Aaah! No! (72)

24 Name: TEENAGER : 2007-01-04 11:31 ID:8E4LdFTy

If this dude you really like is this really shy dude, then I guess you have to do something to strongly show that you are intrested in him.
He is scared shitless because he doesn't want to screw up [Which may lead into an utter date disaster which leads to break up/rejection (from a pretty girl) and a not so funny story to tell].
Once they understand that you want him, then they should be working harder to get you.

Sure, I am not the best guy to tell anybody to do anything, but don't settle with that "I sorta like you" thing. Love is supposed to be passionate and mutual, right?

I don't know, but maybe if you gave some information who are you aiming for, maybe we could give some better advice.

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