How do I reject my "nice and funny guy but not a potential BF" - status? (59)

13 Name: 電気男 : 2006-07-25 04:07 ID:iZ03H88P

What many of us nerd/geeky folk have going for us is being nice people. The problem is that most women out there are looking for the well balanced men, but can never resist that bad boy jerk complex. This isn't because they like men to be mean to them (although I've found women kind of like it when you poke fun at them), they like how confident these jock/jerk types are. If you can balance being confident and nerdy, then you shouldn't really have a problem and are probably talking to the wrong women.

I'm 20 and I got involved in my first relationship ever about a month ago. I luckily found a girl who was attracted to me both in personality and looks, though I'm not the best looking guy IMO. We share a lot of similar interests, and have similar moral and politcal values. And you know how I met her? At a club devoted to Dance Dance Revolution. In other words, being nerdy isn't a problem at all, if you know where to look.

It sounds to me like the OP and 7 have confidence issues. Its easy for me to say "feel better about yourself and stop moping", and its up to you how you want to accomplish that, but its what you have to do. 8 is absolutely right, women don't like whiners. I used to be exactly like you in that I thought I was pathetic and felt bad about myself, but then I stopped caring as much about what people thought of me. It turned out that I developed a personality of my own that seems to have worked.

Wish you luck. My advice is to keep doing the things that make you happy, plenty of fish in the sea and all that jazz. You'll find the right one eventually.

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