The differences between boys and girls... (35)

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-25 19:37 ID:fgIyYEeG

I must say it shits me sometimes when a girl traps you in a lose-lose situation. Key example:

"You never buy me flowers. Why don't you buy me flowers? Why don't you surprise me?"
(a week or two later, surprising the girl) "You're only surprising me because I told you to."

My other favourite one is when girl is annoyed about A, so starts attacking you about B, when all she really wants is for you to cut her argument off at the pass and for you to say "What you're really angry about is A, isn't it?", at which point all animosity melts away and you've dissolved the conflict. WTF? That one still catches me out.

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