The differences between boys and girls... (35)

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-21 16:36 ID:PY4CQGD4

Also, some girls like to play the diva. I'll tell ya a funny story that I won't forget.

I went with a girl by train to some office where she wants to exhibit the photos she made. Well, she asked them, and we start to head to the train station back. Everything seems normal and we're talking, then, when we're maybe 10-15 meters away from the station, I see the train arriving, so I start to walk faster and urge her to do the same. She bitches about her shoes, how uncomfortable they are and that she can't run. Now look here, unless you have a gaping flesh wound on your foot or your foot is fucking broken, there is no excuse to walk a bit faster just 10 damn meters to reach the train. So I walk forward a bit, she tells me that I should just take the train, I say, like most normal people would expect "No, we're gonna make it, just walk a bit faster, dammit". I just into the train and hold the doors open for her, expecting her to arrive any second and to hop in. Around 10 painfull seconds pass, with the doors signaling that it wants to close and she only then arrives.

Oh this is good. She's standing 2 meters away from the train and says "Oh I won't make it, just leave without me". Hell no way I'm leaving without you, I got manners, and you're standing goddamn 2 meters from the train away! 2 meters! These are 4 steps! And she's standing there and I'm hating her more with every passing second, then I just out of the train because I held it up long enough already. She gets pissed at me, says "why didn't you just leave?" and leaves. She leaves me standing alone on the train station while I don't fucking understand what's wrong with her.

The moral of the story is this: tell us guys what the hell you want!

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