Now what, exactly, does that mean? What does a woman really mean when they say "you're too nice..." or "you're too good..." (for them)?
Does it mean you're not exciting enough for them, that you're too "safe" and lack some semblance of "danger"? Does it mean they have such low self-esteem that they actually think you can do better than them? Does it mean "I'm too nice to say fuck off"?
You basically answered your question. It means that you have no spine or you lack confidence. A lack of confidence means lack of excitment and everyone wants some flavor in their life. I mean if you are perfectly secure in life, what is there to do? And also it means "I'm too nice to say fuck off"?
It depends on the context. Did she give it as a reason to not date you? To break up with you? In either case, she probably means that you're not her type, and she's trying to put it nicely. She could also have low self-esteem, but only you can be the judge of how honest an answer that would be. I personally think that most people would rather be with someone who, in their mind, is better than them. Not always in the physical sense either. It could be intelligence or maturity. Care to elaborate on your situation?
Sounds to me like she's to weak to tell you that she just doesn't want to be with you. Who cares why she doesn't, go find a girl who does want to be with you and you'll be much happier.
Soo many times have I heard that. It's not really a bad thing it's just another word for not interested but doesn't want to hurt your feelings.
agree with fate.
it means you're a pussy and never stand up for what you want, and always give her what she wants (or says she wants). which is nice, but she wants someone with some balls.
is afraid of the truth
>>7 is right on the money. Women want men with balls not someone who will give them whatever they want and be nice all the time.
Actually, pals, in can also mean that she's been in emotionally/physically harmful relationship before and genuinely feels broken or inadequate. OH EM GEE Can you believe those women are sayin' what they really mean?!
Women couldn't say what they really mean even if under threat of a shotgun to their cunts.
when they say "your too nice" it just means they don't like you that way and they don't want to hurt your feelings. It might not be because you're actually too nice or because you "lack balls". it's probably because your ugly or really boring or something.
True. While I am really fuckin' good looking, I have too many responsibilities to just go off and have fun whenever. Like caring for invalid parents, working overtime all the time at a crap job to pay off thousands of dollars in hospital bills, etc.
Sometimes I think they only way I'll ever be free to live my life is if my parents die. That sucks.
one of my best friends gave me the advice "do what must be done." if you want something to happen, i believe that you can make it happen if you want it badly enough, regardless of the situation. that's what i think.
>>17 What I hear you saying is "how can I change so this girl will like me" when really you should be saying "this girl doesn't like me, time to move on to a girl who does."
What I hear being said is that a guy is saddened that he cannot be as young as he used to be because he's grown up too fast, but has accepted this and is probably better for it. Yet still misses being young.
What I hear are birds chirping. Your point?
My point is that you are being illogical and suggesting someone continue pursuing what is futile. That's fanciful and surely a sign of someone that has never had a particularly good, functional relationship.
>>25 signed
When you pursue someone who isn't into you, or is only mildly into you, then you are only hurting yourself. I should know, I wasted years of my life with a women who, even though she married me, really wasn't that into me.
Who said anyone is still pursuing anyone? Not I.
Dude, where the hell are you getting this from? I asked a simple question of "what does ____ mean"? By asking this question I am automatically pining after her?
First, what are you drinking, and second, where do you buy it?
You're not only incorrect, you're nuts. I may admire this girl for being able to act freely and irresponsibly since that's something I cannot do myself, but then I also admire MYSELF because I AM responsible. And I have a hell of a lot of respect from my friends and colleagues for it.
I have to laugh at you for how wrong you are.
Everyone on the internet is genderless unless otherwise noted. Those without gender are traditionally referred to in the masculine.
I understand this. And I'm asserting that I am not, indeed, masculine, pal.
And, as a woman, can genuinely say that when one makes advances that are unwanted, it can genuinely creep-the-fuck-out. Me? Crazy because I suggest the OP doesn't pursue someone that just going to hurt him via rejection? Not remotely. That's altruistic, even.
And your responses suggest that the OP is pining after and still pursuing this girl who told him he is "too nice". Yet according to other posts by the OP, he is not doing so.
Check your ego at the door, child.
Thread ended with #19 misinterpreting what #17 was taling about, thereby fucking up the entire thread.
An aquaintance of mine, she keeps going after abusive guys, because she feels she's a horrible person who doesn't deserve better. She has literally said the last bit in the previous sentence, like that and in many other ways as well (yes, me and some of her other friends keep trying to boost her confidence without lies). So >>1 can mean anything from "you're not my type" to "I'm not worthy! cutcut". It very much depends on the chick.
You're too nice means you're a kiss ass and theres no fun or excitement in the relationship because you're afraid to say anything that isn't nice.
It means they know they can't love you like you love them.
Basically, she doesn't like you in that way.