Why do I have to fall in love with every guy I know? (16)

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-01 20:52 ID:Heaven

Don't blame men for your own mistakes. It's as silly as accusing people who aren't in a relationship with you of cheating on you just because you felt you were entitled to them, in spite of that you knew that there was no such deal made at all (something a male friend of mine is guilty of.
That said, do you really seriously want help, or did you just want to whine?
I'm not meaning this as an insult, but did you perhaps get put through a lot of problems in your youth? Perhaps suffered from abandonment? (no, no silly Freud here, but past events still affect people, just not incestously) And thus keep emotionally clinging onto every guy you know? I have no idea. Your short statement is very unclear. Please elaborate. If you actually want help, that is.

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