Solution-less problem? (67)

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-30 08:37 ID:Q8jEkvoG


> 1 Provide proof that god exists.

Well, in my point of view, I just look around in the world. I see all the huge diversity of nature, I see all the complex relationships between living things, I read about the complex working mechanisms of our bodies and I just conclude that all this stuff just cannot be the result of merely random changes.
Some intelligent higher power must exist!

As a programmer, I know very well that if you randomly change a program's code the result will be crap most of the cases. The same goes for DNA as it is a storage of information, just like the bytes in a program's code.

That doesn't mean that I deny the evolution theory completely but I just cannot believe that all the advanced life forms were developed from single celled amoeba like creatures by random changes.

This alone is enough proof for me that God does exist.

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