has sex 1st time, very put off, i have questions please! (50)

1 Name: sexn00b : 2007-01-07 21:05 ID:xkXUIJ6z

Hi, I'm a 16 year old male who recently (sorta) had sex for the 1st time, and i am left with so many questions as to why i found it...dislikable.
i had no idea Vagina's could have such large "Labia", it was quite scary and a turn off for me(it was like she had another set of legs lol ^_^;;), or am i imagining it? from what i gather online, this seems quite desirable?
She had pubic hair, which i have no problem with (except the one or two popped spots here was sorta a turn off also)
also, i couldn't help but notice a strange smell and taste from her Labia, i have a feeling this is normal, yet it made me feel quite sick, was this my imagination? (i almost gagged a few times)
in the end i never actually got it in,(from what i've researched i was doing it at a wrong angle?) but i settled and said "i don't think I'm ready for that yet" to avoid further embarrasment.
she's kind of a mean,bossy,selfish and jealous girl, very picky, wouldn't give me oral (which i was looking forward to :() even though i gave it to her. she's average looking, huuuuuge boobs (she wouldn't let me see them bare, i think she may have scars there so i didn't push her) i Had sex with her when she offered because i was unbearably curious what it was like.
i spent most of the time with my fingers in her, i actually kinda liked that part, it was fun feeling aroung inside, and the noises and juices are amusing. the only problem was that nasty smell! D:
overall it was a crappy experience,why was it so nasty?, was it those because those things that turned me off that i described? or is all that normal?
thanks guys, i really need you for this! pleaase!!;__;

2 Name: sexn00b : 2007-01-07 21:41 ID:xkXUIJ6z

anyone please? i really need some thoughts on this!

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-07 22:06 ID:Heaven

you're silly.

4 Name: sexn00b : 2007-01-07 22:10 ID:xkXUIJ6z

wh-why? O__O

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-07 22:15 ID:Heaven

hey cmon, it was his first time.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-07 22:19 ID:Sbrb8d2t

The reason why it was so bad was because it was your first time and it sounds like you did it with the wrong girl. It will get better for you.

7 Name: sexn00b : 2007-01-07 22:36 ID:xkXUIJ6z

thanks, but is it definately just that? i was literally pretty disgusted by her Vagina, i don't see why it would be any less disgusting for someone i was close with.
your reply was much appreciated, thanks.

8 Name: 3 : 2007-01-07 22:56 ID:Heaven

If you can't see yourself being OK with a vagina even if you love the girl, then you have problems deeper than what 4-ch can help you with.
He didn't even really have sex, if you read the whole post. Apparently he just sucked and touched some hateful girl's vagina and now is grossed out by his actions.

9 Name: sexn00b : 2007-01-07 22:58 ID:xkXUIJ6z

harsh, but you're right. sigh.
cept i'm pretty sure i was 1/2 way in, so i'm a...half virgin? o__O

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-07 23:27 ID:Heaven

Seriously, stop being obsessed about being a virgin.
You know how penises come in a very wide range of shapes and sizes? The same applies to vaginas, if not more so. The smell may have been abnormal (as in that she was having a yeast infection or so), but it may also have been normal. I wasn't there, so I don't know.
The only thing I do know for certain that you were trying to do the wrong girl. If you don't like her (you don't have to love her at all, but FFS, at least not dislike her) then fucking don't (think of) put(ting) your dick in it.

11 Name: b0de_2004@yahoo.co.nz : 2007-01-07 23:42 ID:QSEgTC+2

Most teenagers go through it. Sometimes when males masturbate they see this perfect thing doing whatever the male likes and its this big wonderful mindful event.

Life isn't lived in the mind, while what you experienced is different, you will know what you like and what you don't. Sucking on a vagina is one thing some guys like, and yet some guys don't like it. Some others like sucking on a penis (be it female or male) and some don't. Some guys like the "female ejaculate" others don't. What you like now isn't a good or bad thing, don't feel that you have to not do it again because someone else might give you immense pleasure.

People have different smells, flavours, and in fact pleasurable things to do and thing not to do. Finding a Girlfriend in which you like/love will allow you to explore both your sexuality and her body. Take time, take care and be safe

12 Name: yugge : 2007-01-08 05:58 ID:3NB9osNW

Word up >>11.

