Acting clumsy (10)

4 Name: Heta otoko : 2006-07-12 11:31 ID:sMy65MjX

I asked her "does it feel good?" and she replied "yes" and "you're starting to do it right" but her face was emotionless. I don't know if she enjoyed it...
You know... I tried to find her clit but despite my knowledge of anatomy I don't think I've found what I was looking for...
I think I have so much to learn. Once she told me that I'm a good kisser. Well, maybe but I've only kissed 3 girls in my life, including her.

My cousin (who is female, older than me and already has family and kids) told me to drink something before these practices to suppress these thoughts and to be casual. Do you think this should work? Usually I don't drink, only on special occasions and sometimes a beer on a hot day.

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