The hypothetical attraction (48)

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-19 19:14 ID:T5p86wMs

It is done, I guess.

I wrote "I'm sorry if I've perturbed you. I was looking a your hair, it was distractingly beautiful." I feel like a liar already. I probably should have never posted any of this. It will be the death of our unborn relationship.

I handed it to her after class, after having tried to remove an ant from my arm for 30 minutes. At that point, I hardly cared what her reaction was, I just wanted the ant off. I said "here's the notes," she looked surprised, so I explained that perhaps he might have written some things on the board that the powerpoint didn't have.

Then I walked to the water fountain to pour water on my arm to get the ant off, and I saw a huge water beetle in the first fountain, so I moved to the second. The ant still would not come off, and I had water all over my arm and pants. She came up and got a drink, and the splash from her emission scared the bug and it flew into her face. Then she perked her brow and smiled, and I sort of shrugged my entire body, so she proceded to the bathroom, holding the letter folded inward so that she should have seen my note on the back, and I ran away.

No, this was not a nightmare. I'll keep you updated. I can probably ruin it from here on my own, thanks everyone.

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