys are impossible to read. I personally like the hard to read guys, because you don't exactly know where you stand with them. In my experience, they are often more perceptive of your feelings. The easy to read ones on the other hand are quite often hopeless romantics who are bad at reading others.
Guys are pretty easy. Make a judgement on wether you're in the same league, appearance-wise. If you are and if you're interested, find out if he has a girlfriend. If he does not, get to know him. Once you know him, and unless he has a hueg fucking crush on someone else, it's already settled. Just make a little push and he's done for, in case he's too shy to make one himself.
Guys are more happy to be with someone at all and cares less about who it is. They will start to like you for what you are, instead of chasing after some preset idea of the ideal woman.
If he looks over at you in class, tries to talk to you, heart rate increases when he wants to talk with you, tries to contact you through any way he can, presumes to be shy around you, he probably likes you.
>heart rate increases when he wants to talk with you
how can you tell?
veins on his face asplode
When mine are going off, they're audible.
That aside, I think the easiest way to find out if a guy likes you is to find an excuse to touch him. Find a way to "accidentally" touch his arm. If he doesn't move away, or if he moves away only as a reflex and then accepts it, then he likes you. If at the same time his pupils dilate to the size of marbles, then he likes you a lot.
The pupils are probably better since it's harder to fake it or prevent it.
Just walk up to them and feel their pulse on their neck. If they ask what you're doing, just say, "Checking to see if you're dead."
Pupils dilating? I didn't know that was noticeable...
I spose you could only tell with blue-eyed guys..
Pupils are psychology 101. They tell you a lot about whats going on in the mind.
Well to be fair, yeah, you can't see the pupils if their eyes are black or dark brown. Which rules out this strategy for myself as those happen to be the eye colours I find hot.
this is relevant to my interest. explain please.
I think in terms of attraction, if you see somebody you like/love your pupils get bigger. They also do this in the dark, which is partly why places like bars are darker, so people's eyes get bigger and they are in the mood for meeting romantic partners (and buy drinks)
hello i am yamada i am densha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>35 larger and faster chest movements when they breathe.
Well it's like the feeling is associated with your eyes getting bigger. It's like if you smile, you can make yourself feel happier just because its a motion associated unconsciously with being happy.
the best ways to tell someone is attracted:-
Raises there chin so you can see more of there throat
Eyes dialate.
Stares at you(Including mutual staring).
Blinks at a similar rate to you.
Draws shoulders back, may include hands on hips in pockets etc.
tries to make you smile/smiles when you do.
Bites there lower lip.
If they feel intimadated, drawing feet closer together. (Including shy)
Mimicing your reactions.
Quick to react to when you are speaking to them.
These seem to work whether male or female. (Straight or Gay Attraction)
If someone is shy when they are around you this is a good sign :)
Good Luck
Also one thing about lips is that if they look at your lips and have their mouth slightly open (when not talking) it's indicative that they would like to/are thinking about kissing you.
Eyes dilate? That's absolutely stupid. Your pupils dilate or contract in response to light, some drugs, and nothing else. Emotion has nothing at all to do with it.
But going out of their way to make extensive eye contact, or looking at you when you're looking away, are often signs of attraction.
> Your pupils dilate or contract in response to light, some drugs, and nothing else. Emotion has nothing at all to do with it.
Emotion has a lot to do with it. When you're excited (ie: object of your affection is infront of you), your sympathetic nervous system (which deals with stressful situations) takes over. As a result, one of the automatic reactions would be the dilation of the pupils. On the other hand, when you're bored, laidback or relaxed, the parasympathetic nervous system takes over, and pupils will contract.
Actually, it can be based upon emotion. When you look at someone you love your pupils will dialate. And when you look at someone you hate, they will dialate also. Someone also said you won't be able to tell with brown or black eyes, well, you can if you look hard. You just have to look harder than normal.
I guess you never heard about how hormones are natural drugs. Calling something absolutely stupid and saying even more stupid things is... well... nevermind.
Adrenaline, do you know what it is? Amongst so many others.
Without even going to what >>52 is talking about, the chemicals your body naturally produces will lead to such reactions. Also, increased sweating and heart rate, increased focus, rate of thinking, and such.
And the natural response to emotions is secretion of such substances.
When I like a girl...
... I tend to act like a dumbass...
...that's because you are a dumbass...
He is, but usually he acts like a nigger.
>>55 How do you deal with the nervousness when you're around someone you are attracted to? I can't stand it.
UR UGLY JUS ACCEPT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More boobz plz.
maybe but i think the girl is making the boy feel comftable, not happy
when i like a girl, i make her happy, when i dont like a girl i just make her laugh. no differences?
most important if you caught a guy staring at you, BINGO!
is he interested if he comes to my place and we kiss.. or is he just another lurker?
I have no idea whether the boy contributes to any forums, anonymously or not, or if he just reads threads as you imply...
But kissing is generally a good 'tell' that a person digs you.