Now I got my Densha-style topic.... help!!! (60)

48 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-08-19 06:03 ID:Hz16Wgxf


I agree to this having friends to aid you and all, but the fact remain is that, well lets start with me, I don't have friends, neither does he as he said so himself. I'm willing to go out, but the thing is I can only go out by myself since I don't have anyone to go out with. Unless I know someone and he/she is willing to introduce his/her friends to me, in that case I can make friends easily. What makes it hard by befriending people is that they blush you off or ignore you simply because they don't know you. Plus many factors that they choose to not befriend you, if they do mostly they just look at you as an aquaintance, people that just say "hi", and other greetings and thats it.

I'm aware of advice that tell you look for people who are into the same interests as I am, but I can't seem to find them. I'm an otaku obviously, and I can't simply change myself to like things I'm not into.

I'm in Australia and live in Melbourne, I have two choices, either join an anime club in one of the Universities in my area, or join a church.

As for anime club, I mostly worked on Saturday and sometimes Sunday, I just finished worked today, Saturday, but I don't know when the club runs, if on the weekdays , I have to work and I don't know when the anime club meeting starts, and sometimes I have some shift to do at the evening and finish late at night, and driving between my home and the clubs may take time after I finish work and rush to my home and clean and eat before I go. If I go to church, most of the time I work on Sunday mornings, I'm guaranteed only available on Sunday evenings and night, and sometimes weekday evenings, and maybe saturday evening. I worked between 40 - 70 hours per week depending if I get called on nights, if I don't its between 40 - 60.

>>47 it seems like you have a good social life, what do you do in your life?

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