Aaah! No! (72)

34 Name: TEENAGER : 2007-01-05 16:52 ID:8E4LdFTy


Okay, Hol, let me get some things straight.

This dude is really shy, right? Does he act tense (as sober) around you? If yes, then it's a sign! If not, then he might be hiding his feelings.

Anyway, I'd say that you have to grab the reigns [I can't tell a girl to grow a pair] and just do it. Ask/Kiss/Torture/whatever. Get to know what he feels about you. A simple DON'T YOU LIKE ME?! should do the trick. (Man I know it does sound crappy)
Seriously, I am getting rather impatient and I want this wild goose chase to end.

Good luck, Hol!
-A soon to be 15 year old teenager.

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