Remember, many, including myself, feels sex is a rather nasty thing to do. And couldn't imagine myself doing it with someone you do not love. When you are in love with someone, and you get feelings...feelings you really cant controll, that makes you want to be close to the person, show them that you care, then it becomes a whole diffrent story, and it becomes wonderful.

You might have to consiter that her hygiene wasn't up to it too..

13 Name: fart man : 2007-01-08 11:04 ID:DSWHoUWn

well as for sex, ur imagination is always better than actual, and this would be an answer.

however, talking of whether or not Libras stink, its all depends on a person. some stink, some dont. so if u dont like the smell, bad luck. or if she takes a shower before having sex, that might help.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-08 11:38 ID:Heaven

The sex I have is better than my imagination, yet I have a very vivid imagination... IMO it's more of a matter of mental maturity, interaction and experience.

15 Name: fart man : 2007-01-08 11:58 ID:DSWHoUWn

it's more of a matter of mental maturity, interaction and experience.

i agree.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-08 12:35 ID:TPABrJIj

>>1 if you think you can't make entry at right angle, then next time you have sex with another chick, pretend to give her the lead

17 Name: fart man : 2007-01-08 14:52 ID:DSWHoUWn

if u dont like the smell of her Labia, then try to eat smelly food every day so that u can get used to the smell much quicker.

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-09 01:51 ID:TPABrJIj

or just don't give her orals

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-09 04:48 ID:ABv2I/XV

I think smell/taste is a common problem. I've never enjoyed the smell/taste of a girl so far, but I've liked everything else about vaginas!

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-09 05:42 ID:f1nK4dqE

I love going down on my fiance, I don't know why but I love the tatse and the smell, she keeps herself very clean. and something about how she squirms when I get her close, she holds my hand and gasps for joy when she comes, it just drives me wild. what can I say, she makes a good breakfast treat :)

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-09 14:30 ID:TPABrJIj

Please, leave the descriptions out of here. It's cruel to us single guys who have no girl

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-09 14:40 ID:BBMcLHQO

Maybe you just weren't horny enough.
If you loved a girl enough she'd smell like roses.

23 Name: fart man : 2007-01-09 14:47 ID:DSWHoUWn

[If you loved a girl enough she'd smell like roses.]

u r dreaming.

24 Name: fart man : 2007-01-09 14:55 ID:DSWHoUWn

ok put it this way. suppose >>1 was a girl, and she had a boyfriend.

"if u loved a guy, his cock would smell like roses"

would u still say so? i doubt.

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-09 16:24 ID:xl9J8g9N

It's a freaking genital area. Did you expect it to smell like daisies in the springtime?

26 Name: sexn00b : 2007-01-09 20:15 ID:jeaU63xK

no, i didn't really expect a smell.
although i heard that there's supposed to be some kinda slowly secreted fermones that are supposed to turn you on more?

27 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-09 21:36 ID:uzW8G/NC

From the sound of things, I think that her hygiene wasn't up to the usual standards...

My advice is to stay away from tramps...

Especially on your first time...

You mentioned she had spots down there?

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-09 23:19 ID:BBMcLHQO

I wasn't talking literally. It's just as >>26 said, if you're turned on enough..

29 Name: fart man : 2007-01-10 11:23 ID:DSWHoUWn

[if you're turned on enough..]

if shes turned on, her Labia stinks worse.

30 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-10 15:32 ID:BBMcLHQO

My point still stands.

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-10 19:22 ID:Heaven

If her labias smell, it's a matter of poor hygiene. If her vagina smells, it may be a matter of poor hygiene, or bad diet/infection/etc. The mucus in the vaginal canal does have a scent/flavour, but it's normally quite tolerable, and sometimes rather tasty, and thus fully acceptable to wind up getting some on your tongue. Compare to the flavour of precum/cum: it's quite tolerable/not at all bad normally, unless the person smokes/has a shoddy diet (fastfoods, etc)/other problems.

32 Name: fart man : 2007-01-12 02:13 ID:DSWHoUWn

it might be true. actually, ive never tasted such smelly Labias before.

33 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-12 02:21 ID:Heaven


I surprised you tasted a labia. I thought the saying was "Once you suck a dick, it sticks you"

34 Name: fart man : 2007-01-12 02:33 ID:DSWHoUWn

["Once you suck a dick, it sticks you"]
have u ever tasted ur boyfriends cock? and did "Once you suck a dick, it sticks you" already happen to u?

