Lonely :| (17)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-09 11:28 ID:Wz0LYcZL

Guys I am really lonely. It's not that I don't have any friends or anything I do, in fact I enjoy being alone but what I really want is a girlfriend. There have been some girls who have liked me occasionally but I am way too nervous around girls not to mention we would have nothing in common. At this point I'm pretty sure there is no one anywhere near me that I could ever meet that I could actually share a relationship with. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep at night, I just want to be able to cuddle and feel a girl's warmth with someone I love. Is this too much to ask? I also have no confidence and I'm shy so it's almost impossible for me to approach any girl even if I did like her. I just feel like crying.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-09 11:40 ID:Heaven

Get friends (of both genders). THEN get a girlfriend.
A girlfriend isn't supposed to be some sort of single source of anti-loneliness. This is what breeds clinginess and obsession.
Good luck, though.

3 Name: mae : 2007-01-09 12:04 ID:IPKMZOJB


Well said. As a girl, I know that one of the biggest turn offs is obsessive clinging. It's also one of the common causes of early break-ups.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-09 14:30 ID:NIdiBl2b

Listen to >>2.

I'm like you. 18 and never been kissed :P. I'm the friend who listens to everyone else's whinging about their love life. I'm not desperate for a boyfriend, I don't cry myself to sleep either, but I do feel lonely sometimes. It's partly my own fault, I've had guys like me, but I can't reciprocate their feelings. I also tend to reserve my feelings too much cos I'm scared of getting hurt.

Having friends of both genders really helps. It's more healthy, makes you more sociable and gives you a level head (so you don't chase just any girl).

5 Name: born to suffer : 2007-01-11 22:32 ID:K8JoN6MU

I had a long distance gf for 3 months then I broke up. We kissed and cuddled a lot but no sex so I'm still a virgin. I found her on a chat for social phobics. She was so much worse off than me and so desperately depressed that in the end I couldn't bear it and broke up. She also wasn't able to break free of her tyrannical mother so we couldn't even see each other more than twice a month. So I left. I left her alone without any friend, yes she was even more desperate than me... I left just because I couldn't picture myself living with such a depressed person and I didn't think it was right nor honest to stay with her only out of fear of being alone! But shit, I'm so hopeless. Now I know why girls don't want us otakus, what it means to be a "boring person", because I was with one and dumped her myself because of that!! What a miserable condition we live, not only are we unable to find a normal partner, but we can't even stay with our depressed kind!

I should die now but instead I will go cry in my bed thinking about Ayanami Rei, yes I love you Rei.. only you can understand me.. you are always there when I need you.. and -now I must add- thank goodness you aren't there when I don't.

6 Name: L.O.V.E.S.U.C.K.S : 2007-01-14 07:29 ID:/fkMAdtt

no... that's not true... i love otaku.. really... otaku guys are much more better than guys who love wild party and have many girlfriends. born to suffer, you know what, i really want to meet otaku guy... www.myspace.com/iamaloner .

7 Name: fart man : 2007-01-14 09:15 ID:cTzC7GjF

u cant want otakulol it would be very embarrassing when u introduce him to ur friends or parents.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-14 11:16 ID:Heaven


Not if her parents aren't stuck-up twats.

9 Name: born to suffer : 2007-01-14 12:14 ID:BDvV3l1Y

>>7 u right mon, when I had that gf of mine, who was depressed anxious and phobic, I --being an uber g33k myself!!-- was very embarassed at the thought of introducing her to my friends or relatives..
I know I'm so bastard to say things like this, but shit mon, a person who could barely talk!! could barely eat something together without feeling nauseous and vomiting!! i mean.. shit.. this is no joke mon-.-' ..some ppl need love, but others need simple plain HELP... and so I left, 'cause I was looking for love, not a job as a social assistant..(<-whatever is called in ur country)

10 Name: fart man : 2007-01-14 15:02 ID:cTzC7GjF

i feel sorry for u, but i hope she doesnt feel the same way as u think of her.

by the way, i guess a lot of otaku pple arent ready to maintain good enough relationship with other pple. as >>9 mentioned above. they need simple plain help to obtain a social skill before seeking love.

Again, u cant want otakus unless u are otaku too

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-15 13:14 ID:miaHRSfb

>>10 I agreed to that. I really do need to get out of being depressed b4 I find a gf. But it's so a catch-22!!! plus I need to be able to hang with a girl and not cling to her like Spidey.

12 Name: L.O.V.E.S.U.C.K.S. : 2007-01-16 14:48 ID:aUBz+jH6

not all otakus are wierd looking...

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-16 23:48 ID:hcHgCCBg

I am 20 and I gave up 2 years ago.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-17 09:26 ID:7ZJFslev

19 here, gave up when I was 12. recovered, gave up again at 15, been the same. almost 20 now. like >>11 said, i don't wanna hang to people, its not right. I too messed up internally right now to even get to know people.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-08-25 20:18 ID:JmRTFKUm

>"I am way too nervous around girls not to mention we would have nothing in common."

As you grow older (A-LONE) your testicles with make your Spine stronger. You still might be shy; but your nerves will be replaced with the desire to DO-IT ..NOW!!!
As far as: "not having anything in common" well... so what! Get a fat girl, get a dumb girl, get an ugly girl, get an abused girl, get a homeless girl, get a drunk girl, get a dumped girl, get a mime. Actually, a Mime would be PERFECT for wht you NEED right now. Lower your standards and get the nearest (available & willing) female that you can CON into your bedroom, and DO-IT.

In about a week, when your self-respect returns, you can raise your standards (a little) and go for a higher level. This is called LIFE, and it's how Humans Live. Welcome.

16 Name: CL : 2011-09-02 19:45 ID:bXfokd/p

Just keep moving forward. Despite your circumstances , let your self enjoy and try new things. I know the feeling about not able to approach girl.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-09-03 07:11 ID:n21II9Ac

Way to Necro... The last post was almost 4 years ago.

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