Get a date - get a partner (15)

5 Name: Demian : 2006-05-28 21:26 ID:piDNFY2V

Thanks, nr >>4, I like that definition. I agree that it is best to leave in the open if you have a date, at least when you're not so close yet. Anyway, I live in a city with a guy/girl ratio which is positively skewed and I have plenty opportunity to meet girls in my life (which I do)

I also agree that the best way is not to appear in need of a partner, because a 'I-need-you-but-you-don't-need-me' relationship is quite appalling.

I'd rather not hear any more advice with the sentiment of 'just be a man and ask her already,' but instead some encouraging proof of why that actually works, or at least someone's positive experience with that method. In that way, I will have more strength to do it. Thanks in advance.

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