35 Name: he-man : 2007-01-14 00:16 ID:89PIlwBN

the flabby labias is just fucking disgusting, and now u say it stinks lyk shit? Dunno why any guy wudd ever go down on sumthin so nasty

36 Name: L.O.V.E.S.U.C.K.S : 2007-01-14 07:25 ID:jmLKrHpS


37 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-14 08:22 ID:Heaven

Please sage if you're going to give such replies to threads. Thank you.

38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-14 09:07 ID:Heaven

Aren't you a girl?

39 Name: NANA : 2007-01-15 06:09 ID:OAeYvqNT

There MUST be some serious hygiene trouble down there. From my own experience, if you shower twice a day, not forgetting to soap (at least thrice a day) and always use toilet paper down there, there should be ZERO problem. Just the natural scent, but no shitty-smelling stuff at all.

I think diet does NOT really matter, as long as you keep yourself clean.

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-15 07:57 ID:Heaven

twice a day, wtf? thrice a day, wtf? if you need to wash that often, hon, your diet is seriously fucking messed up.

41 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-15 10:36 ID:Heaven

Lmao I totally agree. On hot summer days I will shower twice, but other than that my skin gets so dry. Also, how do you soap without showering o_o.
You're not actually supposed to scrub down there that often you know. You're killing all the good bacteria (totally serious), making it easier for rashes and infection.

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-15 14:34 ID:Heaven

Well, they're not supposed to scrub inside. If that's what >>39 has been doing, then that's bad. But the actual crotch area that's not the vaginal canal or too close to it is just plain (even if sensitive) skin. So, that should be fine to scrub on a daily basis, though not too roughly. The same way you should not genuinely scrub sensitive skin on your face.

43 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-15 19:28 ID:p+MSWIQQ

Dump that bitch and her disgusting vagina.

44 Name: sexn00b : 2007-01-15 20:18 ID:zk0C6WfG

I'm learning alot, thanks guys.
i can't help but wonder if it really -was- just her though, i never thought i'd ever have this kind of prob.

45 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-16 01:52 ID:Heaven

Taste your semen. No, I'm not kidding. It won't make you gay.
Now, that flavour is not the taste of semen. That is the taste of your semen. Your diet etc is what gives it that flavour. Some have positively disgusting semen, others semen that just tastes like a slightly thicker version of salty water, and everthing in between.

The same applies to chicks, though slightly differently. The pH value in the vagina can very easily be disrupted, enabling yeast etc to hijack the area. This is why scrubbing your vagina is a bad idea, especially if you use anything beyond water. New mucus is constantly being made, though slowly. Arousal creates a lot of new mucus quickly. It's generally a good idea to clean out a bit with a little water, but it needs to be very carefully done.
Even something like cum can induce yeast infections thanks to that semen is alkaline (to neutralize the acidic nature of the mucus, to enable the sperms to survive).

see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulvovaginal_health#Maintaining_health for more TMI.

46 Name: NANA : 2007-01-16 04:04 ID:OAeYvqNT

Well, I live in tropical Asia. So people have shower usually twice, sometimes thrice a day. And yes, we do wash down there with water and soemtimes soap, when we go to the toilet.

It's maintaining good health, tropical climate-style.

47 Name: NANA : 2007-01-16 04:07 ID:OAeYvqNT

And no, NOT scrubbing at all. Just washing it. Try living in a hot tropic country, and you'll see what I'm talking about. It feels like damp hot summer all year long. If you shower only once daily, well........O_O

48 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-16 05:58 ID:Heaven

Ow. I'm lucky, I don't have to put up with tropical climates.

49 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-08-25 20:06 ID:tb12nGrH

Freaky-looking HUGE Labia >>1 would have turned me off too.
I've seen women with Labia on the inside of the Vulva & other women with Labis a LITTLE outside the Vulva. But when the Labia looks like LEGS, ..forget it; no oral sex for Her! I don't want HUGE flagellating Lips, Tickling the backs of my ears.

>>46 >>47 Tropical Women (named NaNa) are Hot!

50 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-09-25 11:41 ID:Objz+SXR

LOL!!!... >>49 ..."Tickling the backs of my ears."

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