alone for the week-end (14)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-04 03:37 ID:i6EUTbde

Hi. I love reading things here and comment frequently and now I need some help...

The last week has been extreme hell for me. Single, have several people liking me (but choosing to stay single for now even though I'm not exactly enjoying it), have friends, whatever...Just, this week...2 close, close friends of mine are suffering from a mental illness (along the lines of depression) and are avoiding the world and need time alone. Okay, can deal with that. Then...There's a guy I like like mad and he likes me back but yay long-distance (not that, that bad, same country at least...8-ish hours away) but anyway...just got into a bit of a bad mood and he's gone for the week-end. On top of that, I've been feeling down about myself and really stressed out with college.

Basically...I feel 100% alone at this moment. I feel like there's not one person I can talk to and really, there isn't. There are a couple of other people I could talk to but they aren't around and just everything in general is complicated...

So after writing that I don't even know what my point or problem is...just...feel really, really, really alone and extremely depressed. Feel really unmotivated to do my work which is really important...What should I do >.<?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-04 03:55 ID:Heaven

Play the "I feel good" song and dance your little heart out.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-04 04:34 ID:Heaven


Your pathetic. You think you had it bad?

There are people out there who got absolutely NO ONE to talk to. It is not they wanted to be like that. They can't control others action. There are people who actually don't like to talk to those who got no one to talk to, even though he/she wants to talk but got no one just because others don't like him/her.

You feel alone even though you have many friends?


Do us a favor and go kill yourself!

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-04 06:06 ID:4KuyrgSu


indeed. at least you have people that actually like you. get off your internet relationships and just go do something with someone IRL. you've got it good already.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-04 06:16 ID:5YU/ivTY

Use this weekend to get stuff done, that needs to be done! That's what I do when all my friends are busy working and stuff. So get motivated! Run those errands that need running, clean what needs to be cleaned, do schoolwork! I know you don't feel motivated now, but think about how acomplished you'll feel once all this stuff is done. While your busy working, you wont have time to dwell on anything. You should also take some time to veg out, watch a movie and chill. Enjoy this weekend to relax and get things done!

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-05 04:05 ID:tFwySPNY


you make it sound as if people who "have it all" can't ever feel down.

it's possible to be surrounded by tons of people you aren't close with and still feel lonely. as in, have no one to express true feelings to.

but hey, >>3, do yourself a favour and kill yourself <3 why? you aren't too helpful :3 idiot.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-05 04:20 ID:chFWn0yO


Wow, way to play the misery Olympics. >>1 didn't say they had it worse than other people or anything like that. Everyone's got problems that are important to them, and that's valid.

If, for example, you get dumped by your significant other, it's okay to be upset - even though there are people in this world suffering from absolute poverty, genocidal wars, etc. Just cause someone's worse off, doesn't make your feelings wrong.

Try to have a little less perspective.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-05 06:19 ID:Heaven


She is just a pathetic attention deficit seeking sobbing bitch with no good reason to be depressed. She has yet to experience anything that yields a good reason to be depressed.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-06 10:14 ID:BS4bbn5G

Just get a good e-pal. Even if none of my real life friends are around I can always enjoy the company of my online friends.

10 Name: frigid onanoko : 2006-11-06 15:33 ID:8HyBDsOc

Frigid Onanoko sorry to hear >>1. Whether fiction or fact, FO can identify with >>1. Thinking other people might as well. No understand why so many angry reactions.

So Onanoko giving you general advice! "listen vewwy carefully, I shall zay dis 'unly wence"

me, use the 'chocoless' time when down, to protect from eating chocolate. Making you less happy over time. Also make your face beautiful (like mine hee-hee!) Oh.. maybe don't wanna have face like FO? Oh, maybe difficult at first (longrun strategy)

Also very important, more even, clean up room. Garbage out. vacuum clean and desk tidy. This make yourself ordered. This for immediate effect. Then, eat something nice for lunch and dinner. Then, go do work. Really. :( but this you know need to do.

Frigid onanoko think parents can help. Want to talk to father or mother. You trust parents? Frigid onanoko parents often say me need work hard and not do fun stuff. Then feel bit guilty because not doing that. not been doing either. But still happy to hear voice of loved persons. Maybe can even give advice. Actually, FO think parents very useful asset, more and more.

But wandering off..... good luck with studying, >>1, and cheer up some.

bye now.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-06 16:28 ID:Heaven

What country are you from, FO?

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-06 16:28 ID:Heaven

What country are you from, FO?

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-06 22:54 ID:Heaven


Are you gay?

Why the beautiful face, you put makeup?

14 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2006-11-07 04:12 ID:8HyBDsOc

Frigid onanoko remain silent about self. please.

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